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Radio Communication SL – Option F.1. Radio communication includes any form of communication that uses radio (EM) waves to transfer information –TV, mobile.

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Presentation on theme: "Radio Communication SL – Option F.1. Radio communication includes any form of communication that uses radio (EM) waves to transfer information –TV, mobile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radio Communication SL – Option F.1

2 Radio communication includes any form of communication that uses radio (EM) waves to transfer information –TV, mobile phones, wireless internet, satelite radio

3 Radio Waves Electromagnetic wave that is created by an alternating (AC) current –Made up of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields

4 Radio communication Principle –A changing electric field must be created in order to produce a radio wave Simplest oscillating circuit is made up of a coil of wire and a capacitor The circuit will oscillate at a given frequency based on the turns in the coil and the size of the capacitor When the electrons oscillate, the waves are sent out in all directions –This is called a transmitter

5 Radio Communication A second oscillator circuit, placed away from the transmitter will detect the signal –Electrons in the circuit will respond to the EM waves and an alternating current will be produced The amplitude of this oscillation is generally very small compared to the sent signal

6 Modulation In order to send information we need more than just a signal –A single signal frequency would just be a tone The frequency needs to be changed or modulated to represent the change in data to carry an actual signal –Morse code was simply turning the signal on and off

7 Modulation Amplitude and frequency modulation are accomplished by superimposing a second wave upon the first –Carrier wave The means by which the information is transmitted –Signal wave Contains information or message to be transmitted

8 Practice Problem A carrier wave is modulated by a single signal wave. As a result of the modulation, a maximum amplitude of the carrier wave occurs every 2.3ms. Between each maximum there are 2.1 x 10^5 complete oscillations of the carrier wave. Determine the frequency of the signal wave and of the carrier wave.

9 Practice Problem Solution For the signal wave 1/fs = 2.3x10^-3 s 435Hz For the carrier wave Fc = (2.1x10^5)/(2.3x10^-3) 91MHz

10 Simple sinusoidal wave y= A sin(2pi f t) –A = amplitude –f = frequency

11 Power Spectrum This is the plot of A^2 vs f Ex y = 10sin(200pi t) + 5sin(400pi t) Power Frequency (Hz) 100 200 What is the frequency of each?

12 Amplitude Modulation The frequency of the carrier wave is constant The signal wave is used to vary the amplitude of the carrier wave

13 Amplitude Modulation Signal wave – ys = As sin(2pi fs t) Carrier wave – yc = Ac sin(2pi fc t) When you combine these two waves…

14 Amplitude Modulation You get three components - Original wave Ac sin(2pi fc t) Wave of amplitude 1/2A and frequency (fc-fs) Wave of amplitude 1/2A and frequency (fc+fs)

15 Side frequency When a carrier wave is modulated by a signal wave, 2 additional waves are actually produced –This can be shown mathematically but it is not necessary at this point –The 2 additional frequencies are then:

16 Side frequency This produces what is known as a power spectrum –A chart showing the different frequencies that make up a signal

17 Bandwidth It is defined as the range of frequencies in the modulated signal Signals, especially more complex ones (radios) often need more than one frequency to transmit information –With these and their sidebands, a band of frequencies gets taken up by each signal, this is known as bandwidth Radio stations are allocated a 9 kHz bandwidth Phones are give 3 kHz Analog TV signals get 6 MHz since they need to transmit video as well

18 Side bands If the signal wave has multiple frequencies, you have a range of frequencies to deal with Sidebands –Lower sideband (fc-fH) to (fc-fL) –Upper sideband (fc+fH) to (fc+fL) Bandwidth for multiple frequencies Δf = (fc+fH) – (fc-fH) =2fH

19 Practice Problem A carrier wave of frequency 535 kHz is modulated by frequencies in the range 50Hz to 5.0kHz. Determine the frequencies transmitted and the bandwidth.

20 Max and Min Amplitude (Ac + As) – (Ac – As) = 2As Modulated wave has a total A of 2As

21 Simple AM transmitter

22 Frequency Modulation The amplitude of the carrier wave is kept constant The signal wave is used to vary the carrier waves frequency

23 Frequency Modulation In an FM signal, the carrier wave deviates from its original frequency f by an amount  f –This is known as the peak frequency deviation –Δf = f – fc f = maximum frequency of modulated carrier wave fc = maximum frequency of carrier wave

24 Frequency Modulation An FM signal also has a modulation index –If the carrier signal f is modulated by Δf: B = Δf/f I –Where f I is the highest frequency in the carrier signal The larger the modulation index of an FM wave, the more sidebands are produced and the wider the bandwidth –In FM signals the bandwidth is equal to:

25 FM Transmissions In typical FM transmissions Δf = 75kHz and B is high, usually 5.

26 A high quality FM radio station has a frequency deviation of 75kHz and contains audio signals varying from 50 Hz to 15 kHz. What is the modulation index and the bandwidth of the FM transmissions?

27 Comparing AM and FM Bandwidth –AM uses 9kHz per channel while FM uses 200 kHz This means that FM stations are farther apart and also why they use higher frequencies Range –AM signals have a much larger range than FM due to the lower frequencies AM waves are reflected off of the ionosphere while FM signals shoot off into space

28 Comparing AM and FM Quality –Other sources of EM waves, which are all around us, affect AM waves much more significantly This is why AM stations are more susceptible to noise Cost –A simple AM receiver can be built very cheaply, while FM receivers are more complex and costly

29 AM Receiver Aerial – the antennae, a long conducting rod that EM waves can oscillate electrons in Tuning Circuit – A circuit that can be ‘tuned’ to resonate at a particular frequency r.f. (radio frequency) amplifier – amplifies the tuned signal Demodulator – removes the carrier wave from the signal a.f. (audio frequency) amplifier – amplifies the audio signal Speaker

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