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Published byPaulina Glenn Modified over 9 years ago
May 20, 20081 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Initializing a National Grid Infrastructure: Lessons Learned from the Swiss National Grid Association Seed Project Seed Working Group Swiss National Grid Association (SwiNG)
May 20, 20082 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Members of the Seed Working Group Nabil Abdennadher, Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES-SO) Peter Engel, University of Bern (UniBE) Derek Feichtinger, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) Dean Flanders, Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) Placi Flury, SWITCH Sigve Haug, University of Bern (UniBE) Pascal Jermini, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Sergio Maffioletti, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano (USI) Heinz Stockinger, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Wibke Sudholt, University of Zurich (UZH) – Chair Michela Thiemard, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Nadya Williams, University of Zurich (UZH) Christoph Witzig, SWITCH
May 20, 20083 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Outline Background Grid projects SwiNG Seed Project Introduction Middleware Applications Conclusions and outlook
May 20, 20084 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Grid Projects and Infrastructures International Grid projects EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE): 91 partners, PRAGMA (Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly): 29 partners, etc. National Grid projects Open Science Grid (USA), ChinaGrid, NAREGI (Japan), e-Science Programme (UK), D- Grid (Germany), Austrian Grid, etc. Domain-specific Grid projects LCG, Chemomentum, GRIDCHEM, Swiss Bio Grid, EMBRACE, DEGREE, etc. Local Grid projects XtremWeb-CH, JOpera, etc. Homogeneous Grid middleware gLite, UNICORE, Globus, ARC, etc.
May 20, 20085 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Situation in Europe Funding for Grid projects by the EU Within FP5 / FP6 / FP7 Collaboration projects National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) In most European countries Some with considerable funding European Grid Initiative (EGI) Design study under way Following the model of the National Research Networks (NRENs)
May 20, 20086 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France National Grid Initiative (NGI) Must Have a mandate to represent researchers and institutions in Grid- related matters towards — International bodies (e.g., EU) — Funding agencies — Federal government (SBF, BBT) Have only one NGI per country May Involve only coordination Develop and operate national Grid infrastructure(s) Be a legal entity on its own Be limited to academic or research institutions Also involve participation by the industry “Coordinating body” for Grid activities within a nation
May 20, 20087 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Grid in Switzerland before SwiNG Various, somewhat isolated efforts in the Swiss higher education sector Some projects within individual research groups Some projects between a limited number of Swiss partners Participation in EU-sponsored projects by some institutions Participation in international projects by some institutions No national coordination No dedicated funding No homogeneous Grid middleware or infrastructure
May 20, 20088 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Swiss National Grid Association (SwiNG) Mission Ensure competitiveness of Swiss science, education and industry by creating value through resource sharing. Establish and coordinate a sustainable Swiss Grid infrastructure, which is a dynamic network of resources across different locations and administrative domains. Provide a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration to leverage the Swiss Grid activities, supporting end-users, researchers, industry, education centres, resource providers. Represent the interests of the national Grid community towards other national and international bodies. History Initialized in September 2006 Founded as association in May 2007 Operational since January 2008
May 20, 20089 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Organisational Structure
May 20, 200810 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Institutional Members ETH domain École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ) ETH Research Institutions (EAWAG, EMPA, PSI, WSL) Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) Cantonal universities Universität Basel (UniBas) Universität Bern (UniBE) Université de Geneve (UniGE) Université de Neuchâtel (UniNE) Université de Lausanne (UNIL) Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) Universität Zürich (UZH) Universities of Applied Sciences Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES-SO) Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) Specialized institutions Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Swiss Academic and Research Network (SWITCH)
May 20, 200811 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Working Groups Initial WGs Mandate Letter Seed Project — Founded in November 2006 — Finished in November 2007 Currently active WGs ATLAS: High energy physics Proteomics: Bioinformatics Infrastructure & Basic Grid Services — Grid Architecture Team (GAT) — Grid Operations Team (GOT) — Data Management Team (DMT) Education & Training WGs in planning AAA/SWITCH projects Grid Workflows Industry Relations
May 20, 200812 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Seed Project Working Group Goals 1.Identify which resources (people, hardware, middleware, applications, ideas) are readily available and represent strong interest among the current SwiNG partners. 2.Based on available resources, propose one or more Seed Projects that will help to initialize, test, and demonstrate the SwiNG collaboration. The Seed Project should be realizable in a fast, easy and inexpensive manner (“low hanging fruit”). 3.Help with the coordination and realization of the defined Seed Project.
