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Unit 7 Week 4 Day 2 Local Leaders

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1 Unit 7 Week 4 Day 2 Local Leaders

2 Build Theme Connections
Page of Our Leaders, Our Helpers How do local governments get money to pay for things in a community? What are some services that local governments provide to a community? How can people take part in their local government?

3 Build Vocabulary Connections
Connect the meanings with your differentiated vocabulary words. I= celebrate, clinic, federal, route, parade S= blossom, polite, ceremony, speeches, advertise B= applied, canceled, retires, carnival, supervisor A= debated, clever, architect, sheriff, announcement Theme Vocabulary government agree checked elect issue taxes department

4 Ask and Answer Questions
Readers ask questions before, during, and after reading to understand what they are reading. Our Leaders, Our Helpers Comprehension Strategy Ask Questions Answer Questions Page 6 Who is in charge of a community? “The government makes many of the decisions.” Page 8

5 Prepare to Read Which selection provides only facts?
Which selection has a glossary and index? Which selection characters and a plot? Reread pages 14-27, ask and answer questions Reread all pages, ask and answer questions

6 Word Study: V/V Pattern
Phonics Long /zh/ Spelled s, g, or z vision treasure measure television Word Study: V/V Pattern giant reacted meteor poem violin

7 High Frequency Words: government, money, picture, return, someone, sometimes, word Fluency: “The Library Book” (short story) Practice Page 196

8 Grammar: Punctuating Dialogue
Circle the quotation marks and commas. Read only the quoted words: Jill said, “I found lots of geese at the pond.” “Writers make decisions whey they write,” Ramon said. Add quotation marks and commas and draw a box around the quoted words: Jesse said Peter found a treasure box in the closet. I am unhappy that I lost my keys Mrs. Stone said. Jan said I found the file I was looking for. Our teacher dismissed the class Sergio said.

9 Writing: Descriptive Paragraph
View Writing Models Chart p. 53 and review topic sentence, supporting details and closing sentence. Draft: I used to spend summer days at the park playground. I still remember the laughter and the smell of sizzling hot dogs that drifted on the breeze. I loved the swings. My fingers squeezed the cold metal chains as I flew high. My hair whipped and whooshed around my face. The shiny slide was often hot from the afternoon sun. It burned, but I always felt better when I landed on the soft, cool dirt. Bouncing up and down on the old wooden see-saw was fun, too. All kids should have a great playground to run around and play.

10 Seat Work Practice Companion= p. 198, 200-201, 214
Spelling HW= ABC Order Reading HW= Monitor Comprehension Color folder, poetry book, finish any projects

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