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CFDLS © 2015 Central Florida Diversity Learning Series 2015 Evaluation Summary of Session 3 on May 19 th Leveraging Leadership & Results-Driven Retention:

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Presentation on theme: "CFDLS © 2015 Central Florida Diversity Learning Series 2015 Evaluation Summary of Session 3 on May 19 th Leveraging Leadership & Results-Driven Retention:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CFDLS © 2015 Central Florida Diversity Learning Series 2015 Evaluation Summary of Session 3 on May 19 th Leveraging Leadership & Results-Driven Retention: Engaging the Hispanic / Latino and African American Workforce Presenter: Miguel Valenciano

2 CFDLS © 2015 EVALUATION DETAILS A total of 20 evaluations were turned in, 10 of which were filled out by managers and 10 of which were filled out by individual contributors or employees. A total of 27 people attended the session. The first 3 questions asked participants to rate their knowledge before and after the session, on a scale from 1-5. Questions 4-7 were open-ended with room to write in responses.

3 CFDLS © 2015 1.I know the current demographic data that is driving the need to engage and retain the Hispanic/Latino (a) and African American workforce. Based on 10 manager responses and 10 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 17%IC’s total improvement: 50%

4 CFDLS © 2015 2.I understand the “rules” that should be applied to these two populations to ensure they are engaged and retained. Based on 10 manager responses and 10 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 37%IC’s total improvement: 90%

5 CFDLS © 2015 Based on 10 manager responses and 10 individual responses. Managers’ total improvement: 26%IC’s total improvement: 100% 3.I know the best practices that other organizations have employed to ensure our Hispanic/Latino (a) and African American workforce is fully engaged and retained.

6 CFDLS © 2015 Average Rating per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)

7 CFDLS © 2015 Total Percentage Improvement per Question (Managers and Individuals Combined)

8 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 4.What was your most significant learning today? Managers: Cultural humility and equity champions. There was so much information that I was able to pull tidbits from. Having resources. “I know…” wheel / pie chart. Focus on balance of individualism with group approaches. Fast brain / slow brain = awareness of impact. Cultural humility as a concept. The wheel and that I need to change from I think I know to “I don’t know, I don’t know.” The facts and stats on back end of knowledge.

9 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 4.What was your most significant learning today? Individual Contributors: Knowledge circle. Better awareness of culture differences. Continuing to create awareness of my own unconscious biases. Behaviors and attitudes. About the “blind audition” recruiting strategy used by others. Love all the stories and the way to their about the topic [sic]. Love the “cultural honesty” piece and equity champions. Impact of cultural mindsets.

10 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 5.How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Managers: I will be speaking with my employees and supervisor to see if and how we can capitalize on things learned here. Help our stakeholders understand impact and intent of cultural understanding. Don’t know yet. Dialogue with senior executives on bias/cultural competences and impact on diverse hiring/talent management. Share with my clients and coworkers. Share with work team = cultural dilemmas, fast brain. To discuss with other leaders in my workplace and will ask my employee if they can help me see my blind spots.

11 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 5.How will you use one or more of the tools presented/ practiced today? Individual Contributors: Incorporate them into my learning session I facilitate and share in my team meeting. More open minded and thinking more clearly instead of knee-jerk reactions. Trying to influence talent selection through a “blind” process. I will share with my team to ensure the learning is shared with others not able to be in the presentation. Take them back to my team and discuss ways to reshape thinking.

12 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 6.How might you integrate what you learned about disability inclusion into your organization? Managers: The things learned here will be definitely deployed as my organization works to diversify our faculty ranks. Don’t know yet. Facilitate interaction opportunities with D&I people. Share in dialogue with hiring leaders. My slow brain needs to think about it. A lot to digest. Share my ignorance and ask for help understanding from those communities.

13 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 6.How might you integrate what you learned about disability inclusion into your organization? Individual Contributors: Educate my colleagues. I will use my learnings to shape my research and learning initiatives.

14 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 7.Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Managers: Great facilitator! Loved the approach of content deliver stories, management of others without feeling pressured to speak. Wonderful, exciting teacher and facilitator. Great energy. wonderful facilitator. Another superb selection by for CFDLS brand.

15 CFDLS © 2015 OPEN-ENDED ANSWERS 7.Other comments: (usefulness of handouts, quality of the presenters, facilitators, food, facilities, access, insights): Individual Contributors: Love Miguel - the authenticity of his real stories. excellent speaker, presentation, handouts, facilities. Great! Facilities were great! He was engaging and personable. This was one of the best sessions. Miguel was great! Great stories, insights,, and tools. As always, everything was top-notch. Managers.

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