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Student Alumni Association (SAA)Training Mission: To contribute to BYU-Hawaii’s mission by developing leaders for the world. University motto: Learn, Lead,

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Presentation on theme: "Student Alumni Association (SAA)Training Mission: To contribute to BYU-Hawaii’s mission by developing leaders for the world. University motto: Learn, Lead,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Alumni Association (SAA)Training Mission: To contribute to BYU-Hawaii’s mission by developing leaders for the world. University motto: Learn, Lead, Build April 20, 2011

2 Alumni Manager Student Alumni Liaison (Pacific) Student Chapter Presidents (Pacific) Student Alumni Liaison (Asia) Student Chapter Presidents (Asia) Student Alumni Liaison (Non-Target) Student Chapter Presidents (Non-Target) Student Alumni Liaison (USA) Alumni Chapter Chairs (USA) Student Alumni Association Supervisor BYUHSA Structure and Organization

3 Student Chapter Organization Chapter President FellowshipMentorPlacement Missionary Mentor Advisor

4 President Role Must be committed to developing leaders for the world Responsible for assisting students to enforce university standards at all functions Ensure financial resources are used appropriately Sign event proposals Fosters a spirit of student leadership

5 Advisor Role Must be BYU-Hawaii full-time employee Responsible for assisting students to enforce university standards at all functions Ensure financial resources are used appropriately Aware of all chapter events and programs Sign event proposals Fosters a spirit of student leadership

6 Missionary Mentor Role Senior missionary mentors may volunteer to assist advisors in encouraging progress on mission-oriented events, such as Gospel Forums, Skype Events, Career Events.

7 Fellowship Officer Role Coordinate personal greetings of all new incoming students from student chapter country Coordinate student chapter information for new students at the Student Alumni Association Welcome event

8 Mentor Officer Role Coordinate Skype Events Coordinate the delivery of the Professional Mentorship Program to the student chapter members

9 Placement Officer Role Meet with Career Services every enrollment period to coordinate training and placement efforts Coordinate Career Events

10 Events Spring, Summer, 1 st Term 2011

11 BYUHSA SongFest Dates: May 13, 2011 @ 8pm-11pm Location: CAC Sign up with BYUHSA by May 2, 2011

12 BYUHSA WorldFest Dates: April 21-22 @ 10am-3pm Location: Aloha Center All students from home country are automatic members of student chapters Other students may pay $3 to join

13 Incentive Funds Student chapters are provided with incentive funds for participation in incentive events Incentive awards are based on the number of students from respective countries

14 Incentive Events & Awards Incentive eventsIncentive awards Skype Event (or guest speaker)$1.50 per student from country Career Event$1.50 per student from country *Applicable for the period of Spring, Summer, 1 st Term

15 Skype Events Meeting with leaders (alumni, professional, church) back home to help direct you and inspire you for success If alumni, hear their story on how they made it from BYU-Hawaii to where they are now

16 Career Events Provide skills training (resume, interview, job search) that prepare each other for internships or jobs in home country Hear from successful professionals that provide tips on preparing for a career

17 Winter 2011 Results Congratulations to the following student chapters that completed both incentive events! Africa, Cook Islands, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Phillippines, Taiwan * See handout for details

18 Event Planning Spring, Summer, 1 st Term 2011

19 SAA - Goals 1.Support basic needs of students (social, spiritual, cultural, academic, etc.) 2.Build service-oriented leaders 3.Increase connections with alumni 4.Increase in-country placements

20 Fill out proposals properly: 1.Identify at least one of the SAA goals and one measurable outcome for the event 2.Describe the event 3.If requesting media equipments clearly describe how the equipments will be used 4.Advisors must sign event proposals Planning with a Purpose

21 Scheduling Policy - General All room requests must be submitted to SAA Office on the event proposal form Do not use rooms if you have not reserved them (Tip: The Library and the Seasider are great places to for impromptu meetings) Requestor must have the reservation with them at the event in case Security has any questions. Read the reservation to make sure you are in the correct room at the correct time. Please observe quiet hours (near TVA 8pm, near Hales 10pm)

22 Scheduling Policy – Deadlines Location/Set upDeadlines Request a room (No set up)1 week Request a room (with media) *Media only available for goal-oriented events 2 weeks Off-campus events2 weeks Pool, Old Gym3 weeks Request a room (Set up) *Submit floor plan for chairs, tables, stage, etc. with proposal 4 weeks

23 Scheduling Policy – Church Facilities Stake pavilions are only for Church use and are scheduled through stake executive secretaries Please be prepared to setup for church if requesting the following rooms on a Saturday past 9pm: Ballroom, MPC 101, and GCB 185. Layout will be provided. Student Chapters privilege to use rooms will be in jeopardy if church set up is not performed according to the map

24 Scheduling Policy – Penalties Student Chapters will be billed a cleaning fee if they do not clean the room, remove the trash and put the room back in order before they leave.

25 Event Reports An event report must be filled out after every event Event reports should be filled out online New event proposals will not be processed until an event report is filled out for the previous event

26 Officer Meetings Spring, Summer, 1 st Term 2011

27 Stewardship Report - Date: Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ 9pm-10pm – Location: Little Theater – Purpose: Share report on winter semester 2011

28 Fellowship Officer Meeting – Date: To be announced (TBA) – Location: To be announced (TBA) – Purpose: Discuss and prepare ways to fellowship new international students for 1 st Term.

29 Placement Officer Meeting – Date: May 5, 2011 @ 11:00am – Location: Career Center – Who: Placement officers or representative – Refreshments provided – Discuss ideas with Career Services for career events within student chapters

30 Aloha! Questions? Next SAA Training – September 2011 Again, congratulations to the following student chapters for completing their incentive events for the past semester: Africa, Cook Islands, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Phillippines, Taiwan Contact: Spencer Scanlan (808) 675-4610 or Have a great Spring, Summer, and 1 st Term!

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