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Samira M. Bakr, PhD Academic visitor Reading University, UK 22/02/2011 1 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr.

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Presentation on theme: "Samira M. Bakr, PhD Academic visitor Reading University, UK 22/02/2011 1 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samira M. Bakr, PhD Academic visitor Reading University, UK 22/02/2011 1 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

2  Introduction about weblog,  Social constructivism in language learning  Using blogs in EFL classes  Types of blogs in classroom,  Using computers in Saudi context  Advantages and disadvantages of using blogs  Conclusion 22/02/2011 2 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

3  The Internet provides a powerful delivery system  for teaching and learning.  With improvements in web-based applications and information technology come new opportunities  and challenges for educators to design, develop, and deliver effective instruction 22/02/2011 3 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

4  As teachers and educators, it is important to know how to apply new and emerge educational practices and technologies.  The English language classroom has always been associated with competencies, grammar, tasks, exercises, and 22/02/2011 4 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

5  drill activities that position teaching and learning a language as an educational activity that is separated from society.  Allum found that, as a result, students were found to be unmotivated and uninterested in learning the language (2002). 22/02/2011 5 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

6  New paradigms in language teaching and learning are needed to encourage students to acquire and improve their second language or foreign language proficiency in a social context (Vygotsky, 1978),. 22/02/2011 6 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

7  Using a technology known as “Blended Learning”.  The term “technology” refers to the Internet, CD-ROMs and interactive whiteboards and computer-based communication (including chat, email, blogs and wikis) to enrich teaching and learning. 22/02/2011 7 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

8  Blood (2002) differentiates between two types of blogs.  The first type is that of journals, which function as an electronic diary in which bloggers can express their ideas that students’ writing skills improve when they blog. 22/02/2011 8 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

9  provides opportunities to help students improve their knowledge of English.  lets students compose writing with specific purposes.  “Blogs”, “ weblogs” are a new way for people to express their thoughts in public.  “blogs help people become more thoughtful and critical in their thoughts, ideas, and opinions 22/02/2011 9 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

10  The second type is the filter-style blog, where bloggers post links to other web content with associated commentary.  Blogs are best described as web sites that are updated frequently and  let bloggers and readers to communicate with each other by leaving comments and suggestions on the content of the blogs. 22/02/2011 10 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

11  Using Weblog supports a social constructivist approach from the social constructivist’s perspective,  knowledge is the process by which students construct meaning from past experiences in a social context. 22/02/2011 11 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

12  This encourages students to use language and new knowledge in different situations,  Students use language  to express themselves,  to explain,  to negotiate,  and to compromise with peers while discussing ideas. 22/02/2011 12 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

13  Using blogs, especially group blogging, as a writing activity in the English classroom can create a learning environment that encourages students to work collaboratively in a social context  Miers (2004 in Seitzinger, 2006) says:  Constructivist learning should engage students in meaningful learning where the learning should be: 22/02/2011 13 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

14  Constructive and reflective, enabling students to integrate new ideas with prior knowledge to make meaning and enable learning through reflection  Intentional, providing opportunities for students to articulate their learning goals  and monitor their progress in achieving them 22/02/2011 14 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

15  Authentic, challenging and real- world (or simulated), facilitating better understanding and transfer of learning to new situations  Cooperative, providing students with opportunities to interact with each other to clarify, share ideas,  negotiate problems and discuss solutions. 22/02/2011 15 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

16 Blogs in the Language Classroom  Blogs can be used as a tool and a platform for students to:  be creative  publish their writing online.  replace or become an alternative to traditional journal writing 22/02/2011 16 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

17  Educators use blogs in three different ways and with different purposes.  tutor blogs,  learner blogs  and class blogs 22/02/2011 17 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

18  This is run by the tutor for the learners.  It gives daily Reading practice to the learners which is linked to related online sources.  It promotes exploration of English websites.  It encourages online verbal exchange by use of comment buttons 22/02/2011 18 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

19  It is run by individual learners or by collaborative groups of learners.  students can get writing practice,  develop a sense of ownership,  and get experience with the practical, legal, and ethical issues of creating a hypertext document. 22/02/2011 19 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

20  Collaborative effort of an entire class.  It could be used like a free-form bulletin board for learners to  post messages,  images, and links related to classroom discussion topics.  With intermediate and advanced learners, class blogs facilitate project- based language learning. 22/02/2011 20 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

21  It could also be used as a virtual space for an international classroom language exchange. 22/02/2011 21 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

22  using blogs as a writing tool:  encourages feedback and represents both writing and reading activity;  stimulates debate, critical analysis, and encourages articulation of ideas and opinions Godwin-Jones(2006) 22/02/2011 22 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

23  Blogs :  increase interactivity,  reflective activities,  give opportunity to practice language skills.  are authentic, interesting, and communicative resources. 22/02/2011 23 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

24  AbuSeileek study ( 2007) proved the effectiveness of two computer- mediated techniques  Al-Jarf (2005) used Nicenet, WebCT and Model to teach grammar to freshman students at the College of Languages and Translation, King Saud University. 22/02/2011 24 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

25  A cross-cultural online writing project, conducted by Al-Jafr (2004).  EFL college instructors and students in Ukraine, Russia and Saudi Arabia and participated to develop students' writing skills. 22/02/2011 25 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

26  Weblog authors are not usually professional writers, weblog readers are not generally professional readers either( Wrede 2003)  Weblogs have the potential to be hacked, accidentally deleted or suddenly out of service when most needed. 22/02/2011 26 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

27  The weblog is a new arrival as an educational technology, which is a mixed blessing  has more advanced and convenient unique features and functions in comparison with other tools, 22/02/2011 27 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

28  Is drawing more and more attention from EFL educators 22/02/2011 28 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

29 22/02/2011 29 E-Learning Conference Samira Bakr

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