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“A writer writes not because he is educated but because he is driven by the need to communicate. Behind the need to communicate is the need to share. Behind.

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Presentation on theme: "“A writer writes not because he is educated but because he is driven by the need to communicate. Behind the need to communicate is the need to share. Behind."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A writer writes not because he is educated but because he is driven by the need to communicate. Behind the need to communicate is the need to share. Behind the need to share is the need to be understood.” --Leo Rosten, author

2 Motivating Reluctant Writers With Technology Joelle (Joey) Weaver Special Education Teacher HF-L

3 Motivating Reluctant Writers Why are they “reluctant”? Disability – in need of assistance, support Disinterested – in need of motivation, increased interest

4 Motivating Disabled Writers Supporting and Assisting Students with Technology Word Prediction Example Co-writer/ WordQ Example MS word Speech to Text software (Dragon Naturally Speaking, Natural Reader) Example MS word speech recognition

5 Motivating Reluctant Writers Supporting and Assisting Students with Technology Inspiration/Kidspiration Intellitools Draftbuilder

6 Writing Essentials Have a purpose for writing Opportunity to work through process from draft to finished product Audience Student choice

7 Purpose Comics Storyboarding

8 Process DOMinate writing –DUMP –ORGANIZE –MAP







15 Brainstorming Ideas The LEGO (or Let-go) exercise Air-dry playdough

16 Audience and How to Reach Them luv U, cant w8t2C U l8r ROTFL ounplugged/home.nsf/rsrc/34705A030F0087C585 256D280005D23E/$file/text_messaging_dictionar y.pdf ounplugged/home.nsf/rsrc/34705A030F0087C585 256D280005D23E/$file/text_messaging_dictionar y.pdf

17 Choice Recording Art Music

18 Writing Solutions Videotaped “news segments” Purpose – information, entertainment Audience of peers Writing process from draft to final product over 3 sessions, once per week. Student choice (within boundaries) of topics of interest Additional benefits – practice using vocabulary mapped in previous classes, multiple opportunities to practice reading fluency, and practice using “good speech”, posture, enunciation, projection, etc.

19 –Keeping a writer’s notebook Living a wide-awake life. –Scrapbooking Chronicling events with family or friends –Photographs & Writing –Blogging Personal Professional

20 Writing Solutions Bring in the Motivation (and other areas) Purpose –to increase understanding of text (writing for literature response) Audience – family members, classmates, other teachers Writing process from draft to final product over 3 sessions, once per week. Use of “prop” from the book Text-to-Self Connection

21 Writing Solutions Photo Story 3 Purpose-a digital form of book reports Audience-students trying to find a good book to read Writing process from draft to final product- 2 sessions (used a graphic organizer) Student choice of opinion, pictures, animation Additional benefits-visualization, reading fluency, review of literary terms

22 Writing Solutions Game Shows Purpose-review of material, end of unit evaluation (writing for information) Audience-students Writing process-at least two sessions Student choice- pertinent information, type of game to use (Jeopardy or Millionaire for example), question format, visuals, sound clips Additional benefits-grammar counts/ language use, creativity, practice using power point, review of material

23 Quarterly Class Newsletter The Weaver Weekly Purpose-writing and publishing a newsletter Audience-parents (sent home and up on website) Writing process-from brainstorming to final draft and publication Student choice-write about what you know Additional benefits-students practice writing in different genres (editorials, advice, horoscopes, car reviews, short stories, book reviews, poetry)

24 Motivating Writing Opportunities Purpose-writing dialogue, curriculum linked writing response Audience-self, peers, teachers, internet community Writing process-from brainstorming to final draft and publication Student choice-choose a character from a book and tell story from his/her point of view Additional benefits-students practice writing from alternate point of view, create visual to solidify knowledge of events or story line, opportunity to share work, collaborate

25 Latest updates to create a “word cloud” of selected text.

26 Assessment and CBM’s Excel Charting Writing CBM’s

27 Time to Share Show and tell …. What’s working for you in your classroom?

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