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Published byBarry Pearson Modified over 9 years ago
PETS, 13 märts, 2015, Pärnu Peep Mühls, ERK RK Tallinn Vanalinn, PHF
1905 – Rotary sünd, Chicago USA 1910 – Rotary I Konvent 1917 – Rotary Foundation 1922 – Rotary International 1932 – Nelja küsimuse test: - Kas see on tõde - Kas see on õiglane kõigi osapoolte suhtes - Kas see tugevdab head tahet ja sõprust - Kas see on kõigile asjaosalistele kasulik 1989 – Singapuri Deklaratsioon „Service above self!“
Balti mere regioon 1922 – Norra, Taani 1926 – Rootsi 1927-Soome,Saksamaa 1930 – Eesti 1931 – Poola 1932 – Läti 1934 – Leedu 1990 – NSVL/Venemaa Muu Euroopa 1912 – Inglismaa 1913 – Šotimaa,Iirimaa 1919 – Prantsusmaa 1921 - Hispaania 1923 - Holland, Belgia, Itaalia 1924 – Šveits 1925 – Austria, Tsehhi 1926-Portugal, Ungari 1929-Kreeka, Jugoslaavia, Rumeenia, Luxemburg 1933 - Bulgaaria 1935 – Island 1937 – Monaco 1938 - Küpros
Rotary Eestis 1930 RC Tallinn, 1932 RC Tartu, 1936 RC Nõmme-Tallinn 1991 – Rotary taassünd Eestis 1999 – sujuv areng:12 klubi 1997-2000 Special Extension Area (SEA) 2001 - RD 1420 Aastast 2004 14 klubi 2012 – 15 klubi (RC Viru) 500+ liiget 2013 – 16 klubi (RC Tallinn Hansa) 540 liiget 2015 – 17 klubi (RC Viimsi) 560+ liiget Kes järgmisena – e-klubi, Narva, Rakvere, Võru Hiiumaa, Põltsamaa, Saue/Keila? RD 1420 ja Eesti Rotary
Zone 15 : 5 countries, 15 districts, 783 clubs, 31.613 members RI Director of 15&16 zones Per Høyen (Denmark) 2014-2016 34 zones, 219 countries, 34.820 clubs, 1.216.822 members RI President 2015-2016 K.R. „Ravi“ Ravindran (Sri Lanka)
Country NameClubMember USA7.747333.539 India3.356128.001 Japan2.27888.771 Republic of Korea1.58960.018 Brazil2.39256.192 Germany1.03653.208 England1.41140.372 Italy83339.703 Taiwan67632.620 France1.06532.399 Australia1.11630.431 Sweden52425.407 Canada73224.726 Philippines84222.645
Country NameClubMember Sweden52425.407 Norway30111.135 Denmark27710.778 Finland29510.664 Iceland301.174 Romania1123.121 Bulgaria882.143 Poland721.677 Lithuania491.457 Russian Federation811.394 Israel551.231 Serbia581.167 Hungary491.116 Croatia491.063
Country NameClubMember Czech Respublic45887 Slovenia44894 Ukraine47756 Estonia16534 Slovakia24493 Latvia20415 Belarus358
Rotary ja meie naabrid Rotary ja meie naabrid Läti – 20 klubi, 415+ liiget Leedu – 49 klubi, >1500 liiget, Rotaract(8/150), Interact(6/60) Valgevene – 3 klubi, 58 liiget Ukraina – 47 klubi, 756 liiget Poola – 72 klubi, 1677 liiget Venemaa (Euroopa) – 54 klubi, 906 Venemaa (Aasia) – 27 klubi, 488
The biggest district: 4 zona, D3140 India (part of Macharashatra), 142 clubs / 7313 members The smallest, specific districts: Zone 23, D44 Antarctica, 2 clubs, 14 members Zone 6, D53 Afganistan, 2 clubs, 36 members Zone 10, D52 People’s Rep. of China, 2 clubs, 149 members Zone 12, D55 Albania, 7 clubs, 179 members Zone 20, D53 Kosovo, 11 clubs, 188 members Zone 20, D54 Macedonia, 15 clubs, 404 members Zone 15, D2220 Russian Federation west of Ural, 54 / 906 Zone 24, D2225 Russian Federation east of Ural, 27 / 488
Eesti Rotary Keskus Eesti Rotary Keskus Veebruar, 2012 - PETS Raplas September, 2012 – AG kohtumine Helsingis November, 2012 – Eesti klubid Paides Jaanuar, 2013 – Juhtkomitee esimene kohtumine Tallinnas Märts, 2013 _ PETS Tartus Veebruar- mai, 2013 – töögruppide kohtumised Juuli, 2013 – Klubide üldkoosolek – Eesti Rotary Keskuse rajamine November, 2013 – Klubide üldkoosolek Laitses Detsember, 2013– klubide heategevusprojekt Läti toetuseks Märts, 2014 - PETS Viljandis Juuni, 2014 - Klubide üldkoosolek Haapsalus November, 2014 – Klubide üldkoosolek Tartus Märts, 2015 – PETS Pärnus
