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TRIG I NTERIM R ESEARCH F INDINGS Julian Hubbard Director of Ministry Lis Goddard Transformations Group Tim Ling National Adviser, Continuing Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIG I NTERIM R ESEARCH F INDINGS Julian Hubbard Director of Ministry Lis Goddard Transformations Group Tim Ling National Adviser, Continuing Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRIG I NTERIM R ESEARCH F INDINGS Julian Hubbard Director of Ministry Lis Goddard Transformations Group Tim Ling National Adviser, Continuing Ministry Development Su Morgan HR Director

2 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group TRIG T RANSFORMATIONS R ESEARCH & I MPLEMENTATION G ROUP oversee the research on aspects of women’s ministry consider proposals for the House of Bishops for encouraging good practice, implementing policy and conducting further research report to the House in December 2013 2

3 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group K EY A REAS OF R ESEARCH Large churches and diocesan roles Young vocations Self-supporting/Part-time ministry Diocesan HR policies 3

4 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group L ARGE C HURCHES Greater Churches Network 30 out of 31 have a male incumbent Private patronage Contact with voluntary societies to review their experience Clergy Appointments Adviser Trends in appointments 4

5 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group D IOCESAN R OLES Diocesan staff posts Area/Rural Deans 676 in 43 dioceses 102 women 564 men 5

6 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group S ELF -S UPPORTING /P ART -T IME P OSTS 5% of stipendiary clergy are part-time 50% of these are women ~20 per annum transition to full-time Interim findings: Attracts particularly gifted individuals A waiting period Suspicion of exploitation Support for such ministers is patchy Positive references to Common Tenure and clarity over terms 6

7 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group P ROPORTIONS OF F EMALE C LERGY 7

8 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group 8 R ECOMMENDATION R ATES B Y G ENDER (2012)

9 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group 9


11 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group Less than 1% of stipendiary ordained women take paid maternity leave 63% were paid significantly higher 70% returned to stipendiary ministry, and of those: 50% full-time parochial ministry 20% part-time stipendiary parochial ministry 15% part-time parochial self supporting ministry 10% hospital chaplaincy 5%taking a break 11 Women were positive about the flexibility the clergy office provides which may be why few dioceses have flexible working policies. D IOCESAN HR P OLICIES

12 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group S OME RESPONDENTS COMPLAINED OF : 51% feel employers and colleagues attitudes had changed towards them Two thirds said work had been made ‘difficult’ for them 40% said younger colleagues with no children were given more support 1 in 3 found it impossible to ‘climb the career ladder’ after giving birth 12 o inappropriate questions o not enough opportunities for part-time deployment o concept of priesthood as ‘something you just are, 24/7’ o being unable to cope if their husbands not given up paid work E XTERNAL SURVEY SHOWED:

13 TRIG – Transformations Research and Implementation Group S OME S UGGESTED I MPROVEMENTS : support networks providing child care and cover contact with other women clergy improved understanding of issues faced by curates in training who are young parents more information and awareness of options: phased return flexibility about housing child care vouchers collaborative ministry 13

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