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TEKNOLOGI IKERTEGIA TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dependable applications for DeSIRE (Pisa 25-26 November 2002) A.R.Olano/Ikerlan

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Presentation on theme: "TEKNOLOGI IKERTEGIA TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dependable applications for DeSIRE (Pisa 25-26 November 2002) A.R.Olano/Ikerlan"— Presentation transcript:

1 TEKNOLOGI IKERTEGIA TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dependable applications for DeSIRE (Pisa 25-26 November 2002) A.R.Olano/Ikerlan

2 To promote, share and activate research of ‘SotA’ applicable solutions and methods oriented to obtain more performing and dependable electronic embedded systems in the SMEs product innovation process. Objectives of the proposed cooperation in DeSIRE:

3 Created in 1974, in the heart of MCC. (Co-operative enterprises + MEP + CL) Private not-for-profit institution. Centre backed by the Basque Government since 1982. (Collaboration Agreement) Member of EITE, FEDIT and EARTO. Ikerlan PROFILE

4 To help strengthen the innovative capacity of industry to improve its competitiveness on the international stage, by means of: Technology scanning. Assimilation and generation of knowledge. Transfer of state-of-the-art technology to companies, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). MISSION

5 FUNDING Investigación Genérica Generic Research Concerted public finance Investigación Genérica Contracted Research Selling services finance Generic projects Contracted projects

6 TECHNOLOGICAL AREAS Design and production processes Advanced Design and Production Models Strategical Innovation Models Information Technologies Energy Combustion Technologies Electrotechnology Alternative Generation Systems Mechanical DesignElectronicsControl Engineering Sensors Product development Mechanical EngineeringMicrosystemsSoftware Technologies Communications Product Engineering Power Electronics

7 RANGE OF SERVICES  New product development. From design to prototype.  Rationalisation, simplification and automation of design and manufacturing processes. Consulting and feasibility studies. Joint participation with companies in international R&D programmes. Technological Dissemination.

8 IKERLAN 2001 Income 12.598.986 € Contracted research 70% Generic research 30% Investment 2.669.827 € Work force:  Staff 187 5-year degree holders 68% 3-year degree holders 11%  Scholarship Holders 41

9 CLIENT SECTORS Electronics and computing 17% Domestic Appliances 32% Automation 6% Others 9% Capital Goods 36%

10 IKUSI (E) Ikusi is a leading company in the field of electronics, IT and telecommunications with four differentiated business units: -High Frequency -Public Information systems -Remote Control -Facility Management Companies linked to Ikerlan with common R+D work interest

11 ORONA (E): The ORONA Group currently amounts to a consolidated business that stands as the Spanish leading company in the lift industry and as an outstanding supplier of technology and materials on the international scene. ORONA offers products and services capable of meeting every demand for vertical transportation, however tough the design, safety and performance specifications might be. Companies linked to Ikerlan with common R+D work interest

12 Companies linked to Ikerlan with common R+D work interest FAGOR AUTOMATION (E) manufactures motion equipment and systems for industrial machines. It targets industrial sectors such as aerospace, naval construction, railroad, automotive, mold making, machine manufacturing, and others. The company manufactures CNC controls for machine tools, motion control feedback equipment (linear and rotary transducers), digital servo systems and digital readout (DRO) units.

13 INGELECTRIC-TEAM (E) is an Applied Engineering and Control Equipment company. It was founded in 1972 and its main activities include implementation of complete "turn key" automation projects and developing and supplying devices and process control systems. Activities: organized into three business areas: Systems for Industry, Systems for Energy, Control Device Unit. Systems for Industry Systems for Energy Control Device Unit Companies linked to Ikerlan with common R+D work interest

14 OSATU, S.COOP (E) :Since it was set up in 1980, has been engaged in the development, manufacture and marketing of electro medical equipment in the cardiology field. Over this time, the company has demonstrated a genuine vocation for product research and development, as well as international marketing. At present the company is in an accelerated specialization process in the defibrillation field. Companies linked to Ikerlan with common R+D work interest

15 (Horizon 2010) – Generic and Ad-hoc Fault-Tolerant strategies – Simulation environments for Redundant Architectures – Reliability Assesment – Test Environments and Fault Injection Tools – Certification Research Topics of Common Interest

16 – PLC Redundant Architecture – Elevator Control – Defibrilator – Numerical Control – Electronic Voting Machines Some of the potential application cases for DeSIRE

17 Industrial PLC Remote CAN Arbiter Master I/O+CAN Industrial PC Architecture, CompactPCI enabling 'hot swapping' of electronic boards. Real Time Embedded Software. (Static) CPUs Redundancy.

18 Elevator Control

19 Defibrilator

20 CNC 8070

21 Electronic Voting System

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