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Never doubt that a small, committed team of people can change the world: Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead.

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Presentation on theme: "Never doubt that a small, committed team of people can change the world: Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Never doubt that a small, committed team of people can change the world: Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

2  Name, Club and size  I am proud to be a Rotarian because.... Strategy: Partner Report


4 Ortono, ItalyKihei, Maui

5 Service above Self To put the world in perspective, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first put our hearts right. Confucius

6 Workbook Pages – 89-104 Question for consideration: - What does Rotary International expect/ask of the clubs regarding membership? - Strategy: Say something

7  Set an expectation of membership growth and retention  Choose a strong, proactive Membership chair  Together, build a membership team with specialized functions  Implement ideas that will sustain membership growth, year over year, with a strong foundation being member engagement

8 Leadership is a process of bringing out the best in yourself and others. The Leadership Challenge James Kouzes & Barry Posner

9 Workbook (p.96) – Club Membership Profile What trends do we see? What might we do by sharing collective wisdom and experience?

10 Membership Worksheet (p. 94) – Part 1  Vision for my club in 2019  Consider: Kristi Govertsen’s presentation - 3 ideas/suggestions I can use for my Club prior to June 30, 2014  If I could change one thing about membership in Rotary and/or my Club, I would….

11  Consider people inducted and people who left your Club a) What were your surprises? b) Of those who left – do you know why? If so, how? c) Is your Club growing or declining in numbers? Key ideas: Keeping members engaged Learning Partners

12  Goal: 3% growth per year to boost membership to 1.3 million members by 2015  Specific actions for all Clubs a) build engagement of members b) attract members c) charter one new club per district, per year We are all in this together.

13  Progress on learning objectives  Attracting new members: Share one key idea with a new learning partner

14  Considerations for building membership (P. 97)  Club Membership Health Check Up (pp. 98 & 99)  Case studies (pp. 101-104)

15 Membership Worksheet (p. 94)  Consider: - Kristi Govertsen’s Presentation - Ideas from this session - Support network and critical friends  Record 3 key actions to take between now and June 30, 2014

16  3 – strengths of our membership  2- areas for focus  1 idea to attract new members Concept: Board or Club Assembly

17 Share an action you plan to take The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Ghandi

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