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World War II “Never before have we had so little time to do so much.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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1 World War II “Never before have we had so little time to do so much.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

2 Lead Up To WWII What was the result of WWI?Who suffered during the Depression?

3 Fascism, Militarism, Communism Fascism Intense nationalism, private corporations with government controls Militarism Government based on the idea of a strong military Communism Common ownership (by the government) of the means of production to settle class disputes

4 Fascism Benito Mussolini & Italy Adolf Hitler & Nazi Germany

5 “Il Duce” Fascism in Italy Mussolini would rise to power in 1922 with the “Black Shirts” (would influence Hitler immensely.) In 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia. Mussolini desired an industrial, empirical, Italy that resembled the Empire of Rome (“ Spazio vitale ”) “Fasces” of Ancient RomeHQ of Mussolini The Leader

6 “Das Führer” Fascism in Germany After WWI: Germany owed $33 billion in war reparations. Yearly installments of five billion marks were to be paid. Inflation & the Depression made this impossible... The Guide

7 “Das Führer” "The mark, which had traded at about 4 to the dollar before the war, now shot up to 600,000 to the dollar. By summer (of 1920), the exchange rate was 630 billion marks to the dollar and inflation was so rampant that prices were doubling daily, sometimes hourly. People needed wheelbarrows or baby buggies to carry enough paper money to conduct even the simplest transactions. Sending a letter cost 10 billion marks. A streetcar ride that had cost 1 mark in 1914 now cost 15 billion. Pensions became worthless. People found that savings carefully built up over a lifetime wouldn't buy a cup of coffee. Eventually, at the peak of the madness, prices rose to 1,422,900,000,000 times their levels of ten years earlier." The Guide Hitler Speech Mini Bio - Adolf Hitler

8 “Das Führer” Fascism in Germany The National Socialist Party (Nazis) played off German betrayal following WWI. Dismantled the Weimar Republic and seized power in 1933. Constructed a one party system & stripped Jews of citizenship. Retracted promises made in the Treaty of Versailles. (Re-arming of the military & promise of “ lebensraum ”) The Guide

9 Militarism in the Empire of Japan Emperor Showa HirohitoPrime Minister Hideki Tojo Tojo BioHirohito Bio

10 Land of the Rising Sun Ideas of militarism in Japan grew out of WWI. Young military leaders sought to make Japan a world power. China was occupied with civil war between Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong. Invaded Manchuria in 1931. Rape of Nanking in 1937.

11 Communism Josef Stalin & the USSR

12 The Soviet Union After the Russian Revolution in 1917, Lenin established a Communist state in the USSR. After the death of Lenin, Stalin would take control of the USSR. Through his Five Year Plans and Purges, Stalin made the USSR the third most industrious nation on earth. Stalin Bio

13 Alliances During World War II Allied Powers Great Britain USSR United States Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan

14 Consider the political ideologies of the Democratic west and the Communist East…Why did alliances work out this way? Winston Churchill (L), FDR (C), Josef Stalin (R) Question…

15 Looking Ahead…

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