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Chapter 2:.  Come up to board and write the number of different types of social media YOU have used TODAY  If you are male, please use a blue marker.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2:.  Come up to board and write the number of different types of social media YOU have used TODAY  If you are male, please use a blue marker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2:

2  Come up to board and write the number of different types of social media YOU have used TODAY  If you are male, please use a blue marker  If you are female, please use a black marker

3  Let’s randomly form groups of 3 or 4, learn each other’s names (you will need to introduce them when we share out, so be sure you know their names)  Your group has 3 minutes to discuss/choose a graphical representation that would make sense to use with this data. You must explain why you chose that particular graphical representation  Your group will have 1 minute to report out

4  Dot plots  Stem (and leaf) plots  Histograms  Box plots (later...)  (and much later)... Density curves, scatter plots, least-squares regression lines, Normal probability plots, etc.  Why didn’t I list pie charts or bar graphs?

5 We always label & scale our graphical representations We always use technology (absolutely no need to create graphical representations by hand)

6  Dot plot... What’s good about dot plots? What’s not so good?  Histogram... What’s good about histograms? What’s not so good?


8  Stem (and leaf) plots... What’s good about stem plots? What’s not so good?

9  Come up to the board and write:  # of piercings you have (use blue marker if male; black marker if female)  Total # of pets you have ever had (any color marker)

10  Create a different graphical representation for each. Discuss why you chose that graphical representation for the particular data set to the person you are sitting next to. You have 5 minutes.

11  No matter which GR you created with this data set, how could you describe your GR?  What types of characteristics might we consider when trying to describe the graph of this data?

12 S – Shape. Symmetric? Skewed? Uni-Modal, bi-modal, tri-modal, multi-modal? O– Outlier(s) Is/are there unusually large or small values that are “away” from the majority of the rest of the data? C – Center What is the “typical*” value of the distribution/data? S – Spread Typically/on average*, how far apart or close together is the data/distribution? * Different types of ‘averages’ and ‘typical’. Will discuss further and in detail soon.

13  Lets look at our piercing data with a histogram, dot plot, & stem plot; & describe the distribution using SOCS  Now with a partner, create a graphical representation (your choice) with either # pets data or # social media data (or both if you have time). You have 5 minutes.  Be prepared to do a 1-minute share out as I will randomly call on a few pairs to share out

14  Write on the board your favorite social media, the type of first pet you had, & where your favorite/only body piercing is (keep it “G” rated please)  Use a black marker if you are 25 years or younger  Use a blue marker if you are 26 – 40 years old  Use a green marker if you are 41 + years old

15  Favorite social media, the type of first pet you had, & where your favorite/only body piercing is (keep it “G” rated please)

16  Bar (Charts) Graphs (caution. Very different from histograms. Why?)  Pie Charts  BIG IDEA... the same... visualizing data can be helpful in observing trends  Whether categorical or numerical, always good to graph your data

17  Using our favorite social media data, input into Minitab  Use two columns: 1 for the name of the social media for a given person; and the other for the corresponding gender for that given person  Create a bar graph AND a pie chart using (for now) just the column with the social media data

18  Enter 1 st pet & piercing location into Minitab  Create a bar graph & a pie chart for each of the following data sets: 1 st pet & piercing location  We will randomly choose several of you to share out. You have 5 minutes. Help each other out!







25  Form groups randomly (how would we like to do this?)  In your group, answer the ‘Before the Activity’ questions (one paper per group; include all names)  Gather your data, then write it on board; let’s use blue marker for male; black for female  Input all data from class into Minitab

26  Do “After the Activity;” follow all directions  1-2 paragraph write up answering questions asked in ‘After the Activity;” also include justification of the group’s choice of graphs  Include the actual graphs & numerical analysis (SOCS) of data/graphs (from Minitab)  All members of group must contribute  Maximum points possible: 30 project points.

27  HW quiz on...

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