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Ms. Catherine Windish 2014-2015 TEXTBOOK: David G. Myers Psychology Eight Edition or Myers AP version Google Chromebook is mandatory.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Catherine Windish 2014-2015 TEXTBOOK: David G. Myers Psychology Eight Edition or Myers AP version Google Chromebook is mandatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Catherine Windish 2014-2015 TEXTBOOK: David G. Myers Psychology Eight Edition or Myers AP version Google Chromebook is mandatory for this course. SUPPLIES: Pens/pencils Play dough (one jar, any color) Index cards or different colored card stock COURSE OUTLINE & OBJECTIVES: UNIT 1: History, Approaches & Scientific Method [Chpt. 1, Appendix A & Handouts] I. History & Approaches…………………………………………..2-4% A. Logic, Philosophy & History of Science B. Approaches 1. Biological 2. Behavioral 3. Cognitive 4. Humanistic 5. Psychodynamic 6. Sociocultural 7. Evolutionary (?) II. Methods………………………………………………............... 6-8% A. Experimental, Correlation & Clinical Research 1. Correlational (eg. observational, survey, clinical) 2. Experimental B. Statistics 1. Descriptive 2. Inferential C. Ethics in Research UNIT 2: Neuroscience & Behavior [Chpt. 2 & Handouts] I. Biological Bases of Behavior……………………………………8-10% A. Physiological Techniques (eg. imaging, surgical) B. Neuroanatomy C. Functional Organization of the Nervous System D. Neural Transmission E. Endocrine System F. Genetics % goals for the AP Examination (multiple- choice section) AP Psychology

2 COURSE OUTLINE & OBJECTIVES Cont’d: UNIT 3: Life Cycle [Chpts. 3, 4 & Handouts] I. Developmental Psychology..…………………………………..7-9% A. Life-Span Approach B. Research Methods (eg, longitudinal, cross-sectional) C. Hereditary- Environment Issues D. Developmental Theories E. Dimensions in Development 1. Physical 2. Cognitive 3. Social 4. Moral F. Sex-Roles, Sex Differences UNIT 4: Sensations, Perceptions & Consciousness [Chpts. 5, 6, 7 & Handouts] I. Sensation & Perception…....…………………………………..7-9% A. Thresholds B. Sensory Mechanisms C. Sensory Adaptation D. Attention E. Perceptual Processes II. States of Consciousness……………………………............... 2-4% A. Sleep & Dreaming B. Hypnosis C. Psychoactive Drug Effects UNIT 5: Learning & Cognition [Chpts. 8, 9, 10, 11 & Handouts] I. Learning …………………….……………………………………7-9% A. Biological Factors B. Classical Conditioning C. Operant Conditioning D. Social Learning E. Cognitive Processes in Learning II. Cognition…………………………………………………………8-10% A. Memory B. Language C. Thinking D. Problem Solving & Creativity UNIT 6: Motivation & Emotion [Chpt. 12 & Handouts] I. Motivation & Emotion……………………………………………7-9% A. Biological Bases B. Theories of Motivation C. Hunger, Thirst, Sex & Pain D. Social Motives E. Theories of Emotion F. Stress % goals for the AP Examination (multiple- choice section)

3 COURSE OUTLINE & OBJECTIVES Cont’d: UNIT 7: Personality & Testing [Chpt. 14 & Handouts] I. Personality……………..…....…………………………………..6-8% A. Theories & Approaches B. Idiographic & Nomothetic Research C. Assessment Techniques D. Self-concept, Self-esteem E. Growth & Adjustment II. Testing & Individual Differences……………………............... 5-7% A. Standardization & Norms B. Reliability & Validity C. Types of Tests D. Ethic & Standards in Testing E. Intelligence F. Hereditary/Environment & Intelligence G. Human Diversity UNIT 8: Abnormal Psychology & Therapy [Chpts. 15, 16, 17 & Handouts] I. Abnormal Psychology..……………………………............... 7-9% A. Definitions of Abnormality B. Theories of Psychopathology C. Diagnosis of Psychopathology D. Anxiety Disorders E. Somatoform Disorders F. Mood Disorders G. Schizophrenic Disorders H. Organic Disorders I. Personality Disorders J. Dissociative Disorders II. Treatment of Psychological Disorders……………………….5-7% A. Treatment Approaches 1. Insight Therapies: Psychodynamics/ Phenomenological Approaches 2. Behavioral Approaches 3. Cognitive Approaches B. Modes of Therapy (eg. individual, group) C. Community & Preventive Approaches UNIT 9: Social Psychology [Chpt. 18 & Handouts] I. Social Psychology………….……………………………………7-9% A. Group Dynamics B. Attribution Processes C. Interpersonal Perception D. Conformity, Compliance, Obedience E. Attitudes & Attitude Change F. Organizational Behavior G. Aggression / Antisocial Behavior % goals for the AP Examination (multiple- choice section)

