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Carolyn Gentle, Ismini Vasileiou, Hywel Evans, students and leaders from Chemistry.

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1 PALS@Plymouth Carolyn Gentle, Ismini Vasileiou, Hywel Evans, students and leaders from Chemistry

2 PALS@Plymouth Pilot 2011-12 O 4 programmes: Psychology; Chemistry; Law; Computing fast track O 43 Leaders, 23 groups, approx 400 students O PALS is embedded in timetable O Co-ordinated at programme level with support from the Learning Development Team O Experienced students trained as leaders run groups with 1 st or 2 nd years on same programme & debrief with academics. O Reinforces learning in a friendly setting, may identify key questions & issues; opportunities to tackle ‘threshold concepts’; promotes supportive learning communities – students decide the agenda

3 O What are we learning from our PALS@Plymouth pilot - Is it giving leaders and students everything we hoped? O The expectations and experiences of academic co-ordinators in Computing fast track and Chemistry

4 What we told PALS students PALS will help you during your first year to: O adjust to university life O collaborate with other students and ask questions you don’t want to ask your lecturers O develop shared understandings of your study programme O use discussion for learning, in a relaxed atmosphere O work on development of your academic skills O build your confidence and improve your grades

5 What we told PALS Leaders O Increases your skills in leadership, listening, planning and communication O Contributes to your employability: we know this from other schemes! O Enhances your learning: through deepening your understanding of earlier topics O Helps you to engage with your university environment

6 Is it happening? O 50% of students attended all available sessions O 100% agreed it was relaxing, secure and enjoyable O 67% reported increased self-confidence (Computing fast track, Dec ‘11 PALS student survey) O “ not a tool for fixing study skills but an integral part of developing an academic community where informal sharing of ideas and enthusiasm for the subject is a valuable part of the student experience” O “I found the group interaction was great – lots of laughter and very positive atmosphere” (LD advisor)

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