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EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Education today is the result of the cooperation and the integration among private and public subjects and inner and external subjects.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Education today is the result of the cooperation and the integration among private and public subjects and inner and external subjects."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Education today is the result of the cooperation and the integration among private and public subjects and inner and external subjects of scholastic world. Television can be considered a vehicle for education and learning. Why are there incomprehension between teachers and students in educational relationships?

2 School can be considered as a privileged laboratory for studying social rules which are the foundations of relational dynamics between adults and youngsters. In particular, the beginning of the responsibility can be considered an important factor which can regulate relationships between teachers and students. Recent studies have shown that responsibility is the origin of stance(presa di posizione) of the individuals. Hence the importance of deepening the influence that society can exercise in relationship, in particular regard principle of responsibility. We assert that responsibility of relationships is very important in educational relationships, especially responsibilities which involve teachers and students in a very significant social context as school. School represents a very delicate context: it’s indisputable that the part played by teachers requires an engagement which involves a big personal participation.

3 Teachers are confronted with a series of problems concerning daily school life and direct relationships with students. In Italy exist general laws which require of teachers strict control of students’ behaviour. The conflict almost daily among teachers’ demands of the exercising some form of the control of the behaviours in the classes, and request for autonomy of guys. Between teachers and students there are differences and they are differences of points of view that are characteristic of educational system between juveniles and adults. Seems possible say that the theme of responsibility in schools can be an important element to point out how teachers and students elaborate and explain their ideas about educational relationship and how they act consistently with the social rules they refer to.

4 Loading s Teachers’ register (31.8%) If teachers can assume their professional register, students react positively. 78 If the importance of education is appreciate, scholastic desertion can be avoided.. 78 Importance of educational relationship at school.(28.6%) The biggest problems which guys have at school come from difficult relationships between teachers and students.. 75 Students comprehend only when they are motivated by their teacher.. 72

5 SCHOOL DIVISION School years Primary education oScuola elementare (primary school) oYear 1, age 6 to 7 oYear 2, age 7 to 8 oYear 3, age 8 to 9 oYear 4, age 9 to 10 oYear 5, age 10 to 11 (no examination at this point)

6 Secondary education oScuola media (middle school) oYear 1, age 11 to 12 oYear 2, age 12 to 13 oYear 3, age 13 to 14 (Licenza di Scuola Media) oScuola superiore (secondary school) oYear 1, age 14 to 15 oYear 2, age 15 to 16 oYear 3, age 16 to 17 oYear 4, age 17 to 18 oYear 5, age 18 to 19 (Licenza di scuola superiore, formerly Maturità)

7 oUniversity Laurea Breve [Bachelor's degree] Year 1, age 19 to 20 Year 2, age 20 to 21 Year 3, age 21 to 22 Laurea specialistica [Master's degree] Year 1, age 22 to 23 Year 2, age 23 to 24

8 We have done a resurches about education in italian society. These are the results: Nativity index - from 1.29 to 1.33 ->children for each woman (often our of marriage) - 10000 weddings from 2003 - 6.5% less marriages - from 24.7% to 31.2% civil unions The family doesn’t work - 49.6% absent fathers - 41.7% stressed mothers - 39.5% inability to pass on positive values

9 Children and television - 32.6% watches TV from one to three hours every day - 32.3% watches TV less than one hour every day - 13.5% of children doesn’t watch TV every day - 7.6% watches TV from three to five hours every day - 8.4% watches TV more than five hours every day - 54.7% never watches forbidden programmes - 21.6% watches forbidden programmes with adults - 6.3% watches TV with friends or brothers - 14.5% watches TV alone Wrestling - 49.6% of under age people watches wrestlig and regart eat highly - 23.7% doesn’t watch it because they don’t mind it - 13.6% doesn’t watch it because it is too violent - 6.3% because parents don’t want them to watch it - 3.4% because doesn’t know what it is In particularly, wrestlig is more followed by boys (69.2%), but is appreciated by a significant number (30.5%) of girls too.

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