4 Evaluation This course also seeks to provide students with: *The systematic and scientific study of behavior and the mental processes of human beings and other animals. *Psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within the discipline of psychology. *Carry a workload equivalent to that of a college level course. *Actively participate in class discussions, note taking and extensive reading. * Use technology for research and responsible reporting of information A “Windishism”: Grades are not given, they are earned. Homework. A grade of 100% is earned for homework completed and on time. A grade of 0 is earned for any homework incomplete or not done at all. Homework is checked at the beginning of each class. Students should expect reading assignments on a nightly basis. Quizzes/ Tests. Students should expect pop quizzes on reading assignments as well as any other material discussed in class. Chapter and unit tests will be administered with plenty of notice for study time. Tests content comes from: Myers text, notes, class discussions, and labs. Vocabulary/ Flashcards. Because this a content based class, students will be held accountable for all of the terminology in this text and assigned by teacher. Students will be given unit terms to define and these definitions will be placed on index cards or a sheet of paper divided in parts, which will be used in class and for study purposes. The format for the flashcards is as follows:\ Front of card: Term in the middle, picture on the bottom right hand side. Back of card: Relevant words most associated with term on front of the card. MAX #words = 8. Class discussions. Yes, we do share. Although the teacher may be entertaining, she does encourage and require that students share thoughts, ideas, and maybe even experiences, with others. AP Psychology is in some way, its very own community. Respect for others’ sharing is paramount. Projects. Psychology is a wonderful discipline which allows each of us to explore him/her self. Another way to share is to engage in creative projects. Some projects may be done using class time; others will require materials and time outside of school. EX: ABNORMAL: Students will choose a character (movie, literature, TV, to diagnose using the DSM- IV or V and a psychiatric intake form. Labs. Psych Sims 5 is tool accessed by using the Myers textbook companion website. Grades are calculated via various point values in each of the following:

5 **Exams. The Winter exam is required for everyone. All students must take the AP Psychology exam in May. The AP exam has two parts. The multiple choice section contains 100 questions to be answered in 70 minutes followed by the free response section which consists of two essays to be answered in 50 minutes. General information: Plan on extensive use of technology, namely; setting up your notebook using Google Drive and nesting folders. I shall be sharing most note sheets and diagrams. You are welcome to maintain a hard copy notebook if this serves you more efficiently, but you will be responsible for printing out any shared documents. All electronic submissions will be via Google Documents and shared using Google Drive in the following format: Student name, Course title, Class period : Assignment title EX: Catherine Windish, AP Psychology, B : “Diary of a Psychopath” If for some reason, you arrive to this classroom, and there is no teacher a few minutes after the bell has rung, two students are to go to the front office and report the situation.

6 Windish 2014-2015 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY CONTRACT ABSENCE: _______If I am absent the day when an assignment is due, it will be taken or turned in the first day I return. I understand there is no grace period for projects unless rubric specifies. _______If I am absent, I understand I am responsible for checking my email and keeping current with work. _______If I am absent for an assessment, I will make it up within three days per SJA handbook. WORK: ______ I understand that this college level course will require much reading, creating flash cards, class preparation and studying for tests, quizzes as well as preparation for regularly administered pop quizzes. _______ I understand and appreciate that participating in class discussions are also part of my grade. _______ I am willing to do the work required to be successful in this course. _______This class will be conducted under an honor code. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable. _______I will check my email on a daily basis because Ms. Windish uses email as her primary form of communication in sending notes, assignments, deadlines, etc… POLICIES: ________I will come to each class prepared: required reading complete and required materials in hand. ________I will respect the rights and privacy of others, & treat others with dignity & respect. ________I understand food and drink are prohibited with the exception of water in a water bottle. ________I understand that all school policies will be followed & enforced. FOCUS & EFFORT: _______ I will ask for help from Ms. Windish when I need it rather than be confused or negative. ________I know that I can achieve my goals with perseverance & hard work. I will stay positive & focused, put forth my best effort & be willing to learn from my mistakes. **AP Psychology is a college-level course in a high school setting. I will stay current with my work & should expect to do some type of homework/reading/studying for this class every night. I have read & understand the rules & responsibilities. By signing this document, I agree to abide by the expectations listed above & to make a positive contribution to this class. ______________________________ ___________________________ ____________ Student Signature Student Name Printed Date I have read this syllabus & understand what is expected of my student in AP Psychology. ______________________________ ___________________________ ____________ Parent Signature Parent Name Printed Date __(_____)________-______________ ___________________________ Phone Number Parent Email (optional) AP Psychology

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