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Student Teaching Secrets by Nancy Falkenbach & Jamie Horvath.

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2 Student Teaching Secrets by Nancy Falkenbach & Jamie Horvath

3 Professional Expectations

4 Attendance Arrival / Dismissal times - 10 minutes before & after coop teacher Promptness Conferences, faculty meetings, team meetings, IEP meetings

5 Absences Need to call: - Coop Teacher - Supervisor - Office of Field Experience Complete S.T. Excuse Form & have it signed More than 3 absences (may need to make up days) Must make sure lesson plans & manuals are in school Follow the district calendar

6 Attire Dress to impress (even if casual environment) Check in mirror – not too revealing, too tight, or too short

7 Body Language First impressions count! Smile Avoid eye rolling, sighing, sleeping, laying head down, etc.

8 Communication Use proper grammar – avoid slang Address Coop Teacher as Mr. or Mrs. Use your 1 st and last name when introduced to faculty

9 Faculty Room & Meetings Fit in & blend – don’t come on too strong or seem arrogant Filter what you say Be engaged but limit your opinions Remember you are not talking to your friends.

10 Lesson Planning

11 Time Frames You MUST turn lesson plans in on time to Coop Teacher – NO EXCUSES! 1 or 2 days prior to teaching the lesson Get involved ASAP! Prepare an introductory lesson to teach the 1 st week Day 2 Introductory Lesson (Ex: Acrostic Poem, Icebreaker, Game)

12 Lesson Format Follow ESU lesson format (yet be flexible to show your computer & teaching skills) Use the FULL lesson plan format for all lessons until Coop Teacher tells you otherwise – don’t rush block planning

13 Lesson Plan Ideas Find out subjects you’ll start teaching right way – begin to prepare (wise to put unit together) Run ideas by Coop ahead of time to get their input before writing lesson plans (ex: games, projects, crafts) Always be familiar with content material in lesson plans

14 “Bag of Tricks” Going from method classes to reality Vary use of instructional strategies (ex: jigsaw, think-pair-share, graphic organizers, numbered heads, etc.) Use mailbox magazine & internet

15 Time Management Look at the “big picture” Determine how to cover the curriculum within the given timeframes Know the important elements of the lesson for students to learn

16 Bulletin Boards Topic should relate to content and/or school events Be CREATIVE! – make more than 1 Show student work Try to “WOW” faculty, parents, students Take pictures of what you make

17 Portfolio Gather data throughout S.T. experiences (ex: student work & assessments) Take pictures – bring your own camera (ex: you working w/students, bulletin boards, projects, etc.) Start writing your philosophy of teaching, classroom management and teaching strategies – helps with interviewing process

18 Video Taping We are our hardest critics Open your eyes to not only what can be improved, but what went well Send permission slips home prior to taping

19 Reflective Journal Complete reflections ASAP after teaching lesson – good “next step” Share reflections with Coop Teacher / it’s okay to say what didn’t work Keep up with reflections so you don’t get behind

20 Reminders Show your Coop how good you are so that they invite the principal or vice principal to observe you teaching Letters of recommendation are earned & not guaranteed

21 Top 10 Secrets No One Wants to Tell Student Teachers

22  Know your ESU Student Teaching Guide better than your Coop Teacher.  You really don’t need your cell phone on during the school day.  Don’t introduce yourself to faculty members as Mr. or Mrs. ________.  Be cautious of school lunches. They may have all the food groups but not a lot of taste.  Park as far away from the building as you can because the closest spaces are usually for the secretaries.

23  If you are using the copier and a line forms behind you, get off immediately!  Whatever your Coop loves – so do you!  Don’t use excuses. Be honest. My dog ate my homework shouldn’t be replaced by my computer crashed last night.  If you think your student teaching semester is easier than PDS semester than you’re not working hard enough.  You’re not entering teaching for the money or for the summers off!

24 Final Thoughts Your entering the Real World and it’s not on MTV. The more prepared you are during S.T. experience the more confidence you will have teaching. S.T. is your time to shine & the gateway of opportunity to the beginning of your career.

25 Remember you’ve chosen a path to inspire children and make a difference in their lives. Good Luck!

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