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Leadership Transformation Theme HEWM Event 13 th July 2015 Paula Clark LETB Executive Sponsor / Jo Chambers TT Deputy Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Transformation Theme HEWM Event 13 th July 2015 Paula Clark LETB Executive Sponsor / Jo Chambers TT Deputy Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Transformation Theme HEWM Event 13 th July 2015 Paula Clark LETB Executive Sponsor / Jo Chambers TT Deputy Chair

2 Purpose of today’s workshop Introduction to the Leadership Transformation Theme (TT) Reviewing proposed Programmes of work by TT Your opportunity to shape the design of the TT governance arrangements Your opportunity to shape the design and delivery of this theme Capture wicked issues


4 Outputs from HAY report re LETB views on future working LETC chairs wanted wider involvement for a reinvigorated agenda LETC agendas not always reflective of transformation work or work that can be scaled and spread Need to ensure our work reflects national policy, i.e. FYFV, 15 Year Strategic Framework, HEE Mandate, HEWM 5yr Skills Strategy Desire to be “High Performing LETB” Rationale for Change

5 Context National Context  Various reviews undertaken since 2014: Smith / Rose / HSJ  Tighter governance controls over the national leadership academy by NHS Eng and establishment of the national steering committee to oversee activity  Change in National leadership academy funding model WM Regional context  Support and buy in from LETB for leadership as a transformation theme with associated funding  Established engagement structure that can be built upon  Good governance arrangements through existing networks  Great examples of best practice that can be used for scale and spread

6 West Midlands Leadership Challenges Systems Leadership:  In the context of five year forward view enabling cross boundary working  Enabling staff to operate effectively and flexibly in different environments and different roles  Talent Management Succession Planning regionally and organisationally  Investing leadership funding into the activities that will have major transformational impact that can be measured and spread

7 New Governance Model

8 Leadership Transformation Theme Mission Statement “Through the Leadership Transformation Theme Group and via the Local Education Training Councils and in conjunction with the Local Delivery Partner role, we will actively engage with stakeholders to influence, develop, implement and evaluate high quality leadership interventions. We will translate local needs in line with HEE Business Plan objectives and FYFV by challenging thinking to develop leaders to deliver high quality care”.

9 Focus for discussion today 1. Engagement Model Who should be involved in this Theme (e.g. membership, network links and task groups)? How can we best engage to ensure the right skills and knowledge mix that will influence, inform and deliver system transformational leadership activities (geography groups vs. thematic groups) 2. Leadership Priorities to Meet Workforce Needs Based on needs analysis, leadership activities 2015-16 provisionally agreed (see handout) Sense check and enhance these priorities to ensure maximum system impact


11 Workshop 1: Leadership Engagement Model 1. Personal reflection time (3 mins in Silence) On A4 paper - design your perfect leadership engagement model based on what would work for our system. Remember: balance of Geography vs. Leadership Activity Themes 2. Design the prefect engagement model on your tables (10 mins) As a table, share your design thoughts Design the perfect engagement model on flipchart paper 3. Share high level design principles with wider group

12 Workshop 2: Leadership Activities 1. Review the handout on proposed leadership activities 2015-2016 and using post it notes, personally identify:  Identify the top 3 activities you endorse, with reasons why on your post it notes labelled with a happy face  Identify one activity that you think has the least impact, with reasons why on your post it notes, labelled with a sad face   Identify up to two activities that you think are missing and why, labelled with a star  2. Place your endorsement post it notes against the activities names on the flip charts around the room 3. Play SNAP! Take it in turns to discuss your missing activity post it note. If someone else shares your view, they must shout SNAP! And we cluster this as a new theme on the blank flipchart


14 Feedback for Group Identify 3 headlines to share with other groups Identify your groups wicked issues ( those that don’t have an obvious solution)

15 Next Steps Commence execution of plan, with monitoring and governance as per revised operating model HEWM Board – 11 th September Develop Project Initiation Document and Investment plan - August 2015 Refresh Transformation Theme steering group with new members and associated model of engagement - August 2015 Leadership Transformation Theme map outputs following todays input to PID and investment plan Progress reported to LETB board – 17 th July

16 Contacts LETB Exec Sponsor: Paula Clarke, CEO, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley. Leaderships Transformation Theme Deputy Chair Jo Chambers, CEO, Royal Orthopedic Hospital. LETB Theme lead: Sue Harris, Director of Leadership /Lynda Austin, Deputy Head of Leadership, HEWM 0121 6952528 / 07527619827 0121 695 2237 / 07886772615 Leadership Transformation Theme Project Manager Lucille Legiewicz 0121 695 2478


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