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H APPY P ETS L ONG - TIME CARE AGENCY Towalisa Ruegg -Sweden Jonas Slyzius -Lithuania Merliina Valdmann- Estonia.

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Presentation on theme: "H APPY P ETS L ONG - TIME CARE AGENCY Towalisa Ruegg -Sweden Jonas Slyzius -Lithuania Merliina Valdmann- Estonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 H APPY P ETS L ONG - TIME CARE AGENCY Towalisa Ruegg -Sweden Jonas Slyzius -Lithuania Merliina Valdmann- Estonia

2 B USSINESS IDEA Pets long time care agency We take care of all kind of pets for a long time stay Take care of your pets in your own home, or in our agency Very few competitors in our contries

3 W HY SHOULD THEY COME TO US ? We are proffesional and we know a lot about pets When they leave their pets with us we brusch and we do claws clipping etc. For free If they leave their pets with us they have around the clock care

4 C USTOMERS Our target group is people that own pets and for some reason have to leave them with us or needs us to go to their home. It’s for people that wants proffesional personal to take care of their pets Our customers is often above average

5 S EGMENTATION Geographic- We start to open our business in Sweden and then we will franchis it,to others europian. Max one hour away otherwise they will have to come to us. Demographic - Our costumers are adults and familys with the pets. And they have to have above avarange income. Psyhographic – Its for people that travel a lot for work or holiday.

6 C OMPETITORS In Sweden we don’t have so many competitors because they don’t offer the same things we do But the company that become our competitors is the dog day care center, because they offer simuler services that we do

7 M ARKETING A NALYSIS Positive our business – We are unique and we offers things they don’t. We offer pets to stay longer then for the day. Our pricing is good. Positive about our competitors- They already have their costumers. They are cheaper. And they have more experiences.

8 M ARKETING A NALYSIS Negatives our business- We are more expensive and our business is going to cost a lot Negatives our competitors- People have to get their pets end of the day.

9 SWOT S TRENGTHS We offer things that other companies don’t Our prices are good We are educated

10 SWOT WEAKNESSES People dont trust our business People dont know about our business Coming new companies

11 SWOT OPPORTUNITIES Create a great business and franchising it If more people gets pet, we get more business

12 SWOT THREATS Economic downfall People think its too expensive They go places where they a more sure


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