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Ch 1 Connections to Algebra -variables, exponents and powers, order of operation, equations and inequalities, tables and graphs Ch 2 Properties of Real.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 1 Connections to Algebra -variables, exponents and powers, order of operation, equations and inequalities, tables and graphs Ch 2 Properties of Real."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 1 Connections to Algebra -variables, exponents and powers, order of operation, equations and inequalities, tables and graphs Ch 2 Properties of Real Numbers -addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, matrices, probability and odds Ch 3 Solving Linear Equations -adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing equations, decimal equations, formulas, rates, ratios, percents Ch 4 Graphing Linear Equations and Functions -coordinates and scatter plots, quick graphs with intercepts, slope, direct variation, quick graphs using slope-intercept, solving equations by graphing, functions and relations Ch 5 Writing Linear Equations -using slope-intercept form, given slope and a point, given two points, best fitting line, point-slope form, standard form, predicting with linear models

2 Ch 6 Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities See p384-386 for preview 6.1 Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities November 78 A 6.1/6.2 9 H 6.1/6.2 10 A 6.3 11 Quiz 6.1-6.3 A 6.4 14 A 6.4 15 A 6.5 16 H 6.5 17 D Quiz 6.4-6.5; 6.6 18 C 6.6 21 A 6.7 22 C Review 23 D Test 26 Thanksgiving 27

3 Solving one-step linear inequalities Solve x + 8 > 1 and graph the solution Solve 3 < m – 5 and graph the solution

4 When you multiple or divide by a negative number, you must reverse the sign.

5 Date assigned (due next day)Assignment Tuesday (11/8)6.1 p337-339 #22-54 every 4 th one, 55-63, 87: 6.2 p343-345 #16-32 every 4 th one, 39,43-48 Wednesday (11/9) Thursday (11/10)6.3 p349-351 #12-38 even, 46-48 Friday (11/11)6.4 p356-357 #20-44 even





10 6.2 Solving Multi-step Linear Inequalities 5x – 3 > 12 -3x + 1 < 22 -x + 1 < 3x + 21



13 6.2 p343-345 #16-32 every 4th one, 39,43-48



16 6.3 Solving Compound Inequalities

17 -5<2x + 3 < 7 6x – 5 25 Solve -3 < -1 – 2x< 5

18 The park is 1 ½ miles from your house. The mall is 2 ¼ miles from your house: a.Find the minimum distance between the park and the mall. b. Find the maximum distance between the park and the mall. c. Write and inequality that describes the possible distances d between the park and the mall.

19 6.3 p349-351 #12-38 even, 46-48






25 No two sides when added together can be shorter than the 3 rd side. No one side can be longer than the other two sides added together. x < s 1 and s 2 long side < x + short side long side < other two sides, and x < other two sides 47. 7 ½ < x + 3 ¼ and x < 3 ¼ + 7 ½ 4 ¼ < x and x < 10 ¾ 4 ¼ < x < 10 ¾ 48. 11.75 < x + 5.5 and x < 5.5 + 11.75 6.25 < x and x < 16.25 6.25 < x < 16.25

26 6.4 Solving Absolute-value Equations and Inequalities 1)Solve |x-4|=8 2) Solve |5x+1|+3 =14

27 4) Solve |3x-3|+4 > 10 3) Solve|x+6|< 8



30 6.4 p356-357 #20-44 even


32 Monday’s homework: 6.4 p357 46-48 even, 69-71, 74-84 even November 78 A 6.1/6.2 9 H 6.1/6.2 10 A 6.3 11 6.4 14 A 6.4 15 A 6.5 16 H 6.5 17 D Quiz 6.1-6.5; 6.6 18 C 6.6 21 A 6.7 22 C Review 23 D Test 26 Thanksgiving 27