May 20, 200813 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Seed Project Survey Informal inventory of resources available for the Seed Project Member groups Available personnel Computer hardware Lower-level grid middleware Higher-level grid middleware Scientific application software and data Seed project ideas 12 answers in December 2006 Results There is a lot of interest and expertise. There is enough hardware available, but no direct funding for people. Middleware and applications are diverse, but some are more common. Main interest is in specific tools and Grid interoperability. Build a cross-product/matrix infrastructure of selected Grid middleware and applications by gridifying each application on each middleware pool in a non-intrusive manner Avoid “chicken-and-egg” dilemma in bootstrapping a Grid infrastructure by using known tools and addressing early adopters
May 20, 200814 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Selection Process Middleware Criteria — Already deployed at partner sites — Sufficient expertise and manpower — Supported within existing larger Grid efforts — Not too complex requirements — Must be diverse and provide sufficient set of capabilities Initial focus — EGEE gLite (deployed at CSCS, PSI, SIB, SWITCH, UniBas) — Nordugrid ARC (deployed at CSCS, SIB, UniBas, UniBE, UZH) — XtremWeb-CH (developed and deployed at HES-SO) — Condor (deployed at EPFL) Applications Criteria — Need from the Swiss scientific user community — Computational demand warrants Grid execution — Sufficient expertise and manpower — Not too complex requirements — Simple gridification, without changing the source code if possible — Should be diverse and cover sufficient set of requirements — Reusage of existing Grid-enabled applications Initial focus — Cones (mathematical crystallography, individual code) — GAMESS (quantum chemistry, standard free open source code) 5 Huygens (remote deconvolution for imaging, standard commercial code) — PHYLIP (bioinformatics, standard free open source code)
May 20, 200815 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Seed Project Definition
May 20, 200816 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Grid Security: SWITCHslcs SWITCH Short Lived Credential Service (SLCS) Ad-hoc generated X.509 certificates Based on SWITCHaai (Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure) EUGridPMA accredited Valid 1’000’000 seconds (ca. 11 days) Java-based client software Advantages The user does not have to keep track of where he/she copied his/her certificates between hosts. He/she only needs to use his/her SWITCHaai federation account to obtain a certificate, thus he/she has to maintain one credential less. He/she does not have to take care of the expiration, respectively, renewal of the certificates. He/she simply requests a new one. Identity management becomes simpler since the central Certification Authority (CA) is not required to keep a separate master user database. As the SLCS is accredited by the International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF), the certificate is recognized by all Grid resources where the IGTF certificate bundle is installed. Achievements in Seed Project Testing on gLite, ARC and Condor pools MyProxy server for automatic renewal of expiring proxy certificates to bridge long- running jobs
May 20, 200817 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Middleware: EGEE gLite Deployment status in Switzerland In production in LCG and DILIGENT projects since 2002 SWITCH (Zurich): Resource Broker, VOMS, CE/UI locally behind firewall CSCS (Manno): CE, SE, UI SIB (Lausanne): UI UZH (Zurich): UI Achievements in Seed Project Small test-bed with all essential services, but no big computer resources Creation of new Virtual Organization (VO) Working with SWITCHslcs Testing with Cones application Access to EGEE resources possible Disadvantages Complex due to rich functionality, many vendors, and partly competing implementations Installing and running the UI is straightforward, but large efforts and manpower required for installing and running service components Comparatively intrusive on resources (e.g., requires Scientific Linux, workers on compute nodes) Middleware of the world’s largest Grid infrastructure Grid middleware developed and deployed in the EGEE project, installed in most European countries, and used for CERN’s LCG project Based on Globus, adding VO support and extending data management functionalities Computing Elements (CEs) interfacing worker nodes to LRMS, Storage Elements (SEs) providing standardized data access and transfer services, information system and resource management, User Interface (UI) client Offers many Data Grid components (e.g., file catalogues, storage management) Security based on GSI with VOMS (VO Membership Service) support, including hierarchical subgroups Several different flavours, running on Scientific Linux
