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The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe Pier Giacomo SOLA.

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Presentation on theme: "The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe Pier Giacomo SOLA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe Pier Giacomo SOLA

2 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia2 / 26  The project background  Objectives and basic facts  The partnership  Progress and next steps  Quick technical overview Summary

3 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia3 / 26 Launching a European online service to enable the European cultural heritage to be promoted to a worldwide audience Strategic objective

4 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia4 / 26  National investment in digitisation of the cultural heritage  National Representatives Group for Digitisation in Cultural Heritage  MINERVA project and its resources and methodologies  Technical platform of the French inventory project Background

5 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia5 / 26 History 2001eEurope Lund Principles National Representatives Group French Catalogue des fonds culturels numérisés Apr. 2002The Minerva Project Starts (FP5-IST) A set of metadata for inventories of digital cultural content is agreed among the Minerva partners Feb. 2004MinervaPLUS extends its activities to the new Member States (FP6-IST) Jun. 2004Michael Project Starts (eTEN) 2005i2010 Dynamic Action Plan Jun. 2006MichaelPLUS extends the deployment to 14 EU countries (eTEN) Oct. 2006MinervaEC starts (currently under negotiation eContentplus)

6 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia6 / 26 NRG and Minerva The National Representatives Group for digitisation:  A network of Ministries of Culture aiming to co-ordinate digitisation of cultural heritage at European level.  Includes the 25 EU member states + Bulgaria, Romania, Norway, Israel and Russia. Minerva was a EU-funded project supporting NRG activities Products:  Good Practice Handbook  Quality of cultural websites  Technical Guidelines  IPR Guidelines  National Global Reports

7 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia7 / 26 Celebrating the richness, breadth and diversity of the European cultural heritage by promoting it to a world-wide audience through the Internet  A common approach for digital cultural heritage inventories in Italy, France, the UK and beyond  Integrates national digitisation initiatives  A distributed platform to provide access digital cultural collections  Open source software  Supports multilingualism Why Michael?

8 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia8 / 26  Online European service to enable users to search the digital cultural heritage  Multilingual support  National data capture and information services  Interoperable information systems  Promoting collections held by small, medium and large institutions  Supporting cultural tourism, education, research Services

9 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia9 / 26  Supported by the eTEN Programme  Michael:36 months (June 2004-May 2007) MichaelPLUS: 24 months (June 2006-May 2008)  National investment (90%) Michael:33 M€ MichaelPLUS:51 M€  eTEN (10%) Michael:3,3 M€ MichaelPLUS:5,1 M€ Will create a legal entity to manage the service (sustainability) Basic facts

10 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia10 / 26 Michael Partners

11 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia11 / 26 France:  Steering committee for the digitisation of cultural heritage (all departments of the MCC) networking with French public cultural institutions (400 institutions recorded in the French catalogue)  Collaboration with portal  Official launch of MICHAEL in France, Paris, 1st April 2005, with the French Minister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres  Collaboration with the Ministry of Education (libraries and documentation) Italy:  Joint development with the Italian Culture Portal  Agreements signed with 17 Regions and 77 Universities to include their digital collections in the system  Involvement of all the Departments of the Ministry of Culture  agreement with the Ministry of Education for using Michael in schools  Participation of more than 600 cultural institutions in the project Interest created by Michael

12 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia12 / 26 UK:  MICHAEL also available through Regional portals, People’s Network Discovery Service, UK Cultural Information Services  English and Welsh languages  Culture.Mondo Interest created by Michael

13 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia13 / 26  Menon (Belgium)  MKCR (Czech Republic)  UH.HUL (Finland)  Finnarchives (Finland)  Museovirasto, NBA (Finland)  Dédale (France)  MCC (France)  SPK (Germany)  Bundesarchiv (Germany)  BSB (Germany)  DDB (Germany)  DMM (Germany)  LABW (Germany)  SNG (Germany)  ICCS-NTUA (Greece)  HMC (Greece)  MiBAC (Italy)  IBACN (Italy)  Amitié (Italy)  Neumann (Hungary)  NKOM (Hungary)  IHM (Hungary)  Heritage Malta (Malta)  KB (The Netherlands)  MINOCW (The Netherlands)  MSWA (Poland)  ICIMSS (Poland)  Secretaria-Geral do Ministério da Cultura, Portugal  Biblioteca Nacional de España, Spain  University of Uppsala - Department of Information Science, Sweden  MLA (UK) MichaelPLUS Partners

14 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia14 / 26  Data model, software platform and related documentation  Localised National instances  First online version of the European service  Legal framework for IPR  Communication and marketing plan  Population of the national instances as a continuous on going process Current Status and Results

15 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia15 / 26 1st June 2006: MICHAEL Plus kick-off  Localisation of the service in the new eleven countries  Population of national instances  Extension of the MICHAEL public access interface to the new countries June 2007  Full service available in France, Italy and UK and at trans- European level  Legal organisation set-up (MICHAEL) Next steps

16 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia16 / 26 Digital Collections Definition of “Collection” by Dublin Core Metadata Initiative WG on Collection Description: Any aggregation of physical or digital items. Collections of physical items, collections of digital surrogates of physical items, collections of 'born-digital' items and catalogues of such collections

17 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia17 / 26 Groups of electronic items, described as a whole Examples:  Museum, Library, Archives collections of born digital records  MLA collections of digitised records based on physical items  Library, museum and archival digital catalogues and inventories, even where these relate to physical collections  Internet directories and subject gateways  Web indexes  Collections of electronic text, images, datasets, sounds, software, other media or combinations of these Digital Collections

18 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia18 / 26 WP3 Specifications for inventories of digitised content Minerva model Project Digital CollectionInstitution makes Service / Product n n n n n n creates access Programme Physical collection

19 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia19 / 26  Model for resource discovery  Centred on digital collection description  Based on work by Research Support Libraries Programme, the French Catalogue des Fonds Culturels Numérisés and MINERVA metadata standards  Aligned to the Dublin Core metadata set and the emerging Dublin Core Collection Level Description XML schema publicly available online Michael data model

20 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia20 / 26 Open source  SDX (implemented by the French Catalogue des fonds culturels numérisés)  Xdepo  eXist  Apache, Tomcat, Cocoon  Java technologies Technical platform

21 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia21 / 26 Two modules  Production module to catalogue  Publication module to access the collections XML data base Metadata harvesting  OAI-PMH protocol  MICHAEL format, Dublin Core simple Technical platform

22 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia22 / 26 Distributed architecture

23 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia23 / 26 Surfing Michael

24 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia24 / 26 Surfing Michael

25 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia25 / 26 Surfing Michael

26 TEL-ME-MOR Regional Expert Workshop 18-19 May 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia26 / 26 Thank you for your attention!

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