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2 Тема урока: «Праздники. Традиции» в группе 3-12 01 марта 2010 г.
Презентация открытого урока преподавателя английского языка Гладких Юлии Игоревны Тема урока: «Праздники. Традиции» в группе марта 2010 г. Тип урока: урок изложения нового материала Цель урока: научить учащихся использовать новую лексику в реальных ситуациях общения.

3 Festivals. Traditions 1. Do you like festivals?
2. What is your favourite festival? 3. What winter/spring/autumn festivals do you know? 4. What are their symbols? 5. What is a tradition? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. My favourite festival is…. The New Year and Christmas, Easter and Halloween. a mistletoe plant, a pumpkin & an egg. celebrating a festival, giving presents, etc.

4 Festivals

5 Festivals

6 Festivals

7 May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love. *** Merry Christmas to you one and all, Goodwill and happiness, Good health throughout the coming year, May all your days be blessed. ***

8 The March wind roars Like a lion in the sky, And makes us shiver As he passes by. When winds are soft, And the days are warm and clear, Just like a gentle lamb, Then spring is here.

9 Festivals in Britain Months Festivals January/February
1.New Year’s Day 2.Valentine’s Day March/ April 3.April Fool’s Day 4.Easter May 5.May Day October 6.Halloween November/ December 7. Guy Fawkes’ Night 8. Christmas 9. New Year’s Eve


11 Glossary long-standing protect against date back to a symbol of
be associated with survival

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