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Ancient Greece Foundations of the Western World. Geography Very mountainous Polis-city & surrounding villages & fields Developed independently Often fought.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Foundations of the Western World. Geography Very mountainous Polis-city & surrounding villages & fields Developed independently Often fought."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece Foundations of the Western World

2 Geography Very mountainous Polis-city & surrounding villages & fields Developed independently Often fought each other Athens & Sparta

3 Time Period Three Major Periods (remember the sequence don’t worry about the actual dates) Archaic ◦3000 BCE Minoans (Crete) ◦1400 BCE Mycenaean (Mainland) Classical ◦800 BCE City-states (Athens & Sparta) ◦490 BCE Greco-Persian wars start ◦431 BCE Peloponnesian Wars (Athens vs. Sparta) Hellenistic (spread & blending of Greek culture around the Mediterranean) ◦359 BCE Philip II of Macedonia conquers Greece ◦331 BCE Alexander the Great  Establishes empire that includes Greece, Egypt, Persia, Mesopotamia and reaches all the way to India)  ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT


5 Minoans (Bet you didn’t know!) Crete, first Greek power, very advanced Developed system of piping in hot/cold water Had indoor toilets that flushed Three story structures with multiple rooms Colorful buildings with heated floors



8 Classical Greece: The State vs. the Individual AthensSparta Believed the state was meant to protect individual rights (individuals did have responsibilities to the state) Democracy-all citizens voted (only about ½ of men were citizens) Developed art, philosophy, music Believed individuals belonged to the state Oligarchy-rule by a few (in this case two kings & elders) Military society Women were educated and had many rights

9 Sparta Practiced eugenics (selective breeding) Boys raised by military after age of 7 Helots- slaves that did all the work Helped prevent Persians from taking over Greece Fought Athens twice

10 Athens Educational and cultural center Pericles- leader between Persian & Peloponnesian Wars encouraged the democracy, philosophy & the arts Art, architecture, & philosophy influenced many other cultures

11 Art: Idealized, focus on humans

12 Architecture

13 Literature History ◦Thucydides ◦Herodotus Homer ◦The Iliad ◦The Odyssey

14 Socrates Socrates was a philosopher of Ancient Greece. A philosopher is someone who tries to explain the nature of life. Socrates taught by asking questions. This method of questioning is still called the Socratic method.

15 Plato Plato was a student of Socrates. He started a school called The Academy. Plato’s writing took the form of a dialogue between teacher and student.

16 Aristotle Aristotle was another Greek philosopher and student of Plato. Believed all aspects of life should be studied. He wrote about science, art, law, poetry, physics, ethics, and government.

17 Religion Polytheistic (many gods) Strongly influenced Roman beliefs Zeus, head god Olympians Lots of lesser gods and half-gods

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19 Alexander and his Army

20 Alexander’s Empire

21 After Alexander’s death his empire broke into four regions ◦Greece ◦Ptolemy (Egypt) ◦Seleucus (Far East) ◦Pergamon (Asia Minor)

22 Greek Achievements and Legacy How they influenced other parts of the world and lasting effect on the world today

23 Architecture

24 The Liberal Arts: The foundation of knowledge Sciences- laid foundation for many modern sciences like anatomy, botany, and zoology Math- Pythagoras Medicine- Hippocrates “Father of Medicine” Alphabet

25 Government & Philosophy Democracy Socrates- “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Aristotle- we should study the origins of life (led to sciences) Focus on humanity & individuals

26 Odds & Ends Olympics Theatre- invented plays with dialogue, tension and emotion (tragedy & comedy) Language- modern English contains thousands of words with Greek origins (ask your English teachers!)

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