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Sistem Jaringan dan Komunikasi Data #2. Data vs Information  What is data?  What is information?  What are differences between data and information?

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Presentation on theme: "Sistem Jaringan dan Komunikasi Data #2. Data vs Information  What is data?  What is information?  What are differences between data and information?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sistem Jaringan dan Komunikasi Data #2

2 Data vs Information  What is data?  What is information?  What are differences between data and information?

3 Data vs Information  Data  Raw facts  No context  Just number and Text  Information  Data with context  Processed Data  Value-added to data  Summarized  Analized  Organized

4 Data vs Information  Data: 13330  Information:  13/3/30 The date of your final seminars.  Rp. 13.330 Price of a discounted choco bar

5 Data Information Summarizing the data Averaging the data Selecting part of the data Graphing the data Adding context Adding value Data vs Information

6 Signal and signalling  electric or electromagnetic representations of data, physically propagates along medium  signal is generated by the transmitter and transmitted over a medium

7 Analog vs Digital

8 Audio signal  freq range 20Hz-20kHz (speech 100Hz-7kHz)  easily converted into electromagnetic signals  varying volume converted to varying voltage  can limit frequency range for voice channel to 300-3400Hz

9 Digital Data  as generated by computers etc.  has two dc components  bandwidth depends on data rate

10 Analog Signal

11 Digital Signal

12 Adv&Disadv Digital Signal  cheaper  less susceptible to noise  but greater attenuation  digital now preferred choice

13 Transmission Impairment  signal received may differ from signal transmitted causing:  analog - degradation of signal quality  digital - bit errors  most significant impairments are  attenuation and attenuation distortion  delay distortion  noise

14 Attenuation  where signal strength falls off with distance  depends on medium  received signal strength must be:  strong enough to be detected  sufficiently higher than noise to receive without error  so increase strength using amplifiers/repeaters  is also an increasing function of frequency  so equalize attenuation across band of frequencies used  eg. using loading coils or amplifiers

15 Attenuation  Analog signals suffer far less from attenuation over long distances  Digital Data: 0 and 1. It is difficult to distinguish each state if the signal weak  Analog Data: continous. The value are infinites. Analog devices are equipped to handle the infinite value between 0 and 1

16 Data Transmission  data transmission occurs between a transmitter & receiver via some medium  guided medium  eg. twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fiber  unguided / wireless medium  eg. air, water, vacuum

17 Data Transmission  direct link  no intermediate devices  point-to-point  direct link  only 2 devices share link  multi-point  more than two devices share the link

18 Transmission Mode  simplex  one direction  eg. television  half duplex  either direction, but only one way at a time  eg. police radio  full duplex  both directions at the same time  eg. telephone

19 Data Rate and Bandwith  any transmission system has a limited band of frequencies  this limits the data rate that can be carried  square have infinite components and hence bandwidth  but most energy in first few components  limited bandwidth increases distortion  have a direct relationship between data rate & bandwidth

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