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GladiatorBread &CircusesTaxesSlaves 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 GladiatorBread &CircusesTaxesSlaves 10 20 30 40 50

3 Question 1 - 10 If it actually was a real event, the Trojan War was probably fought for what reason?

4 Answer 1 – 10 Expanding Greek economic/trade interests to Asia Minor and the Black Sea.

5 Question 1 - 20 In ancient Greece, the hereditary landholding elite often held the ruling power. In the Roman Empire, they were called the Patrician class, but we call this kind of rule?

6 Answer 1 – 20 Aristocracy

7 Question 1 - 30 Some Spartan women had the responsibility of running the family’s estate/home because?

8 Answer 1 – 30 Frequent warfare kept Spartan men away from home

9 Question 1 - 40 Greece’s victory over the Persians in the Persian wars caused them to believe…?

10 Answer 1 – 40 Greeks became more convinced of their own uniqueness (better gods, government, soldiers, etc.).

11 Question 1 - 50 What Greek philosopher was forced to drink poison hemlock?

12 Answer 1 – 50 Socrates

13 Question 2 - 10 The Greek philosopher Socrates was forced to drink poisonous hemlock because?

14 Answer 2 – 10 People felt he was corrupting the youth and angering the gods by questioning them.

15 Question 2 - 20 What was the result of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta?

16 Answer 2 – 20 It ended Athens attempt to form and lead a Greek empire

17 Question 2 - 30 Alexander the Great first conquered Egypt, before continuing all the way to India, because?

18 Answer 2 – 30 It provided him with a reliable source of food (wheat) to feed his empire and his army.

19 Question 2 - 40 Alexander the Great left what lasting impact on the area that he conquered?

20 Answer 2 – 40 Spread Greek culture throughout the ancient world and assimilated things from conquered cultures into the Greek culture.

21 Question 2 - 50 The Mycenaean and Minoan Greek people made their living primarily how?

22 Answer 2 – 50 Sea traders

23 Question 3 - 10 Both Plato and Aristotle distrusted democracy because they?

24 Answer 3 – 10 Felt that it lead to selfish mob rule, and had led to the death of one of the greatest philosophers ever.

25 Question 3 - 20 Athens differed from Sparta in that it?

26 Answer 3 – 20 Placed emphasis on learning and democracy and Sparta favored warfare.

27 Question 3 - 30 Alexander the great extended his empire as far east as?

28 Answer 3 – 30 India

29 Question 3 - 40 In the early roman republic, members of the landholding upper class were called?

30 Answer 3 – 40 Patricians

31 Question 3 - 50 Most conquered people remained loyal to Rome because?

32 Answer 3 – 50 Rome allowed some of them to become citizens and keep their own beliefs.

33 Question 4 - 10 In the Punic wars, Rome gained control of lands around the Mediterranean Sea by defeating who? (Remember Punicus is Latin for Phoenician)?

34 Answer 4 – 10 The Carthaginians

35 Question 4 - 20 After dividing the Roman Empire into the eastern and western empire, Emperor Diocletian chose to rule which side and why?

36 Answer 4 – 20 The eastern half because it was the wealthiest, controlling the Nile, Egypt, and the end of the silk road.

37 Question 4 - 30 Large numbers of Germanic people crossed into the lands of the Roman empire in the late 300’s to escape?

38 Answer 4 – 30 Invading Huns led by Attila

39 Question 4 - 40 During the early republic, why was it important that Roman laws were written on 12 tablets/table in the Forum and shown to the public?

40 Answer 4 – 40 Plebeians could defend themselves from false accusations of violating the law.

41 Question 4 - 50 The ancient Romans developed/assimilated most of their art and architecture from?

42 Answer 4 – 50 Greek culture

43 Question 5 - 10 Who was the great Carthaginian general who nearly defeated the Romans in the Second Punic War with his surprise elephant attack?

44 Answer 5 – 10 Hannibal

45 Question 5 - 20 Julius Caesar’s enemies assassinated him because?

46 Answer 5 – 20 They feared he planned to make himself king/emperor of Rome, ending their Republic.

47 Question 5 - 30 Why did Roman Emperor Augustus order a census of the Roman empire (the Christian Christmas Story)?

48 Answer 5 – 30 So there would be records of all who should be taxed throughout the empire.

49 Question 5 - 40 The Romans used their engineering skills to build what bridge like H20 carriers?

50 Answer 5 – 40 Aqueducts that carried water into cities

51 Question 5 - 50 What important change did the Roman emperor Constantine make in regards to religion?

52 Answer 5 – 50 He granted religious toleration to Christians, ending persecution.

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