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Zavzetost v Danfoss Controls
Mitja Praprotnik, Senior Director Operations Bojana Zupanič, HR Business Partner Konferenca o zavzetosti –
Danfoss Controls Promet 2013: 230 M EUR (13% povprečna letna rast v zadnjih 5-ih letih) EBIT margin 2013: 23,7% Med najboljšimi v panogi in Danfossu Komponente za regulacijo daljinskega ogrevanja in klimatizacije Glavni trgi Rusija, Danska, Nemčija, Kitajska 5 tovarn v 4 državah (SI, DK, RU, CN) 982 zaposlenih (595 wcw bcw) Zavzetost 89 54% gorečih zagovornikov (fiery advocates)
Model zavzetosti (Ennova)
Rezultati 89 Zavzetost >85 54% Gorečih zagovornikov
Ključni vzvodi Odličnost pri osnovah vodenja Medfunkcijsko sodelovanje
Komunikacija pred raziskavo
1. Odličnost pri osnovah vodenja
Performance Management je osnova vodenja zaposlenih
VZPOSTAVITEV AMBICIOZNIH PRIČAKOVANJ Načelo stalnega izboljševanja Vključenost zaposlenih Redna in jasna komunikacija vodstva Redni 1:1 sestanki Redni sestanki skupin Vodja vodje prevzame odgovornost za proces postavljanja in razčlenjevanja ciljev Performance agreement Razgovor o razvoju zaposlenega Jasnost usmeritve Nagrajevanje Plača in njeni dvigi so odvisni od uspešnosti Če dosežemo ali presežemo naše cilje, dobimo dodatni bonus Jasni cilji in odgovornosti Performance feedback Redni pregledi uspešnosti Najmanj četrtletni poglobljen pregled uresničevanja ciljev vsakega zaposlenega 2x letno ocenjujemo vodje, kako dobro opravljajo proces Performance mngt Odkrit in pošten, še posebej, ko gre za nizko uspešnost
Kako Performance Management vpliva na delovno okolje?
Odlični poslovni rezultati Redno in poglobljeno informiranje 1:1 sestanki Uporaba številnih komunikacijskih kanalov Usklajevanje ciljev med oddelki Jasna povezava med vsakdanjim delom in strategijo Vključenost zaposlenih (v spremembe) Jasen in transparenten plačni sistem Ocena zaposlenih glede na uspešnost ……..
2. Medfunkcijsko sodelovanje
Največji potencial se lahko uresniči preko uspešne vpeljave medfunkcijskega sodelovanja
Source: A. T. Kearney
„Sodelovanje“ je na agendi vodstva
Sodelovanje je 1 od 3 področij strateškega področja „Razvoj organizacije“ Vzpostavljanje razumevanja pomembnosti sodelovanja Skupni cilji Pozitivna komunikacija Redni follow-up The challenge is Use the broad scope and improve collaboration by more aligned direction setting, more efficient management, more cohesive processes and higher transparency
3. Komunikacija pred raziskavo zavzetosti
Komunikacija pred raziskavo
Centralno pripravljena prezentacija, ki je vključevala naslednje teme: Predstavitev raziskave: zakaj, kako in kaj Model Zavzetost & Goreči zagovorniki Izboljšave delovnega okolja Naši cilji Proces Prevedena v lokalne jezike, kjer je to bilo potrebno Vključene lokalne teme Delavnice z zaposlenimi na oddelčnem nivoju Sestanek z vsemi zaposlenimi in govor SVP
Rezultati nekoliko drugače
Mitja Praprotnik,
Bojana Zupanič, Konferenca o zavzetosti –
Priloga: Aktivnosti za izboljšanje delovnega okolja
Iz prezentacije za vodje in zaposlene Konferenca o zavzetosti –
4. Improvements of the Workplace Reputation
New ethical guidelines, that include anti-corruption policy Danfoss the best Slovenian company in and 2012 (Finance magazine) Increased number of applicant for new positions Family Friendly Enterprise Certificate High reputation in social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) … Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development Danfoss has a good image I am proud to tell other people where I work People outside Danfoss consider it to be a good place to work Danfoss is an ethical company WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Management
Frequent and honest information about the execution of Core & Clear strategy (post GMM meetings and presentations, Global Danfoss, Danfoss intranet first page…) Regular face-to-face communication (presentations from the mng about perspectives and business at employee meetings…) Excellent Danfoss results that are ahead of 2015 targets (despite global economic crisis) … The management of the company makes the right decisions The management of the company openly informs employees about the overall direction of the company The management of the company is trustworthy Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Immediate manager
Performance management by immediate manager (clear direction setting also through Performance agreements, regular follow-up, reward) Leadership trainings based on Leadership pipeline principles Regular 1:1 personal meetings (between manager and employee) … My immediate manager has good professional skills My immediate manager has good leadership competences My immediate manager enables me to perform well and achieve ambitious results My immediate manager inspires and encourages me Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Communication