38 Monday (11/14)6.4 p357 46-48 even, 69-71, 74-84 even Tuesday (11/15)6.5 p363 #16-48 Wednesday (11/16)6.5 p364-366 #50,54,60,62,64,65,66,70-73; study for quiz 6.1-6.5 Thursday (11/17)6.6 p371 #12,16,18,24,25-28,29 Friday (11/21)6.6 p372 #39,43,44,48,52,58 6.1 Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities x + 8 > 1 6.2 Solving Multi-step Linear Inequalities 5x – 3 > 12 6.3 Solving Compound Inequalities -5<2x + 3 < 7 6.4 Solving Absolute-value Equations and Inequalities |x-4|=8 |5x+1|+3 =14 6.5 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables

39 > or or < use solid line

40 Graph x < -2Graph y < 1Graph x + y > 3



43 6.5 homework p363 #16-48



46 6.5 p364-366 #50,54,60,62,64,65,66,70-73

47 Write an inequality of the graph below:





52 Graphing Calculator

53 6.4 p356-357 #20-44 even 6.4 p357 46-48 even, 69-71, 74-84 even 6.5 p363 #16-42 even, 43-48 all 6.5 p364-366 #50,54,60,62,64,65,66,70-73 6.6 p371 #12,16,18,24,25-28,29 Friday: 11/18/2011 Please have the following homeworks ready (labeled, in order, stapled and your name) to be collected:

54 6.6 Stem and leaf plots; mean, median, mode


56 6.6 p371 #12,16,18,24,25-28,29 17,8,9 20,2,3,4,9 30,9 40,5 50,1

57 6.6 p371 #12,16,18,24,25-28,29 Mean = ∑n = 161+146+158+150+156+150 n 6 Mean = 921 = 153.5 6 Median: 146, 150,150,156,158,161 Median = (150+156)/2 = 153 Mode = 150 Mean = average Median= middle Mode=most common

58 Mean = average Median= middle Mode=most common 25. Mean=∑ all shutouts # of pitchers Mean=728/10 Mean=72.8 shutouts 26. median: 110,90,80,76,69,63,61,61,60,58 median: (63+69)/2 =66 27. Mode? 28. How to make more than one mode?

59 Total income of 100 people = average income x 100 =$74,750 x 100 =$7,475,000 Total income of 99 people =$7,475,000-$5,000,000 = $2,475,000 Mean of 99 people = $2,475,000 = $25,000 99 Is the mean a fair measure of a typical salary in the town?

60 6.6 p372 #39,43,44,48,52,58 MaleFemale

61 43 a.) mean = 84+92+76+x 85 < 252+x 4(85) < 252 +x 4 4 320 < 252 +x 320-252 < 252-252 +x 68 < x To have an average of 85 or higher, must score > 68 on test.

62 Check to see if # is solution of the inequality Find the slope

63 Solve the inequality and graph the solution x – 3 -12 x -9

64 Friday (11/21)6.6 p372 #39,43,44,48,52,58 Monday (11/22)6.7 p378 #12,14,16,22,31-33,36 6.7 Review for test p384-386 #2-24 even Tuesday (11/23)Review for test MTWThF November 78 A 6.1/6.2 9 H 6.1/6.2 10 A 6.3 11 Quiz 6.1-6.3 A 6.4 14 A 6.4 15 A 6.5 16 H 6.5 17 Quiz 6.4- 6.5 D 6.6 18 C 6.6 21 A 6.7 22 C Review 23 D Test 26 Thanksgiving 27



67 Put in order: 2,3,3,4,5,5,7,8,10,11,12,12,18,23,24 Find median: 2,3,3,4,5,5,7, 8,10,11,12,12,18,23,24 Find quartiles: 2,3,3, 4,5,5,7,8,10,11,12, 12,18,23,24


69 6.7 p378 #12,14,16,22,31-33,36 Find the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd quartiles of the data

70 Draw a box and whisker plot



73 2 3 74,75,79,80,87,88,89 0,5,5,10,43,46,81 274,275,279,280,287,288,289, 300,305,305,310,343,346,381 Median: (289+300)/2 =294.5 1 st quartile: 280 3 rd quartile: 310

74 Review: p384








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