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Chapter 14 1940 to 1972: Politics, War, and Civil Rights To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 1940 to 1972: Politics, War, and Civil Rights To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 1940 to 1972: Politics, War, and Civil Rights To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.

2 Longs vs Anti-Longs World War II After the War Early Civil Rights of the 1960’s WWII at home

3 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 Team 5 Wager board

4 Long or Anti-Long: Got rid of the deduct system, reformer, stability

5 Anti-Long: Sam Jones score board

6 Long or Anti-Long: Public service commissioner, entertainer, spent a great deal of his term outside Louisiana, scandal free

7 Anti-Long: Jimmie Davis, the Singing Cowboy score board

8 Long or Anti-Long: repealed civil service reforms, state sales tax doubled

9 Earl Long score board

10 Long or Anti-Long: careful accounting of state spending, rejected the order to integrate schools in 1954

11 Anti-Long: Robert Kennon scoreboard

12 Long or Anti-Long: African Americans back on the voting rolls, committed to a state mental hospital

13 Earl Long score board

14 What German leader led Germany out of the depression that plagued the country after WWI?

15 Adolf Hitler score board

16 What event caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

17 The German invasion of Poland score board

18 What event in 1929 impacted the entire world economy?

19 The Great Depression score board

20 What caused economic turmoil in Germany after WWI?

21 The reparations Germany had to pay to other countries score board

22 What event is depicted in the picture above?

23 The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor score board

24 What location did the army choose as the headquarters for military training and maneuvers in 1939?

25 Central Louisiana score board

26 What were new gardens grown during WWII called?

27 Victory Gardens score board

28 What was the result of needing to supply and feed the military during WWII?

29 mandatory rationing score board

30 What was the impact of WWII on Louisiana’s economy?

31 The state experienced economic growth score board

32 What group benefitted the most from industry jobs in Louisiana?

33 African Americans score board

34 What law gave veterans a chance to go to college after the war?

35 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (The G.I. Bill) score board

36 What did African Americans returning home from the war demand?

37 Equality score board

38 What world status did the United States hold by the end of 1945?

39 The United States was the most powerful country in the world score board

40 Why did rural regions in Louisiana gain population and strength during WWII?

41 These areas were used as training locations score board

42 What did women that worked during the war do after the war?

43 Most returned to being housewives and some continued to work score board

44 What did Truman do in 1948 to impact Civil Rights?

45 He ended racial segregation in the Armed Forces score board

46 How was A.P.Tureaud different than the other lawyers the NACCP had used prior?

47 A.P. Tureaud was African-American score board

48 What was the impact of the Baton Rouge Bus Boycott of 1953?

49 It provided a model for other civil rights advocates around the country score board

50 What Supreme Court case overturned “Separate but Equal”?

51 Brown v. Board of Education (1954) score board

52 What event is being depicted in the Norman Rockwell painting above?

53 Ruby Bridges attending a desegregated school score board

54 Why were many surprised that President Johnson signed civil rights legislation?

55 He had always supported segregation in the past score board

56 What Civil Rights Act helped return African Americans to the voting rolls and eliminated poll taxes?

57 Voting Rights Act of 1965 score board

58 What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

59 required that people be given equal access to public facilities regardless of their race score board

60 What Governor between 1964-72 worked hard to create a more racially integrated state?

61 Governor McKeithen score board

62 What Governor started pursuing the votes of African Americans in 1970?

63 Edwin Edwards score board

64 Make your wager on the scoreboard scoreFinal Question

65 What event is depicted in the picture above?

66 The signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 score board

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