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TRAVELLING TO BELGIUM TEAM & South Initiatives 25 June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "TRAVELLING TO BELGIUM TEAM & South Initiatives 25 June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRAVELLING TO BELGIUM TEAM & South Initiatives 25 June 2014

2 Content 1. Scholarship or visit 2. Scholarship form 3. Visa: short track procedure through DGD-certificate 4. Conclusions 2

3 1. Scholarship/ visit to Belgium Depending on the purpose of the travel => Scholarships: o Short term scholarship (incl. predoc) (1wk – 06m) o Master scholarship (06m – 2yrs; diploma) o PhD scholarship in sandwich (max 24m; 4 acad yrs)  Short term visa (≤ 90 days)  Long term visa (> 90 days ) Visits o Coordination, monitoring, research, conferences o Per diem & hotel (max. 21 nights) 3

4 2. Scholarship form  SI/ TEAM-form for every mobility to Belgium Local promoter sends to ICOS of coordinating university: o Min. 2 months in advance for visits and short term o Min. 5 months in advance for Master & PhD(-start) Coordinating university: SI/TEAM-form o Check planning o Check budget o OK from Flemish promoter  Forward to Desk officer of Host University 4

5 SI/TEAM form Very important to complete SI/TEAM-form CORRECTLY and completely Check carefully:  Name (in case of first visit, please add copy of passport)  One SI/TEAM-form per visit, per type of stay 5

6 3. Visa Type C: Short term ( ≤ 90d. ) Type D: Long term (> 90 d, multiple entry) One crucial document in visa application: DGD-certificate Submitted by host university to VLIR-UOS; based on the information on SI/TEAM form 6

7 DGD-certificate Short track visa procedure facilitated by DGD for all persons whose stay is in the framework of a VLIR-UOS- funded project. DGD-certificate to be filled in by host university: Correct format Correct lay-out Complete information VLIR-UOS-project number Data (max. 90 days for type C!) 7

8 DGD-certificate 8

9 DGD-certificate: procedure Submission of DGD-certificate by host university to VLIR-UOS VLIR-UOS sends certificate to DGD for approval (timing: max. 1 week) VLIR-UOS sends signed DGD-certificate to embassy (e-mail) Visitor/Scholar makes an appointment at the embassy to submit visa application Issuing of the visa: normally max. 5 days, max. 12 days for VISION-countries. 9

10 Visa application by visitor/scholar DGD-certificate serves as proof of economic solvability and proof of insurance. Other documents needed: Passport Filled in visa application form 2 passport-sized pictures (in colour) Police clearance certificate (only type D) Medical attestation (only type D) Copy of e-ticket Exceptions: application through non-Belgian embassies 10

11 VISA expenses Visa via DGD-certificate is free All other costs? Scholarships: o Scholar pays him/herself o Scholars receive indirect travel costs (lump sum) Visitors: o no indirect travel costs, o reimbursement upon invoice 11

12 Indirect travel costs This lump sum (now 150 €) covers: Medical expenses for obtaining a doctor’s certificate (including costs for obligatory vaccinations and necessary medicines); Legalisation of documents; Transportation to and from the Embassy and/or airport in the home country and Belgium (remark: National flights as part of itinerary from or to Belgium are of course paid under “airline ticket”). 12

13 Indirect travel costs Exception if the scholar’s residence is far away from the Embassy! “In this case, the most economical national or inter-national itinerary (airplane or bus, 1 economy ticket) must be chosen by the scholar and a per diem of € 20 per day and accommodation costs up to a maximum of €50 per night can also be paid for up to 10 days if a stay is required by the Embassy. This cost can be reimbursed at the host university in Belgium upon submission of original receipts.” 13

14 4. Conclusions: travelling to Belgium Purpose of travel => type of mobility (scholarship/per diem) SI/TEAM-form DGD-certificate Timing: SI/TEAM-form, DGD-certificate, academic admission, visa application by visitor/scholar => START WELL IN ADVANCE ! 14

15 Information on website  1. International hotel and per diem allowances 2. Scholarship guidelines 3. Procedure for visa 15


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