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University of Hull Mentors’ Meetings March 2015. PGCE Final Placement Induction: Week beginning 23 rd March. Block placement completes Thursday25 th June.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Hull Mentors’ Meetings March 2015. PGCE Final Placement Induction: Week beginning 23 rd March. Block placement completes Thursday25 th June."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Hull Mentors’ Meetings March 2015

2 PGCE Final Placement Induction: Week beginning 23 rd March. Block placement completes Thursday25 th June Review Grade A: Friday 8th May –Joint observation Partnership Meeting: Tues 19 th May Scarb campus 1:30 -3:30pm C18 Weds 20 th May The Lawns 1:30 – 3:30 Thurs 21 st May Oakridge primary 1:30 – 3:30pm. Y2 Paired Placement Induction : Week beginning 13 th April Block placement completes Friday 12 th June. Review Grade A: Friday 1 st May– Joint observation Partnership Meeting: Tues 19 th May Scarb campus 1:30 – 3:30 C18 Weds 20 th May 10 – 12pm The Lawns Thurs 21 st May Oakridge primary 1:30 – 3:30pm.

3 PGCE Final Placement Review Grade B: Friday 5 th June Potential external visit: Early Years Thurs 4 th or Fri 5 th June. 5 – 11 Mon 22 nd June Final Grade: Joint obs & TDP completion Early Years Weds 17 th June Primary 5 – 11 Thurs 25 th June Y2 Paired placement Review Grade B: Friday 22 nd May Potential external visit: Weds 3 rd or Thurs 4 th June. Final Grade: Joint obs & TDP completion Friday 12 th June.

4 Placement Handbook and Overview – provides guidance for the placement with the key activities and teaching percentage requirements. University expectations – in terms of trainee monitoring and assessment, review grades and details of key dates. Revised documentation – procedures for weekly review meetings, lesson evaluations and cause for concern procedures.

5 PGCE Early Years (3 -7) Programme Director – Julie Brierley School Experience Co- ordinator – Caroline Lundy PGCE Primary (5-11) Programme Director – Richard English School Experience Co-ordinator – Charlotte Garbutt Y2 BA Primary Teaching UG Programme Director – Sue Pierce. School Experience Coordinator –Kay Fraser Placement Tutors designated by the area for supervision. PAT – Partnership Area Tutor designated by area. Within school, Mentor and Class Teacher

6 Google – Hull Primary Partnership Handbook Contact details Dates Documents

7  Information in front of handbook  Conform to school discipline system  Inform school of absence, leave message at University – repeated for each day of absence.  Maintain record of attendance

8  Agree when and where with trainee at start.  Private, uninterrupted, appropriate length of time.  Questions - how do they know? What evidence? What is the impact on pupils re children’s learning and progress?  Weekly meeting and review form – handbook and web page.  Trainee to complete relevant sections of form. Consider personal progress, own subject knowledge, impact of training, pupil progress.  Weekly meeting and review form - focus for discussion and targets.

9  Progress of trainee in meeting their previous week’s targets and their annotation of the TDP.  Trainee’s evaluations from own perspective, key successes and personal progress including lesson observations.  Overall progress made by the children.  Future targets and the actions required to meet these.

10  Trainees annotation of the progress against all standards each week prior to the weekly review.  Mentors refer to the graded criteria booklets.  Focus is on all 8 standards in professional discussions and meetings.

11  Trainee will have a file with designated weekly sections.  Discuss with the trainee how the responsibility for assessment will build up over the placement.  Trainee should be encouraged to use school’s systems and procedures for assessment from the beginning in order to track children’s progress both during individual lessons and over time.  Any concerns contact your placement tutor.

12 Two joint observations will take place.  The initial visit to inform grades for review point A.  Completion of partnership QA information.  Second visit mid way through placement to be arranged to inform Review point B if possible.  The final joint observation to inform final grades and completion of TDP.

13  Attendance at Partnership meetings mid way through placement. An opportunity to liaise with the placement tutor discuss progress, concerns and plan ahead. To be part of the consultation process for partnership.  Communication is key act early in identifying where there is concern and follow procedure for RSI.

14  Raise with your Placement Tutor as soon as possible.  Placement Tutor informs School Experience Coordinator.  Decisive action in terms of the ‘RSI flowchart.’ implementation of the requires significant improvement procedure.  Actions decided, Placement Tutor liaises with the school.  Outcome monitored by Placement Tutor and School Experience Coordinator.  Handbooks contain further information.


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