May 20, 200818 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Middleware: NorduGrid ARC Advanced Resource Connector Grid middleware developed and deployed in the NorduGrid project of the Nordic countries Enables production-quality grids, including information services, resource, job and data management Uses replacements and extensions of Globus pre-WS services (e.g., GridFTP) Cluster-of-clusters model, Computing and Storage Elements (CEs and SEs), application Runtime Environments (REs) Security based on GSI with VOMS support Open source under GPL license, supports up to 22 different Unix distributions Deployment status in Switzerland Originally deployed as part of the LHC and Swiss Bio Grid projects CSCS (Manno): GIIS, CE, SE UZH (Zurich): CE (10 node cluster) EPFL (Lausanne): CE (Condor pool) SIB (Lausanne): CE Achievements in Seed Project Configuration of resources at CSCS and UZH, interfacing of Condor pool at EPFL Working with SWITCHslcs Deployment and testing of Cones and GAMESS applications, running of Cones in production by scientific user Most successful middleware pool, non-intrusive solution Disadvantages Only limited support for complex data management (e.g., no notion of data proximity) Compute nodes usually expected to have shared file system Information service limited and not very scalable Coordination among sites necessary for stable configuration, application REs, and error tracking
May 20, 200819 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Middleware: XtremWeb-CH High-performance Desktop Grid / volunteer computing / P2P middleware Developed by Nabil Abdennadher et al. at HES-SO For deployment and execution on public, non- dedicated platforms via user participation Symmetric model of providers and consumers Supports direct communication of jobs between compute nodes, also across firewalls Can fix the granularity of the application according to the state of the platform Functionalities Four modules: Coordinator, worker, warehouse, and broker Volatility of workers Automatic execution of parallel and distributed applications Direct communication between workers, pull model Load balancing Deployment status in Switzerland Ca. 200 workers (mainly Windows, few Linux platforms) Sites: EIG (Geneva), HEIG-VD (Yverdon) Achievements in Seed Project Test installation at UZH PHYLIP application deployed previously Integration of GAMESS application Disadvantages Security limited and based on central user database, not compatible with GSI, VOs, and SWITCHslcs Porting of applications needs some effort No special data management features
May 20, 200820 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Middleware: Condor High-throughput computing environment Provides infrastructure for volatile Desktop Grid resources, also cross-institutional Several authentication and authorisation mechanisms (e.g., GSI, Kerberos) Job queue and resource management for fair and optimized assignment and sharing Shared file system or input/output file transfer to/from the compute nodes Multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, some other Unix variants), open source Can be interfaced with other middleware (e.g., UNICORE, Globus, ARC) as LRMS Deployment status in Switzerland Existing production pool at EPFL: Ca. 200 desktop CPUs (60% Windows, 40% Linux or Mac OS X machines), behind firewall Computing power available only during nights and weekends, machine owner has priority One submit server and one central manager No access to compute nodes for third-party software installation (Condor installed by node owners, not Grid managers), thus built-in file transfer protocol required to transport application binaries along with input data Due to desktop nature relatively short jobs advised (6 h max., not enforced) Achievements in Seed Project Interfacing to ARC pool Working with SWITCHslcs Testing of Cones and GAMESS applications
May 20, 200821 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Middleware Interoperability Despite existing OGF standards such as JSDL (Job Submission Description Language), most middleware systems have their own mechanisms for resource and data management, information representation, or job submission. Solutions for interoperability 1.Meta-middleware: Complex due to different interfaces and missing standards, thus out of scope for the Seed Project 2.One-to-one wrappers: Some middleware as entry point and bridge, transforming one format to another Achievements in Seed Project Integration of Condor pool in ARC pool based on existing wrapper ARC installed on gateway machine Modified to allow transparent appending of required binaries
May 20, 200822 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Seed Project Definition
May 20, 200823 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Application: Cones Mathematical crystallography program For given representative quadratic form, calculates its subcone of equivalent combinatorial types of parallelohedra For dimension d = 6, number expected to be greater than 200’000’000 (currently 161’299’100) Code properties Single-threaded C program Developed by Peter Engel, UniBE Several text input files, one execution command, several text output files Possibilities for Grid distribution Running of several jobs off the same input file Cutting of input file into pieces Achievements in Seed Project Refactoring of source code Creation of configure and make files Testing on gLite, ARC and Condor pools Running in production on ARC pool with first scientific user Ca. 50’000 new combinatorial types of primitive parallelohedra identified Still a lot of room for improvement regarding ease and efficiency of use
