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EVALUATING VET-TEACHER'S COMPETENCE: RECONCEPTUALISING STANDARDS European Conference on e-Learning for All European Training strategies in Practice 15.

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Presentation on theme: "EVALUATING VET-TEACHER'S COMPETENCE: RECONCEPTUALISING STANDARDS European Conference on e-Learning for All European Training strategies in Practice 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVALUATING VET-TEACHER'S COMPETENCE: RECONCEPTUALISING STANDARDS European Conference on e-Learning for All European Training strategies in Practice 15 September 2011, Dublin Heidi Paju Tallinn University, Institute of Educational Sciences

2 Vocational teacher’s expertise 9/9/2015Heidi Paju  How novice teacher’s see the profile of ideal skilled teacher?  How novice teacher assess their own competence?  Can we use teacher’s expertise model as self- evaluation tool for novice teachers?

3 Theoretical framework 9/9/2015Heidi Paju  Teacher’s expertise model (Helakorpi 2009)  Estonian vocational teacher’s professional standard

4 Teacher’s expertise model 9/9/2015Heidi Paju Pedagogical domain Substantive domain Developmental domain Organizational domain

5 Teacher’s expertise model 9/9/2015Heidi Paju Pedagogical domain Substantive domain Developmental domain Organizational domain Pedagogical skills Mastery of educational process Self- development Developing profession Administration of education Know-how of teamwork Working life competence Professional know-how

6 VET teacher’s professional standard 9/9/2015Heidi Paju V level IV level III level Master degree Bachelor degree Secondary education

7 VET teacher’s professional standard 9/9/2015Heidi Paju  Creating and developing positive teaching-learning environment  Planning and analyzing learning-process  Analyzing and assessing students’ learning outcomes  Knowledge of school as working environment  Self-reflection and self-development through life-long learning  Supporting students’ development  Development of profession IV level

8 Pilot-study 9/9/2015Heidi Paju  Focus-group:  16 2 nd year students  Teaching experience up to 2 years  Average age 36 years  Specialties: service, production, military  Evaluation of competences  scale: 0 – not competent  10 – very competent

9 Skilled teacher’s profile 9/9/2015Heidi Paju 1. Substantive domain 2. Pedagogical domain 3. Organizational domain 4. Research and development

10 Working context 9/9/2015Heidi Paju New target groups Development of labor market Organisational changes National legislation Inter- nationalisation Development of IT New approaches to learning & teaching Changing paradigms Teacher’s roles & competence requirements

11 Individual professional profiles 9/9/2015Heidi Paju Pedagogical domain Substantive domain Developmental domain Organizational domain Pedagogical skills (6,11) Mastery of educational process (5,56) Self- development (4,44) Developing profession (4,0) Administration of education (4,78) Know-how of teamwork (5,67) Working life competence (7,0) Professional know-how (7,56)

12 Conclusions 9/9/2015Heidi Paju  Students feel more competent in substantive domain  Very few recognize need of developing research skills  Model needs detailed explanation before using it as self-evaluation tool for novice teachers

13 Thank you! 9/9/2015Heidi Paju

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