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Progress Report of DK group University of Kragujevac Technical faculty ^a~ak - Danijela Milo{evi}, Faculty of mechanical engineering - Goran Deved`i}

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report of DK group University of Kragujevac Technical faculty ^a~ak - Danijela Milo{evi}, Faculty of mechanical engineering - Goran Deved`i}"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report of DK group University of Kragujevac Technical faculty ^a~ak - Danijela Milo{evi}, Faculty of mechanical engineering - Goran Deved`i}

2 Technical faculty ^a~ak PROFILES:  graduate engineer of electrical engineering for electroenergetics  graduate engineer of electrical engineering for computer science  graduate engineer of mechatronics  graduate engineer of industrial management  teacher for informatics and technical training

3 Figure DK1: Current situation with Elec.eng.. Curriculum at Technical Faculty Cacak., Univ. Kragujevac,

4 Objective: - spreading of informatics and technical training education in primary and secondary schools Multidiscipline profile introducing students with basics of: mechanical engineering electrical engineering electronics automation computer science Profile : TEACHER FOR INFORMATICS AND TECHNICAL TRAINING

5 Working places teacher of informatics and technical training in primary schools teacher of informatics and technical training in secondary schools data processing jobs in big and small private enterprise

6 General Knowledge Specific engineering knowledge and IT domain knowledge Information Technologies Figure DK2: Relationship between Engineering Knowledge and Information Technologies Knowledge

7 Current curriculum and relationship between IT and Domain Knowledge Information Technologies Specific engineering knowledge Information Technologies Domain Methodics of informatics Computer Graphics CAD/ CAM Systems Computer Integrated Manufacturing Introduction to computer science Programming languages Object-oriented programming Computer architecture and organization Operation systems Computer networks and communication Data bases and structures Information technologies Artificial intelligence Production and information systems

8 New curriculum based on one semester per module

9 Faculty of mechanical engineering Domain Knowledge presentation

10 General Knowledge (2 ½ years) Specific Mechanical Engineering Knowledge (2 ½ years) Figure DK1: Current situation with Mech.Eng. Curriculum at Faculty of Mech.Eng., Univ. Kragujevac, YU – General setting

11 Figure DK2: Current situation with Mech.Eng. Curriculum at Faculty of Mech.Eng., Univ. Kragujevac, YU – Departments setting

12 General Knowledge Specific Mechanical Engineering Knowledge (Information Technologies Domain) Information Technologies Figure DK3: Relationship between Mechanical Engineering Knowledge and Information Technologies Knowledge

13 General Knowledge Information Technologies Computer Programming Figure DK4: Relationship between General Mechanical Engineering Knowledge and Information Technologies Knowledge

14 Information Technologies Specific Mechanical Engineering Knowledge (Information Technologies Domain) CAPP Systems Computer Graphics CAD/CAM Systems CNC Technologies Computer Integrated Manufacturing Integrated Product Development Computational Methods for Design Analysis Computer Aided Simulation, Optimization and Testing Information Systems Data Bases Object-Oriented Programming Internet Technologies Intelligent Systems / Artificial Intelligence Soft Computing Algorithms and Data Structures Programming Languages Software Engineering Architecture ofComputers Multimedia Figure DK5: Relationship between Specific Mechanical Engineering Knowledge and Information Technologies Knowledge

15 Questions Is department of informatics appropriate for Faculty of Mechanical Engineering? If yes, should it be organized as separate department starting first year of studies through final year? Or, should it be organized as it is now, providing additional/specific knowledge in informatics required for mechanical engineers only within last two years?

16 Questions () Questions (continued) Which strategy is appropriate to organize syllabus in informatics for Faculty of Mechanical Engineering? Which one is compatible (matching) with Bologna declaration?

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