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ANCIENT INDIA. Indus Valley Civilization 2500 B.C.E Developed along the Indus River in modern- day Pakistan Their cities were planned out and included.

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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT INDIA. Indus Valley Civilization 2500 B.C.E Developed along the Indus River in modern- day Pakistan Their cities were planned out and included."— Presentation transcript:


2 Indus Valley Civilization 2500 B.C.E Developed along the Indus River in modern- day Pakistan Their cities were planned out and included sewage systems. Harappa was their most famous city

3 Aryans Invade the Indus Valley 1500 B.C.E Indo-European Aryans from Caspian Sea area Developed a Caste System Brought their religion to India based upon a sacred text-The Vedas Hinduism developed over time Hindus work to achieve moksha or complete understanding of the universe Reincarnation occurs and karma follows to the next life.

4 Buddhism Develops Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)-developed Buddhism in the 500s B.C.E Searched for enlightenment, or wisdom to end suffering The Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path/Middle Way Nirvana-release from selfishness and pain.

5 The Mauryan Empire, Asoka, and the Gupta Empire Chandragupta Maurya united India by 303 B.C.E Asoka-Maurya’s grandson became India’s greatest king and spread Buddhism across India. Religious Toleration The Gupta Empire- “Golden Age” experienced profit from trade and achievements in the arts, science, and religious thought.


7 Chinese Dynasties Ancient China was characterized by dynasties-series of rulers from same family The Zhou Dynasty was one of the earliest (1027-256 B.C.E) Farmers btw. Huang He and Chiang Jiang Rivers Developed the Mandate of Heaven Dynastic Cycle

8 Confucianism Develops Confucius (551-479 B.C.E)-China’s greatest philosopher Developed a moral code to live by. Five Relationships Filial Piety-respect for parents and ancestors Stressed education Created a bureaucracy, or trained civil service for the government.

9 The Qin Dynasty (221-202 B.C.E) Founded by Shi Huangdi, “First Emperor.” Unified China through conquest Harsh ruler; centralized autocracy Burned Confucian texts Built the Great Wall of China

10 The Han Dynasty (202 B.C.E-220 C.E.) Expanded under Emperor Wudi, “The Martial Emperor” Increased trade by building silk roads across China Created a Bureaucracy with civil service jobs Examination System based upon Confucianism Spread Chinese thought Technology (paper)

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