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A Compact and Efficient FPGA Implementation of DES Algorithm Saqib, N.A et al. In:International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Sept.

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Presentation on theme: "A Compact and Efficient FPGA Implementation of DES Algorithm Saqib, N.A et al. In:International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Sept."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Compact and Efficient FPGA Implementation of DES Algorithm Saqib, N.A et al. In:International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Sept 2004 **ENG6090(4)** Reconfigurable Computing Systems

2 References Wilcox,D et al:A DES ASIC suitable for network encryption at 10Gbs and beyond. In: CHESS 99 Patterson,C: High performance DES encryption in Virtex FPGA using Jbits. In: Field programmable custom computing machines,FCCM’00 Swankoski.E et al:A Parallel Architecture for Secure FPGA Symmetric Encryption.In:18 th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,2004 Wollinger,T:How secure are FPGAs in Cryptographic applications. In:IACR,2003 Stallings,W:Cryptography and NetworkSecurity:Principles and Practice. Prentice Hall Wong,K: A single chip implementation of DES algorithm. In:IEEE Globecomm Communication Conf.,Australia, 1998

3 Outline Introduction to Cryptography Why Cryptographic Algorithms on FPGAs DES Algorithm DES ASIC Implementation DES Implementation using JBits DES Implementation on FPGAs Summary

4 Cryptography Process of transforming data,using keys, to protect its intelligence and unauthorized use Cryptography and tamper resistance hardware first used for military application ATM- the “killer application” which pushed technology into commercial mainstream

5 Cryptography cont’d.. Technology advances have increased the number of embedded systems in various computing devices PDAs, GSM mobile phone identification etc have pushed towards low cost crypto- processors Security of data important for military and commercial applications

6 Cryptographic algorithms on FPGA Algorithm Agility-Can be reprogrammed easily for different application Changing Protocols-Algorithms can be updated, protocols can be changed as standards evolve Architecture efficiency-Implementations can be optimized for specific parameter set

7 Cryptographic algorithms on FPGA cont’d.. Resource efficiency-Can use run time reconfiguration to configure only certain parts Throughput- Can offer higher throughputs as compared to CPU’s Development cost-Less design time, can be reprogrammed without additional time/cost penalty

8 Cryptographic algorithms on FPGA cont’d.. Ease of experimenting with different architectures without long fabrication waits Unit cost is also not very significant

9 DES algorithm Data Encryption Standard is one of the commonly used block cipher algorithm It encrypts/decrypts 64-bit blocks using permutations and substitutions 64-bit key is passed through initial permutation to obtain a new 56-bit key

10 DES cont’d.. 64-bit plaintext is permuted to get initial left half and right half of 32 bits Right half of first round is obtained by passing the text and keys through 16 rounds In each round, in the first step,permuted 32- bit right half is XORed with 48-bit subkey

11 DES cont’d.. The 48-bit output of first stage is transformed into 32-bit by using 8 S-boxes In the last stage, this 32-bit result is permuted to right half of this stage This new right half becomes the left half for next iteration

12 DES cont’d.. DES Algorithm

13 DES Implementations Recent DES implementations

14 DES ASIC implementation Fully pipelined design thereby increasing the throughput 0.6 micron,105MHz,6.5Watts

15 DES Jbits implementation Hardware-Software approach allowing high speeds and throughput Sub-key generation moved to software Saves slices required for 48 XORs per round and key input IOBs Can be reconfigured at run time 0.22 micron, 168MHz, 3.2 Watts

16 DES Jbits implementation cont’d.. Single DES round (1)Unoptimized, (2)Optimized for Jbits implementation

17 DES on FGPA Implements parallel and pipelined approach Critical path delay is significantly reduced Sub-keys are pre computed and stored in memories The main difference in this approach is the parallel implementation of S-boxes

18 DES on FGPA cont’d.. DES implementation on FPGA Fixed permutations do not occupy much resources which can be implemented by changing wires

19 DES on FGPA cont’d.. 64-bit input divided in RIN and LIN Before next clock cycle old right half is input to REGB and new left is input to REGA T/A factor is high indicating higher Mbits/s and less area used

20 Summary Different applications need fast processing, higher bandwidths, less area etc These constrained systems implemented on FPGAs for their obvious advantages Use parallelism and pipelining to maximize performance Critical path delay, area, power consumption are some of the important parameters to be optimized

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