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Buffalo City School District McKinney-Vento Program John Crabbe March 1, 2013.

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1 Buffalo City School District McKinney-Vento Program John Crabbe March 1, 2013

2 Total Number of Identified Homeless Students in the Data Warehouse 2011-2012 TOTAL BY NIGHTTIME RESIDENCE Shelter (including transitional housing, awaiting foster care) Doubled-up (i.e., living with another family) Unsheltered (e.g., cars, parks, campgrounds, substandard, etc) Hotels/Motels 1,033 162 NO. OF HOMELESS STUDENTS IDENTIFIED45 026 2010-2011 TOTAL NO. OF HOMELESS STUDENTS IDENTIFIED 2009-2010 TOTALAVERAGE NO. HOMELESS STUDENTS IDENTIFIED 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 810697847 LEA Name 2011-2012 TOTAL NO. HOMELESS STUDENTS Ages 3-5 (Not K) K123456789101112ung 1,033419710595836972718671867035520 Grand Total1,033419710595836972718671867035520

3 McKinney Vento Family Needs Questionnaire 1.Please check all the services you would like more information and assistance with: ___School Supplies ___Free Lunch Program ___School Uniforms ___Food ___Clothing ___Housing ___Counseling ___Transportation Some programs we work with require additional information. Please respond only if you want more information on Social Services programs. 1.Current Marital Status ___Single ___Married ___Living with another individual ___Widow ___Divorced ___Separated 1.What is your highest level of education? ___Less than secondary school (did not graduate from high school) ___Secondary school graduate (high school diploma or equivalent - GED) ___Some college (post-secondary education, college, associate/technical degree) ___College graduate ___Masters degree or equivalent ___Doctorate (PhD, EdD, MD, JD) ___Other 1.How would you describe your current “Living Arrangements”? ___Living with Family ___Separated from Family ___Foster Care Pending ___Living with Friends ___No Permanent Residence ___Living in a Shelter Thank you for helping us help you.

4 McKinney Vento Family Needs Questionnaire 1.Please check all the services you would like more information and assistance with: 90+% School Supplies 95% Free Lunch Program 60% School Uniforms 35% Food 30% Clothing 20% Housing 20% Counseling 95+% Transportation Some programs we work with require additional information. Please respond only if you want more information on Social Services programs. 1.Current Marital Status 35% Single 15% Married 12% Living with another individual 3% Widow/Widower 30% Divorced 5% Separated 1.What is your highest level of education? 56% Less than secondary school (did not graduate from high school) 41% Secondary school graduate (high school diploma or equivalent - GED) 2% Some college (post-secondary education, college, associate/technical degree) 1% College graduate 0% Masters degree or equivalent 0% Doctorate (PhD, EdD, MD, JD) 0% Other 1.How would you describe your current “Living Arrangements”? 82% Living with Family 10% Separated from Family 1% Foster Care Pending 10% Living with Friends 2.5% No Permanent Residence 16% Living in a Shelter Thank you for helping us help you.

5 Buffalo City School District Three-Year ELA and MATH Scores Comparison of Homeless Students’ to District-wide Averages ELAMATH Grades Years Homeless Student Avg District Average Dif Homeless Student Avg District Average Dif Grade 32009 - 10650652-2672 0 Grade 32010 - 11644650-6664671-7 Grade 32011 - 12647651-4664672-8 Grade 42009 - 10643654-11652661-9 Grade 42010 - 11641654-136696645 Grade 42011 - 126556541661664-3 Grade 52009 - 10649657-8653659-6 Grade 52010 - 11652654-2656660-4 Grade 52011 - 12655656651655-4 Grade 62009 - 10653654654656-2 Grade 62010 - 116556541655660-5 Grade 62011 - 12649653-4652656-3 Grade 72009 - 10645654-9646654-8 Grade 72010 - 11642652-10646656-10 Grade 72011 - 12652654-2648654-6 Grade 82009 - 10637644-7651656-5 Grade 82010 - 11634643-9636654-18 Grade 82011 - 12643645-2646652-6

6 Buffalo City School District Three-Year Regents Exams Scores Averages of Students Classified as Homeless vs. District-wide Averages CourseRegents Algebra2/TrigRegents ELARegents Geometry Years2011-122010-112009-102011-122010-112009-102011-122010-112009-10 District Average 474544697163595751 Homeless Average 313421636860495047 Difference-17-11-23-6-3 -10-7-4 CourseRegents Global HistoryRegents Integrated AlgebraRegents Living Environment Years2011-122010-112009-102011-122010-112009-102011-122010-112009-10 District Average 616255606157676660 Homeless Average 525853 6156586659 Difference-9-4-2-70-2-90 CourseRegents Phy Set/ChemistryRegents Phy Set/ Earth ScienceRegents Phy Set/Physics Years2011-122010-112009-102011-122010-112009-102011-122010-112009-10 District Average 646562595854696664 Homeless Average 52427052545645NA Difference-12-248-7-42-24XX CourseRegents History & Gov't Years2011-122010-112009-10 District Average 6867 Homeless Average 616361 Difference-7-4-6

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