Rotary on leidnud uue fookuse Rotary liberaliseerub, +/- Liikmeskonna langus „vanades Rotary riikides“ Jätkusuutlik tõus ja areng „“vanades“uutes Rotary riikides“ Kiire areng Kaug-Idas ja Aafrikas Soome piirkondi ootab ees koondumine Eesti on iseseisesev ja toimiv Rotary International piirkond
17.010.2. Size of the District Because districts with a large membership base have distinct advantages over districts with a small number of clubs and Rotarians, and the continual proliferation of small districts has a detrimental effect on the administration and finances of RI, the Board encourages all districts with fewer than 75 clubs and 2700 Rotarians to strive to reach those numbers and encourages districts to merge with neighboring districts or form international districts, as appropriate, so that those minimums are met. (November 1999 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 172) Source: November 1997 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 173; February 1999 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 246; August 1999 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 8 17.010.7. Additionally-Supported Districts The board may authorize the general secretary to provide additional support to strengthen a newly created district because of unique geographical, language, cultural, economic, social, political, or other factors. An additionally-supported district allows the Board to create or maintain a district that does not meet the minimum numbers of clubs or members as designated in RI Bylaws 15.010. The additional support provided to a district lasts for a period of up to three years, unless the Board extends the timeframe. The RI Board will provide the following to additionally-supported districts: Up to US$200,000 annually for additional training, membership development, promotion of participation in The Rotary Foundation and other support as determined by the general secretary in consultation with the director and district leadership
15.010. How Established. The board is authorized to group the clubs into districts. The president shall promulgate a list of such districts and their boundaries. Such action shall be at the direction of the board. The board may assign an e-club to any district without regard to the boundaries of such district. The board may eliminate or change the boundaries of any district with fewer than 33 clubs or fewer than 1,100 Rotarians. No change shall be made to the boundaries of any district with 33 or more clubs and 1,100 or more Rotarians over the objection of a majority of the total number of clubs in the district. The board may eliminate or change the boundaries of a district only after consulting with and providing reasonable opportunity for the governors and clubs of the districts involved to provide a recommendation on the proposed change. The board shall take into account geographical boundaries, potential for district growth, and cultural, economic, language, and other relevant factors. The board shall establish procedures as to administration, leadership and representation for future or merged districts.
21. sajandi haridus ja Eesti väljakutsed Fookus- tänased ja tulevased koolijuhid Miks Eesti Rotary Arengud pärast Haapsalu otsuseid Eesti Rotary partnerid – Haridus-ja Teadusminiteerium, Tartu ülikool, Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti Koolijuhtide Liit Jaanuar, 2015 – koostöö kokkuleppe Veebruar, 2015 – Juhtkomitee I koosolek
Töörühm Juhtkomitee (steering committee) moodustamine Ühiste kavatsuste protokoll Juhtkomitee töö (tegevuse ja meetmete kava), kinnitamine – Q1, 2015 Kandidaatide esitamine ja konkurss kevad,2015 „Esimene lend“ 2015/2016 õppeaasta
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