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Assessing student and market demand: The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 Marijke Taks (PhD)

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing student and market demand: The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 Marijke Taks (PhD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing student and market demand: The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 Marijke Taks (PhD)

2 Two online surveys (fall 2009) Past MHK graduates (2003-2009)  Electronic mail or Facebook  Status during their MHK program graduation date stream (AHP or SM) length of program internship vs. thesis route residential status at application undergraduate field of study pursued a PhD  yes/no  TWO GROUPS Current MHK students  Electronic mail  Current status within the MHK program start date current semester stream (AHP or SM) internship vs. thesis route residential status at application undergraduate field of study interested in a PhD  Yes and maybe/No  TWO GROUPS

3 YES/past (*current)  List all Universities and PhD programs you applied to (would be interested in)?  Indicate the University and PhD program where you completed your degree OR where you are currently enrolled in? i)University: _________________ ii)Name of the program: _______________ iii)Start date (month/year):______________ * When would you expect to start your PhD (indicate Month/Year)? Open ended

4 YES/past (*current) (cont’d)  What was /is (would be) your enrolment status? (FT/PT)  Current stage: In progress ___Expected completion date:__ Completed ___Date degree awarded (month/year) Incomplete/Left program: After how long in the program _____  Reason for withdrawal: …………

5 YES/past (cont’d)  Thinking back…. If the University of Windsor offered a PhD program in the Department of Kinesiology, would you have considered applying? YES NO MAYBE Open ended comment box

6 NO/past/*current  Would you have considered applying to a PhD program at the University of Windsor if the Department of Kinesiology had offered one at that time? YES/NO/MAYBE/Open ended comment box  If the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Windsor were to offer a PhD program in the near future, would you consider applying? (past & current) YES/NO/MAYBE/Open ended comment box If applicable, please indicate when you would be interested in applying? Within 3 years OR After 3 years

7 What we have not done  Surveying master students from other institutions!


9 Response rate Past MHK graduates (2003-2009)  Population: N = 173  Reached: N = 162 E-mail: n = 128 Facebook: n = 34  Returned: N = 84  RR = 52% Current MHK students  Population: N = 49  Returned: N = 32  RR = 65%

10 Estimations based on past MHK students (N= 84) 48% internship (n=40) 52% thesis (n = 44) n = 14 applied for a PhD n = 30 did not apply for PhD Focus for further analysis The results for this sample were extrapolated based on a total population, being 52% of N = 173 n = 90

11 Table 1: Estimations of potential market demand for a PhD program at the University of Windsor based on the PAST MHK students’ survey (extrapolations based on thesis students, or 52% of the total population of n = 173; thus: n = 90) Response (n = 44) Market demand extrapolation (based on population n= 90) n%Estimated N GROUP THAT APPLIED TO A PHD PROGRAM IN THE PAST 7 YEARS143229 Considered applying at PhD program at UWindsor if available (yes/maybe)122725 GROUP THAT DID NOT APPLY TO A PHD PROGRAM306861 Considered applying to PhD program at UWindsor if available (yes/maybe)173935 Within 3 years92018 After three years376

12 Estimations based on current MHK students (N=32)  72% thesis route (n=23)  n=19 interested in pursuing a PhD (‘Yes’: n = 6; and ‘Maybe’: n = 13) selected 28 PhD programs in Ontario universities How many of these students would chose to remain at the University of Windsor should there be that option? n = 16 would consider staying (‘Yes’: n = 14 and ‘Maybe’: n = 2; n=5  start in fall 2010; n = 9  start in fall 2011)

13 Table 2: Estimations of potential market demand for a PhD program at the university of Windsor based on the CURRENT MHK students’ survey (extrapolations based on a total population of n = 49) Response (n = 32) Market demand extrapolation (based on population n= 49) n%Estimated N GROUP PLANNING TO PURSUING A PHD PROGRAM 195929 Considers applying at PhD program at UWindsor if available (yes/maybe) Potential start at UWindsor in Fall 2010 Potential start at UWindsor in Fall 2011 16 5 9 50 16 28 25 8 14 GROUP NOT INTERESTED IN PURSUING A PHD PROGRAM 13 41 20 Considered applying to PhD program at UWindsor if available (yes/maybe) 103216 Within 3 years 72211 After three years263

14 Conclusion  Projections greatly surpassed our target  Extrapolated numbers may be inflated (by including the ‘maybe’s)  High enough interest based on the respondents alone  Easily meet the admission target

15 Assessing student and market demand: The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 Marijke Taks (PhD) Thank you for your attention

16 Conclusion  All projections greatly surpassed our target, based on both the past and current surveys, of 4 doctoral students per year in the next five years  Extrapolated numbers may be inflated (by including the ‘maybe’s)  Based on the respondents alone, there is high enough interest to successfully implement a PhD program in the Kinesiology Department of the University of Windsor  In addition, the faculty growth plan expects both an increase in undergraduate and graduate enrolment, which will also increase potential recruitment for the PhD program.  Easily meet the admission target

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