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F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 CIEMAT contribution to CLIC Experimental Verification F. Toral on behalf of Accelerator Technology Group, CIEMAT.

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Presentation on theme: "F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 CIEMAT contribution to CLIC Experimental Verification F. Toral on behalf of Accelerator Technology Group, CIEMAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 CIEMAT contribution to CLIC Experimental Verification F. Toral on behalf of Accelerator Technology Group, CIEMAT

2 F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 Present developments for CTF3: TBL PETS (I) CIEMAT contribution First prototype: Engineering design. Fabrication and assembly. Low power RF Test. Test Beam Line in CTF3: Study and validate the drive beam stability during deceleration. Scheduled 16 PETS (TBL with 12 PETS in 2012) Series production: Implementation of modifications. Assembly of 3 PETS tanks. Low power RF test. Fabrication of several parts for 8 tanks + 4 tanks more

3 F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 Present developments for CTF3: TBL PETS (II) RF low power test Assembly Waveguide Cooling pipes

4 F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 TBL PETS commissioning status FIRST CIEMAT PETS SECOND CIEMAT PETS THIRD CIEMAT PETS FOURTH CIEMAT PETS SERIES PRODUCTION PROTOTYPE Installed in TBL and decelerating 14 A and 19 A beams Sent to CERN in week 36, 2011 Sent to CERN in week 38, 2011 Courtesy of Steffen Doebert Present developments for CTF3: TBL PETS (III)

5 F. Toral CLIC Workshop. 3-11-2011 Future contributions to Experimental Verification CTF3-003: Task 1: Development of PETS with two couplers for TBL+. CTF3-004: CIEMAT contribution to components of the Two Beam modules is accounted in CTC-TBM work package. CLIC-001: Task 3: Development of bunchers for drive beam injector. (In all cases, final numbers for available resources are still under discussion with the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, to be confirmed soon)

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