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Course Selection Gr. 10 to Gr. 11. OSSD Requirements 18 Compulsory Credits 4 Religion Credits 8 Elective Credits 40 Hours of Community Service Successful.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Selection Gr. 10 to Gr. 11. OSSD Requirements 18 Compulsory Credits 4 Religion Credits 8 Elective Credits 40 Hours of Community Service Successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Selection Gr. 10 to Gr. 11

2 OSSD Requirements 18 Compulsory Credits 4 Religion Credits 8 Elective Credits 40 Hours of Community Service Successful completion of the OSSLT or Literacy Course (OLC4O1)

3 CC Course Planner

4 Diploma Requirements

5 Full Disclosure All grade 11 and 12 course marks & attempts will be shown on a student’s transcript All dropped courses (if dropped after midterm deadline) and failed courses will be included (with ‘0’ credit value) Repeated credits – will only receive the credit once, all attempts will appear

6 Destination Pathways Workplace Apprenticeship College University

7 Course Types Open courses - e.g. GPP3O1 Workplace preparation courses - e.g. MEL3E1 College preparation courses - e.g. MBF3C1 University/College (mixed) prep courses - e.g. CLU3M1 University preparation courses - e.g. ENG3U1 AP/University preparation - e.g. ENG3UY

8 Compulsory Gr. 11 Credits English (one of) –ENG3UY –ENG3UY (AP prep) –ENG3U1 –ENG3U1 (University prep) –ENG3C1 –ENG3C1 (College prep) –ENG3E1 –ENG3E1 (Workplace prep) Religion (one of) –HRT3M1 or HRT3M2 –HRF3O1 –HRF3O1 (College prep) –choose level of religion according to English level and / or post secondary pathway

9 Gr. 11 Compulsory Credits Math (one of) –MCR3UY (AP prep – must also take MHF4U1 in S2 of gr. 11 ) –MCR3U1 (University prep) >70% in MPM2D1 –MCF3M1 (University/College prep) Min. 70% in MPM2D1 or >75% in MFM2P1 –MBF3C1 (College prep) MFM2P1 –MEL3E1 (Workplace prep) MAT2L1

10 Math Course Flow Chart

11 Grade 11 Elective Credits Check your Group requirements! Choose your electives CAREFULLY so that you have the correct pre- requisites for your anticipated Gr. 12 courses Take the averages recommended by the department to be successful in the next level SERIOUSLY

12 Grade 11 Elective Credits Choose any subject for which you have the prerequisite Look at University/College program prerequisites & Destination Pathways Follow your interests and strengths or try something new!?

13 Talk to teachers, peers & guidance counsellors -- find complete descriptions online If you are unsuccessful on the Ontario Secondary Literacy Test (OSSLT)  discuss with your Guidance counsellor, may recommend that you choose OLC4O1 in grade 11

14 Specialist High Skills Major Specialist High Skills Major program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements to graduate Available at SBA –Arts & Culture

15 Arts Alive! Students complete a bundle of 8 credits in Grades 11 and 12 including a 2 credit coop Students complete a bundle of 8 credits in Grades 11 and 12 including a 2 credit coop Reach-ahead activities, art-related certifications, portfolio building Reach-ahead activities, art-related certifications, portfolio building Customize your education! For all pathways !

16 Benefits Customize your education to suit your interests and talents Develop specialized knowledge and skills Gain career-relevant training  resume, portfolio building! Available in all pathways  U/C/Workplace/Apprenticeship

17 Department Notes

18 Science Physics - SPH4C1 (2013) Chemistry SCH4C1 (2014) and College are offered in alternate years (Prerequisite for both courses – SNC2D1 or SNC2P1) Need to have SCH3U1 to take SBI4U1

19 Canadian & World Studies New course offering! CGF3M1CGF3M1 – Forces of Nature: Physical Processes & Disasters NDA3M1NDA3M1 – Current Aboriginal Issues in Canada

20 Social Sciences New course offerings! CGF3M CGF3M – Forces of Nature: Physical Processes & Disasters HPC3O1 HPC3O1 – Raising Healthy Children Note: new course types

