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ANNIE’S PROJECT By: Shannon Dill, University of Maryland Extension Jenny Rhodes, University of Maryland Extension.

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Presentation on theme: "ANNIE’S PROJECT By: Shannon Dill, University of Maryland Extension Jenny Rhodes, University of Maryland Extension."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNIE’S PROJECT By: Shannon Dill, University of Maryland Extension Jenny Rhodes, University of Maryland Extension

2 Interacting with Annie’s Participants

3 Objective Annie’s project is designed to empower farmwomen to manage information systems used in critical decision making processes and to build local networks throughout the state. The target audience is farmwomen with a passion for business and involvement in the farm operation. Focus on the five areas of risk management – Production, Market, Financial, Legal and Human Resources Used similar formats from the Mid-West with some topic changes – QuickBooks, Small Farms, New Farms

4 Annie’s Project 2008 - 19 participants, 1 site 2009 - 24 participants, 1 site

5 Annie’s Project 2010 – 146 participants, 9 sites _____ Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation, Annapolis, MD _____ Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD _____ Cecil County Economic Development Office, Elkton, MD _____ Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD _____ Garrett College, McHenry, MD _____ New Castle County Extension Office, Newark, DE _____ Southern Maryland Higher Education Center, California, MD _____ Sussex County Extension Office UD Carvel Research & Education Center, Georgetown DE _____ Washington County Extension Office, Boonsboro, MD _____ Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation, Annapolis, MD _____ Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD _____ Cecil County Economic Development Office, Elkton, MD _____ Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD _____ Garrett College, McHenry, MD _____ New Castle County Extension Office, Newark, DE _____ Southern Maryland Higher Education Center, California, MD _____ Sussex County Extension Office UD Carvel Research & Education Center, Georgetown DE _____ Washington County Extension Office, Boonsboro, MD


7 Collaborators are Key Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation  Lisa Barge, Economic Development Specialist Carroll Community College  Ginger Myers, UME Marketing Specialist  Beth Woodring, Carroll County Small Business Development Cecil County Economic Development Office,  JoAnn Richart-Young, Cecil County Economic Development  Ilene Milburn, Farmer and Past Participant of Annie's Chesapeake College  Jenny Rhodes, Extension Educator  Shannon Dill, Extension Educator Garrett College  Willie Lantz, Extension Educator  Cheryl DeBerry, Garrett County Ag Marketing Specialist New Castle County Extension Office  Maria Pippidis, Extension Agent, FCS  Anna Stoops, Extension Agent Southern Maryland Higher Education Center  Ben Beale, Extension Educator  Christine Bergmark, Southern MD Tri County Council Sussex County Extension Office UD Carvel Research & Education Center  Tracey Wootten, Extension Agent Washington County Extension Office  Lynn Little, Extension Educator, FCS  Leslie Hendrickson, Washington County Ag Marketing Specialist - Have had many collaborators in the past 3 years 2010 site facilitators and project team - Have had many collaborators in the past 3 years 2010 site facilitators and project team

8 Annies Project Funding Participant Cost - $50.00 Grant Funding from  USDA – NorthEast Center for Risk Management Education  USDA – Risk Management Agency  Rural MD Council -The Maryland Agricultural Education & Rural Development Assistance Fund  USDA, Farm Service Agency In-kind support from  Local sites and facilities  Local agencies and businesses that support the agriculture industry  University of Maryland Extension

9 Technology Internet  Annie’s Website Email  Project team  Participants (snow dates, facility information) Adobe Connect  Sites have a choice to “tune in” or have their own local session Team Wiki  Project team can access for materials and handouts




13 Marketing Word of mouth Local papers and media outlets Marketing at other Extension Events

14 Annie’s Project Generating interest in other women in agriculture programs  Regional Women in Ag Conference  Annie’s Project Bus Tour visited 2 participant farms - a vineyard and orchard.

15 Curriculum Production Risk – Crop Insurance, enterprise diversification, natural disasters, new technology Financial Risk – Financing, business plans, credit, business organization Marketing Risk – Direct/Grain marketing, marketing plans, tools, contracts, value added Legal Risk – Estate management, liability insurance, contracts and agreements Human Resources Risk – Personnel management, health, family issues, safety

16 Class Outline 8 Sessions 6 classroom and 2 in the computer lab Session One  Registration/Introductions  Class Survey  Women in Farm Business: A Personal Experience  Colors Personality Test Session Two  Crop Insurance  Understanding your Farm Insurance Policy  2008 Farm Bill Update Session Three  How Property is Titled: Who Else is in business with you?  Business Planning

17 Class Outline Session Four  Computer Basics and Minimizing Technology-Related Risk Intro to computers and Excel basics Session Five  Computers and Your Farm Business Excel and QuickBooks Session Six  Straight Talk about Farm Transfer  Estate Planning Session Seven  Developing Grain Marketing Plans Session Eight  Annie’s Graduation  Class’s Chosen Topics  Course Wrap-Up

18 Impacts

19 Comments “Overall I learned so much I feel empowered to run a farm business” “All of it was good. There wasn’t a day I didn’t learn something” “Meeting other farm women and learning together from Annie’s Project but most of all realizing that we were privileged to be part of the concept that finally farm women have been empowered.”

20 Follow-up Evaluations after 1 to 2 years


22 Comments “We have had family meetings, formed a family limited partnership, and we are now aware of other things we can do to improve our farming efficiency” “We have met with a lawyer to work on an estate plan” “Launched a new agri-business entity since participating in Annie’s” “This is a very good program. It was a great way to learn and enjoy a friendly atmosphere to ask questions about farming and the speakers presentations.”

23 Future Annie’s Projects Possible Annie’s Class Reunions Annie’s Tours of Participants Farms Targeted Workshop trainings and follow up Annie’s 2011  Apply for a additional grant funding to continue offering Annie’s Project in the Region

24 Thank you Questions: Jenny Rhodes, Shannon Dill,

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