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THE MARRIAGE OF ISAAC AND REBEKAH Genesis 24. Isaac Son of Abraham Genesis 22:3 Only son whom his father loved Son of promise Galatians 4:28 Offered as.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MARRIAGE OF ISAAC AND REBEKAH Genesis 24. Isaac Son of Abraham Genesis 22:3 Only son whom his father loved Son of promise Galatians 4:28 Offered as."— Presentation transcript:


2 Isaac Son of Abraham Genesis 22:3 Only son whom his father loved Son of promise Galatians 4:28 Offered as a sacrifice Gen. 22 Lesson: God gave His Son God provided the lamb as a substitute Jesus is the Lamb of God John 1:29

3 Genesis 24 Abraham sends his servant v.2-4 Not named Promise to get a wife for Isaac Wife not to be from Canaan v.3 Must be willing to come to Canaan (faith) v.5-8 Do not take Isaac there v.7-8 Took presents for her v.10

4 Genesis 24 Action He went to the right place v.10 He went at the right time v.11 He prayed v.12-14 Prayer Unselfish v.14 A meaningful sign v.14 Predestination of qualities for wife for Isaac

5 Genesis 24 He watched v.21 He spoke and gave gifts from Abraham v.22-23 He confirmed she is the right person v.24-25 He worshiped God immediately v.26-28

6 Genesis 24 He recounted the whole story to Rebekah’s family with all the important details to convince them it is God’s will v.29-49 Before he would eat v.33 He called for a decision v.49 The successful reaction v.50-51 He worships immediately again v.52

7 Genesis 24 He gave gifts to Rebekah and her family v.53 They celebrated v.54 He did not want to delay his return with Isaac’s wife v.54-56 She is willing to go immediately v.57-58

8 Genesis 24 Her nurse Deborah went with her v.59 The anticipated meeting v.61-65 He explains everything to Isaac v.66 Rebekah becomes Isaac’s wife v.67 He loves her v.67 Joy after sorrow v.67

9 APPLICATIONS Abraham represents God the Father Isaac represents the Son of God The unnamed servant represents the Holy Spirit of God Rebekah represents US the church (bride of Christ Eph. 5:22-33)

10 APPLICATIONS Act in faith and willingness to serve Christ We receive gifts Eph. 1:3 We bring joy after suffering Heb. 12:2-3 We are blessed We are loved ARE YOU WILLING TO ACCEPT JESUS AS LORD AND MASTER?

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