21 New course types/offerings HSP3U1HSP3U1- Intro to Psychology, Sociology, – university preparation –Pre-requisites: ENG2D1, ENG2DY, CHC2D1, CHC2DY –>70% recommended HNC3C1HNC3C1 – Understanding Fashion – college preparation –Pre-requisite – none

22 French & International Languages In our multicultural society, the benefits of having another language such as French, Spanish or Italian are numerous If you take a language for all 4 years, you will receive a certificate of proficiency

23 Business Post secondary business programs may recommend: BAF3M1BAF3M1 – accounting CIE3M1CIE3M1 - economics (CWS credit, not a business credit)

24 Arts Art courses available: …drama…visual arts…music HRE203HRE203 (Religion – Art) NOT an arts credit but can act as a prerequisite to any grade 11 Visual Arts No pre req but experience? …see Art subject teacher to discuss eligibility

25 Physical & Health Education PPL3O1Activities PPL3O1 PAF3OW, PAF3OFPersonal Fitness PAF3OW, PAF3OF PAL3OG PAL3OB PAL3OHSport Focus Fitness PAL3OG (soccer), PAL3OB (football), PAL3OH (hockey) (additional cost)

26 Religion Must take a religion credit each year HRF3O1HRF3O1 HRT3M1HRT3M2 AMU3M2HRT3M1 or HRT3M2 (full year, alternate days with AMU3M2

27 Technological Education Large variety of courses transportation (auto), construction, computer, hospitality, & communication to choose from TGG4M1 TGG4M1 is the yearbook production course –requires TGJ3M1 or AWD3M1 as a pre- requisite

28 Special Education GPP3O1GPP3O1 - Peer Helping ADC3O1ADC3O1 - Drama in the Community

29 Cooperative Education What is it? Who can take co-op? Choose from 2 (half day) or 4 credit (full day) options 2 credit COOPHD 4 credit COOPFD

30 Apprenticeship In the next two decades, 40% of new jobs will be in the skilled trades and technologies (Statistics Canada). Opportunity for students to explore and work in apprenticeship occupations starting in Grade 11 through the Cooperative Education program 2 or 4 credit Can prep for Accelerated OYAP in Gr. 12

31 Benefits of Coop  Apprenticeship Explore potential career in an apprenticeship trade Gain valuable connections with potential employers/journeypersons Acquire free technical training Develop transferrable work skills Increase confidence and self-reliance Make a smooth transition into post- secondary apprenticeship programs

32 Courses Required for Post Secondary Admission University: 6 Grade 12 University (U) or University/College (M) Preparation courses including specific program prerequisitesColleges/Apprenticeship: C, M or U courses O courses

33 Explore all opportunities Consider a combination of pathways –High school > University > College –High school > College > University –High school > Apprenticeship > College –High school > Work > College –High school > Work > University

34 How do you decide? Look at interests, goals, grades, what’s important to you…..yes, all that Careers stuff! Plan your courses  from post secondary prerequisites down to grade 11 -- use your Course Planner on Career Cruising

35 Know what prerequisites (especially Math and English) are needed to keep the doors open to your destination pathway Stay informed as colleges and universities release updated information

36 Tips Start your research NOW… don’t wait until Gr. 11 Focus on a Career Group, NOT just one job or one career Balance “dreams” with “reality” Be your own advocate Allow for flexibility -- have a backup plan!

37 Online Course Selection Course selection will be completed through Career Cruising Log in is YC-(7 digit student ID) Password same as last year (can use link to have it emailed or see Guidance) Course Selection Sign Off Sheets: due 2 days after presentation – Wednesday, Feb. 13

38 Frequently Asked Questions I went to Guidance yesterday and I can’t get into see my counsellor for two weeks! What now? How am I supposed to get my questions answered when my Course Selection Sign Off Sheet is due to my homeroom teacher in two days after my computer lab presentation?

39 FAQs FAQs (cont’d) If I change my mind about an elective course that I chose, can I change it ? Can I double up on courses, for instance: Can I take grade 11 English and Grade 12 English? Can I take a grade 12 course? What if I plan to take a course in summer school?


41 Not 100% sure that you will be returning to SBA next year ?? – Complete your course selection- guarantee a timetable if you do decide to return – School fees will be refunded minus a $15.00 administration fee

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