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Regular Expressions: Review A FA for a regular expressions can be built by composition: Ex: all strings over S={a,b} where  a “b” preceding an “a” (a+b)

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Presentation on theme: "Regular Expressions: Review A FA for a regular expressions can be built by composition: Ex: all strings over S={a,b} where  a “b” preceding an “a” (a+b)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regular Expressions: Review A FA for a regular expressions can be built by composition: Ex: all strings over S={a,b} where  a “b” preceding an “a” (a+b) * b(a+b) * a(a+b) * = (a+b) * ba(a+b) * baba      ba    Why?        b a b a      b a           b a b a      b a           b a b a      b a           Remove previous start/final states

2 FA Minimization: Review Idea: “Equivalent” states can be merged: b a a,b 3 states! 16 states! b a b a      b a           b a b a     b a           b a a,b       b a    merge

3 FA Minimization: Review Theorem [Hopcroft 1971]: the number N of states in a FA can be minimized within time O(N log N). Based on earlier work by [Huffman 1954] and [Moore 1956]. Conjecture: Minimizing the number of states in a nondeterministic FA can not be done in polynomial time. Theorem: Minimizing the number of states in a pushdown automaton (or TM) is undecidable. Project idea: implement a finite automaton minimization tool. Try to design it to run reasonably efficiently. Consider also including: A regular-expression-to-FA transformer, A non-deterministic-to-deterministic FA converter.

4 M FAs and Regular Expressions: Review Theorem: Any FA accepts a language denoted by some RE. Proof: Use “generalized finite automata” where each transition can be a regular expression (not just a symbol), and: Only one super start state and one (separate) super final state. Every state has transitions to all other states (including itself), except the super start state, with no incoming transitions, and the super final state, which has no outgoing transitions. Original FA M M         Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø  Generalized FA (GFA) M’ M’

5 FAs and Regular Expressions: Review Now reduce the size of the GFA by one state at each step. A transformation step is as follows: qiqi qjqj q’ R S T P qiqi qjqj P RS * T qiqi qjqj P + RS * T Such a transformation step is always possible, until the GFA has only two states, the super-start and super-final states: Label of last remaining transition is the regular expression corresponding to the language of the original FA! M’ P Corollary: FAs and REs denote the same class of languages.

6 Regular Expressions Identities: Review R+S = S+R R(ST) = (RS)T R(S+T) = RS+RT (R+S)T = RT+ST Ø * =  * =  R+Ø  = Ø+R = R R  =  R = R (R * ) * = R * (  + R) * = R * (R * S * ) * = (R+S) * R+  ≠ R RØ ≠ R

7 Extra credit: use this tool! (to implement some nontrivial TMs, PDAs, grammars, etc.)





12 Why Study Non-determinism? 1.Helps understand the ubiquitous concept of parallelism / concurrency; 2.Illuminates the structure of problems; 3.Can help save time & effort by solving intractable problems more efficiently; 4.Enables vast, deep, and general studies of “completeness” theories; 5.Helps explain why verifying proofs & solutions seems to be easier than constructing them;

13 Why Study Non-determinism? 6.Gave rise to new and novel mathematical approaches, proofs, and analyses; 7.Robustly decouples / abstracts complexity from underlying computational models; 8.Gives disciplined techniques for identifying “hardest” problems / languages; 9.Forged new unifications between computer science, math & logic; 10.Non-determinism is interesting fun, and cool!



16 Problem: compute 111111111 2 in your head. 111111111 2 = 12345678987654321  111111111 111111111 12345678987654321

17 Problem: What is the approximate value of: = e to 18,457,734,525,360,901,453,873,570 digits of precision! 1 + = 85 )( 3 2 6*7 9 -(4 ) 1 + = ? 85 1 )( 3 2 3 2 1 + = 85 1 )( 3 2 6*7 9 4 N N (1+9^(-(4^(7*6))))^(3^(2^85)) ≈ ?

18 Problem: Does the Pythagorean theorem generalize to arbitrary figures on the sides of a right triangle?

19 Problem: Does every closed simple curve contain the vertices of an equilateral triangle? What approaches fail? What techniques work and why? Lessons and generalizations

20 Problem: Can an 8x8 board with two opposite corners missing be tiles with 31 dominoes? = 31 x? What approaches fail? What techniques work and why? Lessons and generalizations

21 Problem: Explain the apparent discrepancy between the areas of the two arrangements. What approaches fail? What techniques work and why? Lessons and generalizations 13 5 5 5

22 Problem: Explain the apparent discrepancy between the areas of the three arrangements. What approaches fail? What techniques work and why? Lessons and generalizations


24 Larger alphabet: old: Σ={0,1} new: Σ’ ={a,b,c,d} Idea: Encode larger alphabet using smaller one. Encoding example: a=00, b=01, c=10, d=11 Turing Machine “Enhancements” badca old: δ b 01 new: δ' 0100111000

25 Double-sided infinite tape: Turing Machine “Enhancements” 101001 Idea: Fold into a normal single-sided infinite tape 001 101 1 1 001 101 1 old: δ L/R new: δ' L/RR/L

26 b Multiple heads: Turing Machine “Enhancements” Idea: Mark heads locations on tape and simulate Modified δ ' processes each “virtual” head independently: Each move of δ is simulated by a long scan & update δ ' updates & marks all “virtual” head positions bbbaaa ba bbbaaabab baB B A A bB BAb

27 Multiple tapes: Turing Machine “Enhancements” Idea: Interlace multiple tapes into a single tape 10110 010 1 1 11100 1 0 10110 010 1 1 11100 1 0 Modified δ ' processes each “virtual” tape independently: Each move of δ is simulated by a long scan & update δ ' updates R/W head positions on all “virtual tapes”

28 Two-dimensional tape: Turing Machine “Enhancements” Idea: Flatten 2-D tape into a 1-D tape 1011011010010111 0 Modified 1-D δ ' simulates the original 2-D δ: Left/right δ moves: δ ' moves horizontally Up/down δ moves: δ ' jumps between tape sections $$$1011011010010111 0 This is how compilers implement 2D arrays!

29 Non-determinism: Turing Machine “Enhancements” Idea: Parallel-simulate non-deterministic threads Modified deterministic δ ' simulates the original ND δ: Each ND move by δ spawns another independent “thread” All current threads are simulated “in parallel” 111101 $$ $ 11001 1101101101101 1 1100111 111101

30 Turing Machine “Enhancements” Theorem: Combinations of “enhancements” do not increase the power of Turing machines. Combinations: Idea: “Enhancements” are independent (and commutative WRT preserving the language recognized). 9.14513 Wol!dr Heoll Παωνλτ 3 ND

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