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Unit 1 Star signs Grammar(II)$ Check out. 该句型常用描述人物特征的形容词, e.g. good kindnice cleverrightcareful rudewisefoolish stupidselfishcareless wrong cruel silly.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Star signs Grammar(II)$ Check out. 该句型常用描述人物特征的形容词, e.g. good kindnice cleverrightcareful rudewisefoolish stupidselfishcareless wrong cruel silly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Star signs Grammar(II)$ Check out

2 该句型常用描述人物特征的形容词, e.g. good kindnice cleverrightcareful rudewisefoolish stupidselfishcareless wrong cruel silly honestgenerous

3 ★后面能够接 …for sb. 的常见形容词有: hard/difficult ( 难的 ) easy( 容易的 ) interesting( 有趣的 ) important( 重要的 ) necessary( 必要的 ) uninteresting( 无聊的 ) impossible( 不可能的 ) possible( 可能的 )

4 A word game Game rule: Look at the following pictures, find the most suitable adjectives, and make sentences with these two structures to describe them. 1.It’s+ adj+of+sb.+to do sth. 2.Sb.+ be + adj+ enough + to do sth. Try your best. Be active!

5 generous impatient curious creative selfish energetic 1.It’s+ adj+of+sb.+to do sth. 2.Sb.+ be + adj+ enough + to do sth.

6 Subject 主语 通常由一个名词词组或代词充当。在主动语 态中主语是动作的发出者,在被动语态中, 主语是动作的承受者。 The man is driving too fast. Nobody knows him. A year is divided into 12 star signs.. Traveling in space will be easy.

7 Predicate 谓语 The man is driving too fast. Nobody knows him and talks to him. Neither of us believes the star signs.. Traveling in space will be easy. 由动词或其他描述主语成分充当。

8 Object 宾语 You enjoy life. Hobo brought the newspaper to me. My friend lends me his bike. I was born in Zhenjiang. 通常由名词词组或代词充当。一般放在动词 之后。有时出现两个:一般把指人的宾语看 作间接宾语( Indirect Object) ;把指物的宾 语看作直接宾语 (Direct Object) 。

9 Adverbial 状语 The man is driving too fast. You are selfish at times. There is an apple tree in front of the house. Last night, I couldn’t sleep. 通常由副词、介词短语或名词短语充当。根 据所表达的意思可分为时间状语、地点状语、 方式状语、目的状语等。

10 Predicative 表语 Traveling in space will be easy. The food tastes good. The flower smells sweet. I felt tired after the long trip. 通常由形容词充当。放在系动词之后。与系 动词一起称为 “ 系表结构 ” 。

11 Attributive 定语 There is an apple tree in front of the house. Amy is an easy-going person. 通常由名词或形容词充当。一般放在被修饰 的名词前面。 I have something important to say..

12 判断下列划线部分所作的成分 : 1. My cousin swims well. 2. John has few friends. 3. Sandy is a girl. 4. David buys me a watch. 5. Sandy finds Chinese very useful. 6. Suzy can make good friends easily. 7. Would you like to show us a photo of yours? 8. Is Jim a hard-working student in your class? 9. All of them are singing happily. 10. She left her office for home.

13 辨别下列句子成分: 1. She felt very sorry. a. predicative b. adverbial c. direct object 2. That is a useful book. a. predicate b. predicative c. attributive 3. Jacky helped with the charity show. a. predicate b. subject c. adverbial 4. Many people knew about the accident. a. predicate b. object c. attributive

14 5. She showed us a new camera. a. indirect object b. subject c. direct object 6. The students consider Mr. Wu the best headmaster. a. object b. subject c. object complement 7. He bought his daughter nice gifts. a. indirect object b. subject c. direct object 8. Do you want your tea black? a.attributive b. object complement c. direct object

15 Millie is reading a school newsletter. You do not give up easily. He wanted an apple. Eddie is hungry. I have many friends. The teacher is showing us a picture.

16 写出所填单词的句子成分 (6%) 。 He made the plan very _________(careful). He found his friend very _________(excite) . He told us the news __________(excite)

17 A new chairperson of the Students’ Union You are confident enough to take this job. You are brave enough to speak in front of many people. = It is confident of you to take this job. = You are so confident that you can take this job = It is brave of you to speak in front of many people. = You are so brave that you can speak in front of many people

18 It is kind of you to recommend me as the new chairperson. = You are kind enough to recommend me as the new chairperson = You are so kind that you can recommend me as the new chairperson It’s nice of you to say so. = You are nice enough to say so. = You are so nice that you can say so. More exercises

19 1. My sister is very kind. She likes to take care of others. ( 同义句 ) It ______________ take care of others. 2. David is curious. He asks his parents many questions every day. ( 同义句 ) David is _________________________ his parents many questions every day. 3. Reading English every day is necessary for us. ( 同义句 ) It’s ________________________ English every day. Can you rewrite the sentence?

20 4. To learn English is useful to us. ( 同义句 ) It’s ________________________________ English. 5. Millie is very clever. She can work out this difficult problem.( 合并成一句 ) ___________________________________________. 6. meaningful, is, help, people, in need, it, to, are, who (连词成句) ___________________________________________.

21 More exercises Choose the best word. 1 It is not good ________ (of, for) you to read in the sun. 2 It is typical ________ (of, for) Simon to make such a mess. 3 It is necessary ________ (of, for ) them to support and help each other during the event. 4It’s ____ not to listen to your preditions.( 他是固执的 ) 5It’s ______informal English and formal English. (掌握 正式英语和非正式英语是重要的) 6He is _______. (够勤奋的以致做了额外的工作) 7It’s kind of the old man to donate money to charities often.( 同义句 )

22 Homework 1. Please do the Guessing Game after class 2.Please write a letter to recommend other student as the new monitor. 3. Please review the whole unit and finish the given exercises.

23 What are the star signs? 21 st Jan-19 th Feb 20 th Feb-20 th Mar 21 st Mar-20 th Apr 21 st Apr-21 st May 22 nd May-21 st Jun 22 nd Jun-22 nd Jul Aquarius Pisces Taurus Aries Gemini Cancer

24 23 rd Jul-22 nd Aug 23 rd Aug-22 nd Sep 23 rd Sep-22 nd Oct 23 rd Oct-21 st Nov 22 nd Nov-20 th Dec 21 st Dec-20 th Jan Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn

25 What is your star sign? What are your characteristics?

26 The star sign says… To those born in the year of Goat: You will get some money. You will have success at school. You are lucky enough. You will have problems with your health. … Can you tell different parts of these sentences?


28 Rules: 1.Four students a group, each student tries to use as many adjectives as possible to describe one of them. 2. Other students try to guess who he/ she is describing. 3. And then choose one of each group to report in front of the class, let the whole class guess who he/she is describing. After-class activities – A Guessing Game

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