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Welcome – Patient Forum 22 Jan 2013 Agenda 19.00 – 19.10 Welcome/refreshments 19.10 – 19.45 Presentation and Q &A 19.45 – 20.30 Discussion groups 20.30.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome – Patient Forum 22 Jan 2013 Agenda 19.00 – 19.10 Welcome/refreshments 19.10 – 19.45 Presentation and Q &A 19.45 – 20.30 Discussion groups 20.30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome – Patient Forum 22 Jan 2013 Agenda 19.00 – 19.10 Welcome/refreshments 19.10 – 19.45 Presentation and Q &A 19.45 – 20.30 Discussion groups 20.30 – 20.45 Feedback from groups 20.45- 21.00 Any other issues/close

2 How we use your feedback Key feedback from first forum: People liked the principle of being supported at home rather than hospital or residential care but were concerned that people could become isolated or not get enough support at home. A majority of respondents felt mental health services should be a priority for the health and wellbeing strategy. We are using your ideas and views as we develop our plans and we will keep you updated as these projects progress.

3 Our plans for 2013

4 Who we are and what we do The Kingston Clinical Commissioning Group is made up of representatives from the 28 GP practices in Kingston. We work together to put in place the right hospital, mental health and community services for people in Kingston. We commission (purchase) these services from providers (e.g. Kingston Hospital, South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust, Your Healthcare). The National Commissioning Board commissions GPs, pharmacists, dentists and opticians.

5 Primary care Responsibility for primary care contracts will be transferring to NHS Commissioning Board. However, CCGs will still have a role in monitoring and improving quality in primary care.

6 What evidence helps inform our plans? Joint strategic needs assessment Health and Wellbeing Strategy Better Services Better Value Review Patient feedback

7 What are our plans for 2013? The following slides outline our plans for the next year. We will discuss some of these areas in more detail in groups. A few hard copies of the full commissioning strategy are available this evening and the strategy can also be accessed on our website.

8 Community services Kingston at Home: - integrating health & social care services - single point of access for patients - more support at home - making best use of community beds - redesigning day services Improving care and management of older people in hospital Improving stroke rehabilitation

9 Mental health Launching a new community wellbeing service to provide psychological therapies and substance misuse support Increasing support for independent living Reviewing older persons community mental health services Agreeing and implementing a plan to support carers Improving support for veterans and families Increasing primary care provision for attention deficit hyperactivity disorders

10 Hospital services Accident and emergency - see next slide Outpatient service redesign - e.g. creating community services for urology, neurology, ear, nose and throat, cardiology and gynaecology Managing outpatient referrals by ensuring patients are referred to the right service for their needs Working in partnership, e.g. participating in London Cancer Programme to coordinate commissioning

11 Urgent, unscheduled and emergency care Developing a single point of access for urgent care through NHS 111 Working with the hospital to provide integrated A&E care for minor injuries and ailments Preventing admissions and helping people go home sooner through the Kingston at Home programme

12 End of life care/Medicines management End of life care Reducing avoidable admissions to hospital Increasing choice of preferred place of care and preferred place of death Medicines management Making sure medicines are being prescribed efficiently and effectively and reducing waste, so that patients get the right medicines for their need.

13 Long term conditions Supporting people to stay well and to reduce admissions to hospital through: Prevention and self care The use of the latest technology to support people at home (telehealth) Providing services closer to home (e.g. diabetes clinics )

14 We need your views We will be breaking into groups to share further information and to gather your views on our plans. The groups will cover the following different topics: Mental health Community services Hospital services Primary care Long term conditions: helping patients to stay well

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