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Sidestepping the Power Struggle I Gotta be Me (temperament) Tell Me It’s a Stage The Heart of Discipline Love, Limits & Consequences Responsibility Equals.

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Presentation on theme: "Sidestepping the Power Struggle I Gotta be Me (temperament) Tell Me It’s a Stage The Heart of Discipline Love, Limits & Consequences Responsibility Equals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sidestepping the Power Struggle I Gotta be Me (temperament) Tell Me It’s a Stage The Heart of Discipline Love, Limits & Consequences Responsibility Equals Freedom Taming the Triggers Act Your Age

2 Leaders can RIP Reflect a participant’s concerns and observations Invite the participant to look deeper by asking questions Provide some practical references from the chapter

3 I Gotta Be Me Names of Family Members: Names of Family Members: Activity Level Activity Level Distractibility Distractibility Persistence Persistence Approach/Withdrawal Approach/Withdrawal Adaptability Adaptability Intensity Intensity Regularity Regularity Sensory Threshold Sensory Threshold Mood Mood

4 Group Exploration – I Gotta Be Me Break down the temperament traits and go one by one. Break down the temperament traits and go one by one. Who has a child rated over 7 on this trait? What are the challenges? What does your child need? How can you express the positive sides of this trait? How do these traits play out in family dynamics considering your own traits?

5 Group Exploration – Tell Me It’s a Stage How many of you think that your child is going through Struggle for Independence right now? What can you do to help with this process? How many are seeing signs of the Fear of Independence? What do you do to help your child feel more secure? How does understanding egocentric behaviours in children change your approach? How can you help them with their feelings?

6 The Heart of Discipline Anybody use Idle threats? Anybody nag? Draw framework and define kid issues this week. Child old enough, not a devastating consequence, not a safety issue, won’t hurt anybody else. Draw framework and define kid issues this week. Child old enough, not a devastating consequence, not a safety issue, won’t hurt anybody else. How can you still support a kid issue without over- controlling. Go through list and ask if it is a kid issue or a family issue. Go through list and ask if it is a kid issue or a family issue.

7 Love, Limits & Consequences List Family Issues on Board If you have a family issue what category do you put it under, respect, responsibility or safety? What kind of consequences can be used for these? What defines a logical consequence vs. punishment?

8 The Freedom of Responsibility Given the age of your children, what chores are reasonable? How does this compare to your childhood? Are you conscious of the stages that kids go through while learning to take on new responsibilities? Thoughts on allowance.

9 Taming the Triggers Physical?Temperament? Place or time? An event before behaviour? Maturity & Expectations? Discipline? Parental Attention & Behaviour? Other considerations?

10 Act Your Age No small group for this chapter.

11 Next Meeting Nuts and Bolts

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