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Negotiations Update 2 UGFA Bargaining Team Scott Gillies (Chief Negotiator), Scott Colwell, Mary DeCoste, Sue Hubers, David Josephy, Herb Kunze NEGOTIATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "Negotiations Update 2 UGFA Bargaining Team Scott Gillies (Chief Negotiator), Scott Colwell, Mary DeCoste, Sue Hubers, David Josephy, Herb Kunze NEGOTIATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Negotiations Update 2 UGFA Bargaining Team Scott Gillies (Chief Negotiator), Scott Colwell, Mary DeCoste, Sue Hubers, David Josephy, Herb Kunze NEGOTIATIONS Thursday June 26, 2014

2 TODAY’S AGENDA Bargaining Overview Issues tentatively signed off Issues under negotiation Outstanding issues Q&A; Strategy

3 TEAM –Scott Gillies (Library, Chief Negotiator) –Scott Colwell (MCS, CBE) –Mary DeCoste (SOLAL, COA) –Sue Hubers (UGFA) –David Josephy (MCB, CBS) –Herb Kunze (Math/Stats, CPES)

4 PROGRESS of Bargaining Milestones April 28, 2014 – Start of Bargaining June 12, 2014 – Spring provincial election June 30 2014 – Contract expiry No. of Meetings = too many (Hours at Table = Lots)

5 PROGRESS of Bargaining (2) Few words on bargaining –Bargaining is an iterative process –Complex and very detailed process –Deal is not done until ALL outstanding issues settled

6 UGFA OBJECTIVES 1.Strengthen Collegial Governance 2.Defend Members’ Job Security 3.Propose Innovative Solutions for Long-Term Pension Sustainability 4. Bargain Fair Compensation 5.Workload: Strengthen Safeguards and Increase Transparency 6.Improve T&P/CAP Processes 7.Correct Collective Agreement Processes

7 Areas of Tentative Agreement (1) Association Rights (Article 6) Copies of the Agreement (Article 10) Chairs/Lib Admin Appointments (Article 20/27) Investigations and Discipline (Article 39) Tenure and Promotion (Article 21)* *Changes from 21 will be built in to CAP Articles for Libs and Vets (Articles 28/33)

8 Areas of Tentative Agreement (2) LOUs: –LOU #1 – CUPE teaching –LOU #5 – Sick Leave –LOU #7 - Teaching of Prof. Staff –LOU #8 - Human Rights & Health and Safety –Others

9 Making Progress (1) Working Conditions (Article 17) –Software and technology Privacy Need to consult Email Workload – scheduling concerns for Libs & Vets (Articles 25/31) Framework Agreement on Pension Reform (LOU)

10 Pause –Our Team believes that: the University Admin’s proposals began as the most regressive and punitive proposals that have ever been tabled to UGFA

11 Where we are stuck (1) Article 24* –Right to lay off UGFA Members under program reorganization still on table!!! *Transfers, Redeployment or Buyouts of Faculty and Librarian Members Due to Restructuring or Academic Program Reorganization

12 Where we are stuck (2) Related… Complement language (Art. 15) Proposed to retain current level of faculty, librarians and veterinarians Management rights (Article 5)

13 Where we are stuck (3) Admin Compensation (Article 53) –ATB = 0% / 0.75% / 0.75% –NO Career Increments (All Merit based) –Merit awards given (then taken away!) > “Good is the new Bad” –Small increases for promotion –Agreed on small increases to PDR and Chairs’ Stipends

14 Where we are stuck (4) And also… Study/Research Leave –15% cut in pay for Study/Research Leaves after first leave (Articles 22 / 53) Vacation –Claw back up to two weeks of carry-forward

15 Where we are stuck (5) And further… Benefits Clarified no ‘take-backs’ on current benefits; but saying ‘no’ to improvements Pension Members pay more in contribution increases (capped at 0.5% / yr)

16 Where we are stuck (6) UGFA compensation proposals: –Salary Modeled on University-announced budget projections (2-3%/annum) 2.5% increase / yr in each of two years Maintain current salary structure Improve career increment to ON comparator standards (median award to $3K)

17 Where we are stuck (7) UGFA compensation proposals: –Benefits Modest improvements (tuition waiver, vision, dental, paramedical caps, LTD) –Pension Members will not pay more until we have Joint Governance of our pension plan! OCUFA study demonstrates we are at 50/50 sharing

18 Where we are stuck (8) Faculty Workload –Admin: Right to assign teaching in third semester (limit 1 course) for 70% DOE (tent. agreed) –Must be given 1 R&D semester over 2 year period Assignment of scheduling (tent. Agreed) Right to change DOEs (specific conditions) (not agreed)

19 Where we are stuck (9) Faculty Workload (cont’d) –UGFA: Assignment of courses and TA (tent. agreed) Clinical faculty (tent. agreed) Right to choose teaching evaluation methods and release of info (not agreed) Dept. workload norms (not agreed)

20 QUESTIONS - APPROVAL Summary – We need your support and help to get a fair agreement! Questions; Discussion

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