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Dawne Gurbutt, Discipline Lead, Health Related Studies 11 th July 2013 Enhancing the student learning experience through Patient & Public Involvement Practice,

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Presentation on theme: "Dawne Gurbutt, Discipline Lead, Health Related Studies 11 th July 2013 Enhancing the student learning experience through Patient & Public Involvement Practice,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dawne Gurbutt, Discipline Lead, Health Related Studies 11 th July 2013 Enhancing the student learning experience through Patient & Public Involvement Practice, Policy and Impact Liz Anderson Discipline Lead, Medicine & Dentistry

2 This workshop used an adaptation of the world café ideaworld café Ref: Anderson, L. (2011) How to use the world café concept to create an interactive learning environment, Education for Primary Care (2011) 22: 337–8 2 World café

3 Our overall aim is to enhance the student learning experience through the sharing of good practice, raising awareness and recognising innovation We are aware of the challenges that individuals and organisations face in the governance, design, delivery and organisation of education There are a wide range of schemes, funding and initiatives that we aim to engage staff, students and service users in to support development of PPI 3 HEA & PPI

4 Educating for PPI (E4PPI) in collaboration with Southbank University Funding opportunities Resources Talking heads Linking with concurrent cluster projects Dedicated section of the HSCE bulletin 4 HEA & PPI

5 Workshop and seminar series on PPI Doctoral study supported through HEA scholarship scheme prog/doc-prog-carter prog/doc-prog-carter Lived Experience Network (LEN) ealth-Sciences/PPI/PPI-and-service-user-engagement ealth-Sciences/PPI/PPI-and-service-user-engagement Student Essay Competition & Student engagement 5 HEA & PPI

6 A ‘patient-led NHS’ A focus on outcomes that must involve patient experience Putting patients and public first Identifying how user experiences can improve services Involving people in their own care to reduce inequalities, improve concordance and the overall patient experience Patient experience related to and influences patient safety Context of health & social care delivery

7 People who are patients, carers, service users or members of the public may be involved in a wide range of initiatives in higher education. This is now evident across many discipline areas and organisations other than health Involvement is particularly well established in certain areas of health and social care professional education eg GMC case studiesGMC case studies However, although involvement is extensive and diverse, it may range from an embedded institutional approach to ‘pockets’ of innovation, with specific groups of learners 7 Educational context

8 The Francis Report, patient safety, human factor agenda.Francis Report Regulatory bodies eg: GMCGMC Commissioners – Health Education EnglandHealth Education England Attention to student experience Pedagogical trends in medical education National Student Survey PPI in research INVOLVEINVOLVE 8 Key drivers

9 Level 1 : little involvement or consultation Level 2 : emerging involvement Level 3: growing involvement Level 4: collaboration Level 5: partnership Tew, J, Gell, C., Foster, S. (2004). Learning from Experience Involving Service Users and Carers in Mental Health Education and Training. Nottingham: Higher Education Academy/ National Institute for Mental Health in England/Trent Workforce Confederation. 9 Ladder of involvement Tew et al (2004)

10 6 main educational roles Paper based/electronic scenario Simulated patient Patient sharing experiences with staff facilitating Patient teacher- teaching or evaluating Patient teacher as partner in design, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum Involved at institutional level Towle, A. et al (2010) Active patient involvement in the education of health professionals: Medical Education; Volume 44, Issue 1, pages 64–74,Volume 44, Issue 1, 10 The spectrum of involvement Towle et al (2010)

11 Strong evidence that user involvement has short term benefits for all involved in terms of knowledge, skills and behaviour Less long term evaluation of the impact on professional and practice outcomes 11 Evidence to support PPI

12 In small groups: Individually write one sentence per post it on where & how you might use patients/service users/carers in your work. Try to write 3-4 post its. Place your post its onto the flip chart reading them out to the group Using the flip chart notes and thinking about different levels of involvement discuss & prepare to feedback Where you would like to be next year What might be the barriers and facilitators to success How might you assess impact 12 Task (30 minutes)

13 On-going research is required to further develop the evidence base Innovation requires an appropriate infrastructure, with policy and processes that facilitate involvement There is a need for a sharing of good practice, facilitation of development of involvement and a central repository of resources to promote knowledge transfer How involved is involved? Challenges and barriers in academic culture need to be identified. Spencer J.(2011) Can patients be teachers? Involving patients and service users in healthcare professionals’ education. A report to the Health Foundation. London : The Health Foundation 13 Conclusion

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