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Mrs. Perez Ms. Gregory August 28, 2014. Information about the teachers... Mrs. Perez has taught Kindergarten and 1 st grade. This is her 9 th year at.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Perez Ms. Gregory August 28, 2014. Information about the teachers... Mrs. Perez has taught Kindergarten and 1 st grade. This is her 9 th year at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Perez Ms. Gregory August 28, 2014

2 Information about the teachers... Mrs. Perez has taught Kindergarten and 1 st grade. This is her 9 th year at Hailey and 12 th year od teaching. She grew up in the Houston area and attended Baylor University. She loves running and baking when she's not at school. She also recently got married. She used to be Miss Maloney. Ms. Gregory has taught first, second, and third grade students. She is in her 17th year at Hailey and has taught for 33 years. She grew up in Delaware but moved to Texas to attend HBU. She enjoys greeting at church and playing games on the computer. She also has a love of reading, second to math.

3 Our Daily Schedule  7:45 – 8:10 – Homeroom  8:10 – 9:05 – Rotation #1  Gregory – Reading, Writing, Language  Perez – Math, Science, Social Studies  9:05 – 10:00 – CAMP (computers, art, music, and PE)  10:00 – 11:25 – Rotation #1 (continued)  11:30 – 12:00 – Lunch  12:00 – 12:20 – Recess  12:20 – 2:55 – Rotation #2 »Gregory – Math, Science, Social Studies »Perez – Reading, Writing, Language  2:55 – Clean up and get ready to dismiss

4 Language Arts Word Study – We will work on various spelling patterns as well as sight words. They will be addressed in homework and in class. Writing – We will learn the writing process through writer's workshop. Students will prewrite, write, edit & revise, and then publish a final draft. Reading- Our reading instruction framework will include a focus lesson (skills and strategies), guided reading groups (teacher works with a small group of students) and independent reading. Daily 5 with reading and writing activities. ** Reading STAAR Test – April 22 nd (Wednesday)

5 Math/Science/Social Studies **Math STAAR – April 21 st (Tuesday) Math – Their is a new adopted math book this year. Along with the math series we will be doing math review, mental math, and poster method, which are all components of CISD Best Practices. We are working on place value, addition and subtraction with regrouping, and word problems at this time. When we begin a new concept, we use manipulatives and work our way to pencil/paper. Please practice multiplication facts daily and record on the log in the homework folder. Right now study 0-2's. They will also learn skip counting songs to help with memorization. Your child will be taking multiplication fact fluency tests throughout the year. Social Studies / Science – The first unit in social studies is citizenship/communities. The first unit in science is matter. We do many hands on activities and fun projects! *We have interactive notebooks for all 3 subjects.

6 Technology WOW Cart – laptop computers Ipad cart Mathletics Study Island Various web programs

7 Grading Guidelines Math Grading ScaleReading Grading Scale Homework – 5% Homework – 5%Daily – 45% Major – 50%Major 50% Math - 12 total grades……9 daily grades.....3 major grades Reading - 10 total grades..... 7 daily grades (4 reading, 3 writing) 3 major grades (2 reading, 1 writing) These are for the 1 st Grading Period. There will be more grades in future grading periods.

8 Other Information Library day is Monday. The students are to check out at least 1 AR book on their level. Homework will be sent home on a Monday in a red homework folder. All homework is due on Friday unless otherwise specified. Any homework not returned on Friday will be entered as a zero in the grade book.

9 Hailey Code of Conduct Listen and follow directions the first time. Come prepared and ready to learn. Speak softly and appropriately. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Walk quietly inside. Respect everyone and all property. ***Always give your personal best.

10 CHAMPS Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation Success for All

11 Rules about Food of Minimal Nutritional Value Only water will be allowed in the classrooms. Children need to bring a healthy snack for snack time. We will have birthday celebrations. Treats sent to school by the parents will be passed out at 2:40.

12 School Parties We have three parties a year: Holiday Party – This party will be the Friday before we get out of the Winter Break. Parents help with this party. Valentine's Day Party – Students will exchange valentine's at the end of the day. We ask parents to send in cookies and water. End of the year

13 Attendance Attendance is the most powerful predictor of student performance. If your child is absent, you must send a note including your child's name, the teacher's name, and the reason for the absence. After two consecutive absences, you will receive a phone call. After ten absences, an attendance letter will be sent home for your signature. After 3 tardies and/or leaving early, your child will be required to miss recess to make up work.

14 Items Permitted at School Students are permitted to bring soccer balls and basketballs. The school is not responsible for any item brought to school by a student. Students are not to bring electronic devices. The only exception is a cell phone turned off and stored in the backpack. Staff will confiscate any cell phones taken out of a backpack and parents may pick them up in the front office. No weapons of any kind (real or toy) are allowed.

15 Lunch at School Parents are invited to eat with their child beginning Monday, Sept. 8th. You and your child will sit at a parent table so there will be plenty of room for students. Parents are to eat with their child only. Parents will need to leave as students are dismissed to their assigned table before dismissing for recess. Wanda, our cafeteria manager, will be available from 5- 7 pm in the cafeteria tonight. Free and reduced lunch applications take 48 hours to process.

16 Active Start Library – Students will be able to read, take AR tests, use iPads, and check out library books Homework Help: Tuesday and Thursday – PK, Kindergarten, First Grade Monday and Wednesday – Second, Third, and Fourth Grade Physical Activity – Monday PK, Kinder, and 2 nd Tuesday3 rd and 4 th WednesdayPK, Kinder, and 1st Thursday1 st and 2 nd Friday3 rd and 4 th Monthly Activity Week #1Jump Rope Week #2Hoola–Hoop Week #3Balls Week #4Stretches

17 PAC Parent Access Center – Please sign up. If you made changes on the yellow paper, there will be a delay in being able to sign up for PAC. You will be able to view the following items: Grades Attendance Discipline Lunch account balances Weekly emails

18 We love our volunteers! 1. Go to 2. Under STUDENTS/PARENTS tab at top of page, click on "Volunteer in CISD" 3. Click on "Get Started Now!" 4. Complete the yellow highlighted areas; click "Next Step" 5. Complete information in the Volunteer Application, sign, and click "Submit" 6. You will receive notification that your volunteer status has been approved within about a week. Please note this procedure must be completed for each campus on which you choose to volunteer, and must be renewed annually.

19 Contact Information The school phone number is (832) 663-4100. Our conference time is 9:30-10:00. Due to a privacy act we can not discuss a student’s progress through email correspondence nor mention the student’s name. You can view our web pages through the Hailey Homepage. Email:

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