May 20, 200824 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Application: GAMESS General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System Program package for ab initio molecular quantum chemistry Computing of molecular systems and reactions in gas phase and solution (properties, energies, structures, spectra, etc.) Wide range of methods for approximate solutions of the Schrödinger equation from quantum mechanics Standard free open source code developed and used by many groups (e.g., at UZH) Code properties Mainly Fortran 77 and C code and shell scripts Available for large variety of hardware architectures and operating systems Usually one keyword-driven text input file, one execution command, several text output files Well parallelized by its own implementation, called Distributed Data Interface (DDI) Comes with more than 40 functional test cases Possibilities for Grid distribution External: Embarrassingly parallel parameter scans in input file Internal: Component distribution based on current DDI parallelization implementation Achievements in Seed Project Deployment and testing on ARC and Condor pools at CSCS, EPFL, and UZH Integration into XtremWeb-CH Simple corannulene DFT functional scan test case provided by Laura Zoppi, UZH 223 small molecule MP2 calculations test case provided by Kim Baldridge, UZH
May 20, 200825 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Application: PHYLIP PHYLogeny Inference Package phylip.html phylip.html Used to generate “life trees” (evolutionary trees, interfering phylogenies) Most widely distributed phylogeny package, in development since the 1980s, 15’000 users Tree composed of several branches, subbranches, and leaves (sequences), which are complex and CPU-intensive to construct, compare, and select “Life tree” Code properties Package of ca. 34 program modules C source code and executables (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) available Input data read from text files, data processed, output data written onto text files Data types: DNA sequences, protein sequences, etc. Methods available: Parsimony, distance matrix, likelihood methods, bootstrapping, and consensus trees Possibilities for Grid distribution Workflows constructed by users Distribution following Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model Achievements in Seed Project Integration and deployment on XtremWeb- CH as independent project (Seqboot, Dnadist, Fitch-Margoliash, Neighbor-Joining and Consensus modules) Parallel version of Fitch module Execution of HIV sequences-related test case on XtremWeb-CH pool Web service for dynamic configuration of application platform and parameters
May 20, 200826 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Overview of Achievements EGEE gLite middleware NorduGrid ARC middleware XtremWeb-CH middleware Condor middleware Pool establishedCSCS, SIB, and SWITCH, VO created, UI at UZH CSCS, SIB, and UZH, from Swiss Bio Grid HES-SO and UZHEPFL, coupling with ARC SLCS securityTested at CSCS, SWITCH, and SIB Tested at UniBE and UZH Needs changes in or interface to middleware Tested at EPFL, via ARC Cones application Tested at SIBScientific usage from UniBE Not started yetTested at EPFL GAMESS application Not started yetTest usage from UZH Work in progress at HES-SO Tested at EPFL Huygens application No personnel or license PHYLIP application Not started yet Preexisting at HES- SO Work in progress at EPFL
May 20, 200827 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Lessons Learned Project Approach based on heterogeneous set of Grid middleware and applications turned out to be useful to initialize technical collaboration. There is considerable interest and expertise in Grid resource and knowledge sharing in Switzerland, which previously has been directed mostly towards external projects. Dedicated partners, clear responsibilities, continuous communication, detailed documentation, and active project management are required. Funding, in particular for people, has to be properly secured for production setup. Middleware Middleware is still demanding to install, maintain, and use, mainly due to its complexity and insufficient documentation. Middleware architectures and interfaces differ considerably, and require efforts in interoperability. There is strong need for simplification and standardization, both technically and regarding procedures (e.g., for policy, development, deployment, and execution mechanisms). Applications Applications are diverse and can be put onto the Grid in different ways, and therefore need direct cooperation among scientific developers and Grid experts, that is, interdisciplinary work. Scientists are mainly interested in the implementation of new methods, thus standards for software development and packaging are often ignored, leading to poor installation, documentation, and sometimes performance. To run applications on the Grid, applications need to provide well documented and packaged distributions including standardized installation, configuration, testing and use procedures.
May 20, 200828 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Outlook Future topics Setup of a production infrastructure Inclusion of additional resources Extension to new applications Evaluation of further middleware Expansion to data management Connection to other Grid infrastructures Continuation of work in Switzerland SwiNG Working Groups SwiNG-related, funded projects Securing of dedicated funding for SwiNG General focus Standardisation and interoperation of middleware Professionalisation and standardisation of applications
May 20, 200829 CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France Thank you! Questions?
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