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Approaches to Investigating a System “Who knows what’s happening now?”

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Presentation on theme: "Approaches to Investigating a System “Who knows what’s happening now?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Approaches to Investigating a System “Who knows what’s happening now?”

2 Learning Objectives: By the end of this topic you should be able to: discuss different approaches an analyst might use when investigating a system

3 Investigation when?: before designing the new solution why?: to understand current methods & determine new requirements/modifications how?: by collecting evidence of the current methods the analyst will determine the most appropriate method of investigation depending on: –the people involved –the type of information being gathered –the place in which the investigation is to be carried out

4 Investigation Approaches Approaches available to the analyst: questionnaires interviews meetings document analysis observation

5 Questionnaires set of questions sent to the present staff –exactly the same questions for each person –often completed anonymously gathers factual information used when only a small amount of information is required from large numbers of people must be well structured –short answers based on facts (& figures) strictly controlled return –may not get all information if not returned in time –include ‘return by’ date

6 Questionnaires: Advantages appropriate for large groups of users, or customers, –because it would be impractical to interview everybody individually. same information is gathered from each user –makes it easy to compare the results possible to perform statistical analysis on responses –collected data is quantitative questions are planned in advance –designed to gather all/just the information required questionnaire filled in at any time –no need to arrange meeting anonymous responses –more likely to get honest answers

7 Questionnaires: Disadvantages inappropriate for a very small number of users –do not enable analyst to find out exactly what the user wants. questions are prescriptive –respondent is restricted to answering just those questions –analyst can’t ask the user to elaborate can appear to be impersonal –may alienate user(s). users may not have time to complete the questionnaire –or just may ‘not be bothered’ –meaning that not all questionnaires will be returned

8 Questionnaires

9 Interviews & Meetings interviewing the present staff, –provides individual responses should interview staff of all levels –management & staff users may provide different opinions! information is gathered directly –from the person using, or responsible for, the current system analysts should always plan an interview –questions should be unambiguous

10 Interviews & Meetings: Advantages more detailed information can be obtained than questionnaires –can change the direction of an interview as it progresses –the interviewee can answer open questions with open answers the analyst can ask the users to elaborate upon their answers –meaning that they can get detailed responses –get all the information that is needed additional questions can be asked –if the analyst thinks of something that may provide useful information opinions can be expressed informally body language can be read –meaning that the interviewer gets more information about the interviewee’s feelings or opinions

11 Interviews & Meetings: Disadvantages time consuming –have to be planned, arranged, carried out –responses need to be analysed not appropriate if there are lots of users –because of the amount of time it would take do not provide statistical data analysis –because they are not as structured as questionnaires may be difficult to arrange a mutually convenient time for the interview lack of anonymity –may lead to honest answers not being given –true opinions about the current or future system cannot be elicited

12 Interviews

13 Document analysis is …. collecting copies of documents currently in use –invoices, purchase orders, receipts, customer records ….. building a picture of information flow –from input to output providing opportunities for re-design –as new documents, on-screen forms, hardcopy reports –need to replicate important data capture/hardcopy in new system

14 Document analysis: Advantages lots of data that is used within an organisation can be quickly identified –by looking at the current paperwork data flows within an organisation can be established identifies bottlenecks & inefficiencies within a system –duplicated data …

15 Document analysis: Disadvantages on its own, document analysis will not show all the data that is used within an organisation only shows data that is used ‘formally’ –any data that is used verbally will not be seen standard documents may not be used by staff –staff ‘have their own way’ of … –inconsistent picture

16 Document analysis

17 Observation is …... watching the current system in action, noting daily working methods –‘work-shadowing’ identify and time how long tasks take –“time & motion study” –can spot operational inefficiencies

18 Observation: Advantages often better than a verbal or written description less chance of missing something –over a period of time of observation –that may have been forgotten in discussions can observe what people do –which may be different from what they tell you –leading to inconsistencies that can be investigated habits which are overlooked can be viewed –providing the full picture can see the body language –so can tell if people are lying/telling the truth

19 Observation: Disadvantages very time consuming –to observe every worker & every aspect of the business people don’t like being watched analyst may be ‘in the way’ on a busy day? people may be following processes to the letter –rather than the usual day-to-day practise may be ‘good days’ & ‘bad days’ –which 1 observation won’t catch

20 Observation

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