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ProvideX Data Dictionary & Views System Presented by: Patrizio Lucci.

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Presentation on theme: "ProvideX Data Dictionary & Views System Presented by: Patrizio Lucci."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProvideX Data Dictionary & Views System Presented by: Patrizio Lucci

2 Presentation Overview  Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements  Data Dictionary Object Suite  Views System Enhancements

3 Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Data Dictionary Merge Utility Zlib Compression Type Signed Integer Key Segment Support

4 Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Data Dictionary Merge Utility Available in three forms An interactive utility in Data Dictionary Maintenance Object method of the *dict/database and *dict/pvxdb object Merge (SourceDDF$, SourceTable$, DestinationDDF$, MergeOption$) Merge (SourceDDF$, DestinationDDF$, MergeOption$) Merge (SourceChannel, SourceTable$, DestinationChannel, MergeOption$) Merge (SourceChannel, DestinationChannel, MergeOption$) A callable program CALL “*dict/merge;Merge_Tables”,SourceDDF$,SourceTable$,DestinationDDF$,MergeOption$ CALL “*dict/merge;Merge”,SourceChannel,SourceTable$,DestinationChannel,MergeOption$ All methods and call properties are fully documented in the new ProvideX Data Dictionary Manual

5 Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Data Dictionary Merge Utility Information is organized by data group. Information about the currently selected item

6 Replace Contents Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Data Dictionary Merge Utility

7 Merge Contents Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Data Dictionary Merge Utility

8 Skip Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Data Dictionary Merge Utility

9 Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Zlib Compression ZLib Compression is for VLR and EFF files only Systems must be capable of dynamically loading the ZLib DLL (Windows) or shared library object (UNIX) in order to create physical files that are Zlib Compressed New TCB(195) will return 1 if ZLib support is available

10 Data Dictionary Maintenance Enhancements Signed Integer Key Segment Support Now signed integers will be sorted correctly Solution is flipping the high order bit (Sign bit) on all signed integers in the key segment, which results in the following sort sequence: 0x80000000Largest negative # becomes0x00000000 (Lowest key)... 0xFFFFFFFE negative 2 becomes 0x7FFFFFE 0xFFFFFFFF negative 1 becomes 0x7FFFFFF 0x000000000 zero becomes 0x80000000 0x000000001 one becomes 0x80000001 0x000000002 two becomes 0x80000002... 0x7FFFFFFF highest positive # becomes 0xFFFFFFFF (Highest key)

11 Data Dictionary Object Suite Consists of 3 Main Objects DataBase Creating and maintaining Dictionary information ( providex.ddf and providex.dde ) Basically provides the same functionality as Data Dictionary Maintenance interface PVXdb Creating and maintaining embedded dictionary of your physical file ODBsql, OCIsql or DB2sql New for Version 7 Creating and maintaining relational Data Base information (SqlServer, MySql, Access, Oracle and DB2) All methods and properties are fully documented in the new ProvideX Data Dictionary Manual

12 Control Objects Entity Objects Data Dictionary Object Suite

13 Views Enhancements New Wizard Look SQL Database Support Logic Procedures Free-Form Filters Import/Export Utilities Object Interface for Creating Views New ways to accessing View Data Views Deployment

14 New Wizard Look for Data Source Maintenance Allows for a quicker setup Forces user to follow a proper procedural protocol for creating data sources Go to first panel Previous sequential panel Go to last panel Next sequential panel Views Enhancements

15 SQL Database Support Enables connection to ODBC (Sql Server, MySql, Access),OCI, and DB2 at the client and/or server side Allows for other connection options, such as PSWD=,USER=, etc. Multiple options must be separated by a semi-colon Sort Any Column Case Case sensitive Use upper case Use lower case Views Enhancements Ascending or Descending sequence

16 Indicates the DSN name Drop box selection of valid database types (ODBC, OCI and DB2 Local or Server) Display the defined primary key Supports all OPEN parameters for connecting via ODBC, OCI and DB2 as specified in the ProvideX Language Reference Manual Once connected this drop box will contain a list of available tables SQL Database Support Views Enhancements

17 Drop down list of all columns in table. Specifying case SQL Database Support Views Enhancements This drop down list offers a choice of Ascending or Descending

18 Views Enhancements Logic Procedures Enable you to specify logic to be performed at various levels. You have a overall Initialization, Execution and Close Logic points. Within the Data Source and Views Maintenance you can add Initialization and Close Logic points.

19 1. General Initialization - when initially entering the Views system. 2. General Execution - prior to retrieving/displaying data. 3. View Initialization - when a View is opened via ’open( ) method. 4. Data Source Initialization - when a data source handler is established. 5. Data Source Close - when a data source handler is dropped. 6. View Close - when a View is closed via ’close( ) method. 7. General Close - prior to exiting the Views system. Execution Order Views Enhancements Logic Procedures

20 Access General Logic Procedures Views Enhancements Logic Procedures

21 General Initialization logic when initially entering the Views system General Execution logic prior to retrieving/displaying data. Object Logic to perform these procedures using the methods OnLoad( ), OnClose( ), and OnExecute( ) General Close logic executed prior to exiting the Views system Views Enhancements Logic Procedures

22 Data Source Initialization logic executed when a data source handler is established Data Source Close logic executed when a data source handler is dropped Object Logic to perform these procedures using the methods OnLoad( ), OnClose( ) Views Enhancements Logic Procedures

23 Views Enhancements Logic Procedures Access Logic Procedures View Initialization logic executed when a View is opened via ’open( ) method View Close - when a View is closed via ’close( ) method Object Logic to perform these procedures using the methods OnLoad( ), OnClose( )

24 Views Enhancements Free-Form Filter Expression must evaluate to a zero/non-zero result Zero value would result in a record being excluded Non-zero result would cause a record to be included in the data set. One free-form filter is allowed per View Maximum expression length is 500 characters Filter expression may consist of references to any of the data elements in the View

25 List of columns to assist in building the free-form filter Views Enhancements Free-Form Filter

26 Views Enhancements Import/Export These utilities allow you to merge from one set of View definition files (pvxview.*) into another Exported Views definitions are stored as formatted text files Export file options Purge contents before export (default) Append to pre-existing export file Import utility has a easy to understand tree view with state indicators to deal with duplicate sources

27 Information is organized by data group. Information about the currently selected item Export path and purge options Views Enhancements Import/Export

28 Information is organized by data group. Information about the currently selected item Views Enhancements Import/Export

29 Views Enhancements Object Interface for Creating Views Provides same functionality programmatically, as the interactive Data Source Maintenance and View Maintenance ViewCtl object delegates functionality to subordinate objects to deal with Views, Data Source and Data Group definitions These subordinate objects delegate functionality to deal with Views items, data source items, and relationships ObjID = NEW ("*views/viewctl [,ViewsDirectory$], ERR=stmtref) All methods and properties are fully documented in the Views Version 7 Manual

30 Views Enhancements New Ways to Access View Data You can now programmatically alter a view definition before the data is retrieved This is all possible because you can now pass an object identifier to the View object VCtl=NEW("*views/viewctl",err=DoErr) VCtl'RemoveItem(Vu,"cls_desc") Vu=VCtl'Load("View: Customer") View=NEW("*views/view",VCtl) View'open(Vu) VCtl View View: Customer VCtl

31 ProvideX Developer Views Deployment Client would like to add OrderDate to this view. I will export the view and ftp the text file to the client site. Clients System Web Site with Views Now I just need to Import this view in. Views Enhancements

32 THANK YOU! End of Presentation

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