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Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved William R. Vaughn.

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1 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved William R. Vaughn

2 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 22 Agenda

3 3 Report Tools Overview Report tools all use client-side report processorReport tools all use client-side report processor  To preview reports under development Do not require connection to Reporting Services catalogDo not require connection to Reporting Services catalog

4 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 4 Report Tools Overview Report “Preview” ProcessorReport “Preview” Processor  Interprets Report Definition Language (RDL) locally  Captures input parameters based on RDL settings  Opens local connection, runs query, returns rowset  Based on user-supplied credentials –Using Windows (SSPI) Authentication –Using prompting dialogs –Using hard-coded SQL Server credentials  Renders report locally  Provides means to deploy (save) report to Reporting Services catalog

5 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 5 Report Tools Overview Assumes report consumers can…Assumes report consumers can…  Choose from pre-written or deployed reports  Create reports from whole cloth  Edit existing Reporting Services or local RDL-based report SQL Server CatalogLocal System Files MyReport.RDL Save, Load

6 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 6 Report Tools Overview Assumes report developers can…Assumes report developers can…  Select appropriate data source  Reporting Services cataloged or local (report-based)  Choose appropriate report row source…  Table, View, SQL query, stored procedure  Create SQL query to return row source  Layout/customize report using report wizard or by hand  Be granted rights to save changed/new reports to server  Be granted rights to access data referenced by queries

7 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 7 Report Tools Overview Exceptions passed to end-userExceptions passed to end-user  Assumes users are data access/report developers…

8 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 8 Report Tools Overview Require end-user trainingRequire end-user training You’ll need to document…You’ll need to document…  Available report row sources  Accessible views, stored procedures, tables  Query techniques, discipline  Report customization techniques  Operational characteristics  First-time delay  Performance tips  Exception handling

9 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 9 Report Tools Overview Business Intelligence Development Suite (BIDS)Business Intelligence Development Suite (BIDS)  SQL Server 2005-2008R2  Hosted on Visual Studio shells since 2008  Included with SQL Server 9

10 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 10 Report Tools Overview SQL Server Data ToolsSQL Server Data Tools  Included with SQL Server 2012 and later  Hosted in Visual Studio 2010, 2012  Free download Visual Studio ReportViewer ToolsVisual Studio ReportViewer Tools  Included in non-free versions of Visual Studio 10

11 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 11 Tip: Working with Reports Using stored procedures instead of SQLUsing stored procedures instead of SQL  Procedures are not exposed in pick list  Users must name procedure… not the parameters  Procedure must define default values for all parameters  Be sure to Refresh Fields in DataSet once wizard is done  To populate the Parameters collection in RDL Provides a standard (and safe) reference to dataProvides a standard (and safe) reference to data  Not subject to user-induced SQL injection attacks

12 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 12 Tip: Forcing Currency Display To force reports to show correct currency symbolTo force reports to show correct currency symbol  Set the Format property to “C” (currency)  Set the Language property to appropriate language code. 1028 Chinese (Traditional) zh-twYes 1031Germande-deYes 1033EnglishEn-usYes 1036Frenchfr-frYes 1040Italianit-itYes

13 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 13 Agenda

14 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 14 Installation and Configuration SQL Server Data Tools/BIDSSQL Server Data Tools/BIDS  Includes Visual Studio (2010 or 2012) shell  Adds “Business Intelligence” project types  Solutions can include Visual Basic, C# or other code projects  Can contain any number of reports

15 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 15 Installation and Configuration Report BuilderReport Builder  End-user Report management/authoring tool  Total redesign from Report Builder 1.0  No “Report Template” requirement  Manage, Edit, Run Reports  Cataloged in Reporting Services or…  Saved in the client or network file system  Against Reporting Services data sources or…  Local data sources  Customize existing reports  Save RDL back to RS Catalog  Save to local RDL files

16 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 16 Installation and Configuration Report BuilderReport Builder  Assumes installer knows URL path to “Default target server”  For example: http://betavw510w7/ReportServer_SS2K8 http://betavw510w7/ReportServer_SS2K8 Addressing the Reporting Services catalogAddressing the Reporting Services catalog  Catalog is exposed via a web service virtual directory URL  http(s):// /ReportServer$ (before 2008)  http(s):// /ReportServer_ (post 2005)

17 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 17 Installation and Configuration Report Builder 2.0Report Builder 2.0  Use stand-alone MSI (from Microsoft Downloads site)  Change the “Custom Action URL” in SQL Server 2008 SP1  Enables user-invocation of Report Builder on their system…

18 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 18 Installation and Configuration Report Builder 3.0Report Builder 3.0  Use stand-alone MSI (from Microsoft Downloads site)  No need to change the “Custom Action URL”  Enables user-invocation of Report Builder on their system… 2008 R2 Native Mode

19 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 19 Installation and Configuration Report Builder must be enabled on the server…Report Builder must be enabled on the server…  SQL Server Management Studio  Reporting Services Properties SQL Server Management Studio

20 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 20 Installation and Configuration Users launch Report BuilderUsers launch Report Builder  From Report Manager  Or… Start | Run menu post install 2000-2008 Native Mode

21 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 21 Installation and Configuration On Report Builder install…On Report Builder install… Set Report server or SharePoint site…Set Report server or SharePoint site…  Via “Options” button on file management dialog  Use SSL and Report Server host instance name

22 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 22 Agenda

23 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 23 Managing Complex Projects BIDS and SQL Server Data ToolsBIDS and SQL Server Data Tools  Support multiple Solutions, Projects within solutions  Each Project maps to Report Catalog folder (Target Report Folder)

24 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 24 Managing Complex Projects Targeted Reporting Services catalog folders for…Targeted Reporting Services catalog folders for…  Data Sources  Shared Report Parts, Datasets

25 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 25 Managing Complex Projects Targeted Server URLTargeted Server URL  Can change solution properties to change these in bulk Targeted Server VersionTargeted Server Version  Determines RDL (generation) created (2008 or 2010)

26 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 26 International Maps Adding ESRI shapefiles (.shp) to your Visual Studio report projectAdding ESRI shapefiles (.shp) to your Visual Studio report project  Article on steps to locate and incorporate shapefiles: r2-bi-tools r2-bi-tools r2-bi-tools  Location of US and international shapefiles: 

27 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved 27 Agenda

28 Copyright © 2014, 2015 William R. Vaughn All rights reserved Mentoring, training, and technical content for professionals world wide. This presentation is for informational purposes only. William R. Vaughn MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

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