Presentations of the strategy and objectives Communication through different media, increased face-to-face communication (meetings after GMM, stories about Sauer-Danfoss merger, site meetings, Web-ex meetings…) Quarterly information about the expected performance reward level of organizational objectives – for PA … Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development1 I clearly understand the overall strategy of the company I am well-informed about what is happening in the organisation The goals of our department are clear to me WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Co-operation
Improved cross-functional cooperation Cross-functional alignment of main organizational objectives Resource planning for cross-functional projects Clearer roles and responsibilities Socializing, also through company organized events and sport … Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development The professional co-operation with my colleagues The social relations and interactions with my colleagues at Danfoss In my unit we help each other WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Working conditions / daily work
Improved physical working environment (renovation of offices and production workplaces/breakpoints, lighting…) Cascading of MWB throughout organization, ensuring employees understood organizational and team objectives EDD and PA discussions After every quarter 1:1 review of Performance agreement (quarterly PA review) Review of the job design in order to optimize workload (Job profiles, Resource planning…) Organizational reviews and restructuring New people recruited … The physical working environment at my place of work My work tasks and job content are meaningful to me My work tasks present me with appropriate challenges My day-to-day work gives me the amount of variation that I desire I know what is expected of me in my daily work I can see how my work contributes to the results of the company I feel good about the workload in my job Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Influence
Involvement of employees in a dialogue how they can contribute as part of the team (department meetings) and individually (EDD and Performance agreements 2013) Involvement in changes (RCPS, DPP, TS implementation…) Involvement in New product development – structural tools (involvement of operators when implementing the product in the production…) Evaluating managers through SoPM … Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development I am encouraged to bring forward new ideas and opinions I am able to influence the way I carry out my work I feel that my ideas and opinions are taken into consideration WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Compensation and reward
Clear and transparent salary system Payments according to performance and according to market levels Salary review mandatory once per year Extraordinary reviews and payouts in case of excellent performance Performance rewards (bonuses) Benefits transparent and above market level … Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development My salary compared to what I could get in a similar position elsewhere My benefits compared to what I could get in a similar position elsewhere There is a fair balance between my performance and the rewards I receive My job security WORKPLACE
4. Improvements of the Workplace Professional and personal development
People review: systematic review of the performance and potential for ALL* employees by immediate manager, manager‘s manager, peers and HR BP Development plans based on people review findings, employee aspirations through EDD All employees have an EDD at least once per year Regular EDD and PA review Systematical competences review and development Transparent job overviews provide career overview Job respon. discussed in teams and individually Open positions published Addressing poor performance immediately, some actions visible Accelerated Q-tools trainings … My opportunities for professional and personal development The attention given to my professional and personal development My competences develop continually in my present job The annual Employee Development Dialogue with my manager is meaningful Reputation Management Immediate manager Communication Co-operation Working conditions/Daily work Influence Compensation and reward Professional and personal development WORKPLACE *as a rule we only evaluate leaders up to level 6
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