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The Student Orgs Web Page: life/student-life/

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2 The Student Orgs Web Page: life/student-life/

3 Big List of Orgs -- It expands when you click “view” -- It is up to date automatically -- Good place for officers to check out progress -- It’ll start “from scratch” in April as we begin re-registration

4 Student Org Tool Kit -- Contains most of our FAQ type documents -- Policies and procedures -- Good place to land if trying to figure out how to do things

5 Forms -- Dining Services Donation RequestDining Services Donation Request -- A’Viands will match spending up to $100 -- more orgs should take advantage of this -- FundraisingFundraising -- All fund raisers need approval first —on or off-campus -- OrgSmorg Table Signup/RegistrationOrgSmorg Table Signup/Registration -- Registration for spring Orgsmorg will probably begin a week from this Friday ( on 11/22/13)

6 Forms -- Pre-Contract WorksheetPre-Contract Worksheet -- All contracts should be signed by Grant Winslow —not org leaders or advisors -- Needs at least 4-6 weeks lead time -- Verbal contracts are binding in Wisconsin --so be careful! -- Solicitation Approval RequestSolicitation Approval Request -- Any requests for donations must be approved in advance -- Form should be sent in at least 4-6 weeks in advance

7 Forms -- Travel Packet (newly positioned on-line)Travel Packet -- Travel Authorizations -- Motor Pool Forms -- Driver Authorization Forms Registration Instructions

8 Link to MyOrgs -- For Officers and Advisors -- A registration module that works! Based on UWGB email addresses and passwords -- Orgs should enter their community service now -as the year goes along -will have to submit Community Service in April -- Member lists should be kept up to date too -I can reflect it back to them upon request (for setting up a distribution list) -- Re-registration in April every year - Try to get leadership transitioned before May - Orgs get off to a better start the next year if there has been some training of the new officers

9 Reporting a Crime -- Advisors -- Jeanne Clery Act You are a Campus Security Authority (CSA) If any person reveals to you that they have been the victim, witness, or perpetrator of any incident that might involve a crime (reportable or otherwise) please immediately contact the university police at 465-2300. If you are not sure if you need to report please error on the side of reporting. -- See Public Safety Website

10 Student Org Email Account (soaccounts) Keeps individual student accounts from clogging up Can use as a storage box for org info —pointers, “how-to’s”, transition information, meeting minutes, org documents (bylaws or constitutions) If the password needs to be reset -- call (465-2532) or email John ( Needs to be checked weekly -- I send out an almost weekly email You could always ask the students to give you the password too! Larger Storage Needs? A locker in a D2L module can be set up when requested Accessed using soaccount username We also have locking lateral file drawers available

11 Web Pages Space on a university server can be made available upon request Students need to do their own web page creation Virtually no support from CIT or Web Services for student orgs SUFAC Budgets /SUFAC Web Pages Budgets for next year are due this Friday (11/15/13) by 11:59 pm to Process: org leaders get called to present their requests to the SUFAC board SUFAC board meets on Thursdays at 5:15 in the 1965 Room Orgs notified by email to soaccounts about decisions by spring break SUFAC forms are available at their web site:

12 QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE?? I have an open door policy– you and/or students can drop in any time! You can always call too (465-2532).

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